EV Training
A guide created for the sake of others on the topic of EV Training. Please feel free to ask me any questions as you please.
1.0; Introduction
1.1; What Exactly Is It?
1.2; The Advantages You Achieve In Battle
2.0; EV Training
2.1; The Basics
2.2; Harder Things
2.3; Faster EV Training, Deducting EV's
3.0; Misc. Things
3.1; Which Pokemon Give Out What EV's
3.2; Good EV Training Spots
3.3; Frequently Asked Questions
4.0; Credits
1.0 Popular topic here. Everyone wants to learn about the interesting topic of EV training. Many people discuss this topic on forums. Most people do not know the work you have to go through to EV train. Most think it's hard, or it doesn't matter, though it does matter - alot. Some of the things that you understand is that you need to do hard work. EV training is a thing that you shouldn't get lazy at. Thusly, i've made a guide for all of you out their. I'm knowing most of you need it and for help as well.
1.1 EV Training is a way to enhance pokemon's stat. Each pokemon has 510 ev's to use. Every battle gives out some of those EV's. Each pokemon gives out a different EV. For example, Whismur gives out HP ev's, and Shinx gives out attack EV's. Training on those give out those EV's, and etc. In this guide i'll explain more. The range of EVs is from 1 to 255.
1.2 Advantages you achieve in battle are many. Firstly, you get a boost in the stats you want your pokemon to have. For example, Garchomp is supposed to have EV's in attack and speed. So, from training on shinx gives you a attack boost since shinx gives you attack ev's. Also, if you train on starly's (speed ev's) you get a speed boost. In the next section, I will explain ev training as descriptive as possible.
2.0 EV Training is used by competitive players and pro's at the meta-game. Seeing how most of you would like to find out how to actually do this it takes a long and hard time, but you'll eventually get used to it. Pokemon usually have standard sets already created with EV's available on websites, but you can be creative and make your in if you wish. Anyway, allow me to start.
2.1 The basics of EV training. That's right about it. Anyway, like I said, all you really do is battle pokemon that give out a certain EV. You also want to make sure that you keep track of your EVs just in case you need it in the future. So basically, here is an example of what you need to do. I'm hoping you will grasp the concept of the training. Please keep in mind that every 4 ev's results is equal to 1 stat point. Every pokemon can get 510 EV's in maximum total. Every stat has the max of 255 EV's, but if you max out EV's into a pokemon to 255, you waste 3 EV's. 252 EVs translates into 63 stat points, which is a big boost.
So you have a garchomp. Your wanting to EV training it in speed and attack in your Pokemon Diamond game. Now, Goldeen give out 1 attack EV, and zubat give out 1. So, you want your garchomp's EV set to be this:
6 HP EVs, 252 Attack EVs, 252 Speed Ev's.
Knowing that, your going to have to battle 252 goldeens, and zubats to retrieve the stats you want. You also want the 6 HP ev's. Defeat bidoof 6 times (bidoof give out 1 HP) and then your finished. "OMG I HAVE TO BATTLE 252?". That sentence shows laziness. Your going to have to pull off hard work to actually get very good. EV training takes time and patience.
Grasp the concept yet? If you do not, you can always ask me.
2.2 Their are also harder things you have to think about in EV training. It's not exactly easy as you have noticed. Some of the harder things people should focus on is breeding for a good IV'd pokemon. I know you may not like wasting your time EV training, but you don't want to ev train something that isn't good. Something you should do is make sure you have a pokemon with good IV's. You can achieve such a thing by catching the pokemon, or breeding it. That way when you EV train, it'll be worth it. I've yet created a IV guide, but I assure you, I will soon. You also are going to want a good natured pokemon as well. So, I mentioned garchomp as an example didn't I? The one that you want to EV train should look like this:
Nature: Jolly
Atk IV's: 31
Speed IV's: 31
Something like that is definitely what you want to EV train. Once you have bred such a gible, then your on your way to victory.
2.3 Your ticked off because of the fact on how long it takes to ev train correct? Well guess what, you can EV train faster with special items. Here are some items that you should keep in mind:
Macho Brace: Doubles The EV's You Get, Lowers Speed (Ex: Starly Gives out 1 speed ev, with this on, you get 2 rather than 1)
Power Ankle: Boosts Speed EVs
Power Band: Boosts Special Defense Evs
Power Belt: Boosts Defense EVs
Power Bracer: Boosts Attack EVs
Power Lens: Boosts Special Attack EVs
Power Weight: Boosts HP EVs
Judgement also listed the equation of the power items and how it works:
x + y = t
x = EV's from pokemon
y = EVs boosted from Power Items (+4)
t = Total EVs
Now with Pokerus we multiply the whole left side of the equation by 2 so...
2(x + y) = t
Now assume we have a pokemon that grants 2 points per battle...
2(2 + 4) = 12
Pokerus is a special disease your pokemon can obtain by other pokemon that have it. It only lasts for a period of time though. It's kind of like a macho brace just without the speed drop. It doubles your EV's as the macho brace does. Say you have the macho brace AND pokerus. So you battle starly, which gives 1 speed EV. You get 2 speed ev's because of macho brace, and then 4 because of pokerus. Sounds cool huh?
1 vitamin gives a pokemon 10 EV's in the respective stats depending on which vitamin you use. Stops working when a certain stat has 100 EV's in it, or more. This allows you to get 100 EV's in the stats you want EV's in without actually EV training.
Exp. Share
Well, the pokemon wearing this gets exp. But also gains EV's. Let's say a Level 100 Aerodactyl is fighting starly, and a meowth in your party is holding the exp. share. When aerodactyl beats starly, not only does meowth gets experience, but gets speed ev's. Here is something that judgement said about the exp. share:
Not only does the wearer gain half the experience from a battle, but it ALSO gains EVs. So, for example, if someone battles a Pidgey for one EV of Speed, the both the Pokemon that battled and the wearer of EXP. Share gain 1 EV in Speed EACH. (If, say, a Pidgeotto battles and a Gastly is wearing the EXP. Share, then both Pidgeotto and Gastly each get 1 EV; the amount of EVs gained is not split in half.)
Made a mistake while ev train? Wasted good EV's on the wrong stats? Well, their is a hope! The following berries reduce EV's. They each reduce EV's by 10. They can be found in Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Diamond, and Pearl.
-Pomeg Berry - HP
-Kelpsy Berry - Attack
-Qualot Berry - Defense
-Hondew Berry - Special Attack
-Grepa Berry - Special Defense
-Tamato Berry - Speed
3.0 I also have a few things to say as well. A few things that some of you might like to know. Such as which pokemon give out what EV's, good EV training spots and such.
3.1 Their are many pokemon out their, and they give out EV's. Here is a list of which pokemon give out what EV's:
3.2 Their are various EV training spots. Here are the diamond and pearl wild pokemon spots:
-Shellos at Valley Windworks north of ignore the Buizel (+1 each)
-Gastrodons at Fuego Ironworks or Route 213 ignore Floatzel (+2 each)
-Gastrodons outside of Pal Park (+2 each)
-Gastrodons at Route 222 (+2 Each, and are common their)
-Kricketune and Bidarel at route 212 (rainy route) (+2 each)
-Bibarels and Machop (2 EVs and 1 EV respectively) Route 208
-Machokes and Snovers at Acuity Lakefront (2 Evs and 1 EV respectively)
-Cave with Geodudes and Hippopotas off route 214 (+1 each) (Ruin Maniac's Cave)
-Onix and Gravelers on Iron Island in the second room ignore Golbats (+1 Onix) (+2 Gravelers)
-Geodudes and Onix in the first room (Oreburgh Mines) (+1 each)
Special Attack:
-Gastly at the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest (+1 each) (Haunters +2) (Gengars +3)
-Golducks surfing in the water at the Resort Area (+2 each)
Special Defense:
-Surfing any ocean/sea area for Tentacools (+1each)
-Raticates and Fearows Northwest of the Fight Area (+2 each) Route 225
-Zubats in a cave (+1 each)
-Golbats in Victory Road (in water, you only find Golbats) (+2 each)
-Sneasles in Acuity Lakefront (+1 Each)
3.3 I've compiled a list of FAQ's, or Frequently Asked Questions and answered them. I will also add to this when possible.
Do You EV Train Your Pokemon?
Yes, I do, and so do many other people
How do you breed?
This is the answer to your question
How long does it usually take you to EV train?
That depends if my pokemon has pokerus. When it does, maybe like 20 minuets, or 30. Without pokerus, then it takes a while, like 1 hour to me. But then again, that's just me. I have exactly heard it from other people's prospectives
I shall add more when possible. Please feel free you ask your questions in thsi thread as well.
4.0 This concludes my EV training guide. Credits go to:
MKDS_PoKE: For making the guide
Judgement0 (or just judgement): For a little help from his All About EV Training thread
Gamefaqs: For helping me out with which pokemon give out what EV's
Can't remember all of it.
A guide created for the sake of others on the topic of EV Training. Please feel free to ask me any questions as you please.
1.0; Introduction
1.1; What Exactly Is It?
1.2; The Advantages You Achieve In Battle
2.0; EV Training
2.1; The Basics
2.2; Harder Things
2.3; Faster EV Training, Deducting EV's
3.0; Misc. Things
3.1; Which Pokemon Give Out What EV's
3.2; Good EV Training Spots
3.3; Frequently Asked Questions
4.0; Credits
1.0 Popular topic here. Everyone wants to learn about the interesting topic of EV training. Many people discuss this topic on forums. Most people do not know the work you have to go through to EV train. Most think it's hard, or it doesn't matter, though it does matter - alot. Some of the things that you understand is that you need to do hard work. EV training is a thing that you shouldn't get lazy at. Thusly, i've made a guide for all of you out their. I'm knowing most of you need it and for help as well.
1.1 EV Training is a way to enhance pokemon's stat. Each pokemon has 510 ev's to use. Every battle gives out some of those EV's. Each pokemon gives out a different EV. For example, Whismur gives out HP ev's, and Shinx gives out attack EV's. Training on those give out those EV's, and etc. In this guide i'll explain more. The range of EVs is from 1 to 255.
1.2 Advantages you achieve in battle are many. Firstly, you get a boost in the stats you want your pokemon to have. For example, Garchomp is supposed to have EV's in attack and speed. So, from training on shinx gives you a attack boost since shinx gives you attack ev's. Also, if you train on starly's (speed ev's) you get a speed boost. In the next section, I will explain ev training as descriptive as possible.
2.0 EV Training is used by competitive players and pro's at the meta-game. Seeing how most of you would like to find out how to actually do this it takes a long and hard time, but you'll eventually get used to it. Pokemon usually have standard sets already created with EV's available on websites, but you can be creative and make your in if you wish. Anyway, allow me to start.
2.1 The basics of EV training. That's right about it. Anyway, like I said, all you really do is battle pokemon that give out a certain EV. You also want to make sure that you keep track of your EVs just in case you need it in the future. So basically, here is an example of what you need to do. I'm hoping you will grasp the concept of the training. Please keep in mind that every 4 ev's results is equal to 1 stat point. Every pokemon can get 510 EV's in maximum total. Every stat has the max of 255 EV's, but if you max out EV's into a pokemon to 255, you waste 3 EV's. 252 EVs translates into 63 stat points, which is a big boost.
So you have a garchomp. Your wanting to EV training it in speed and attack in your Pokemon Diamond game. Now, Goldeen give out 1 attack EV, and zubat give out 1. So, you want your garchomp's EV set to be this:
6 HP EVs, 252 Attack EVs, 252 Speed Ev's.
Knowing that, your going to have to battle 252 goldeens, and zubats to retrieve the stats you want. You also want the 6 HP ev's. Defeat bidoof 6 times (bidoof give out 1 HP) and then your finished. "OMG I HAVE TO BATTLE 252?". That sentence shows laziness. Your going to have to pull off hard work to actually get very good. EV training takes time and patience.
Grasp the concept yet? If you do not, you can always ask me.
2.2 Their are also harder things you have to think about in EV training. It's not exactly easy as you have noticed. Some of the harder things people should focus on is breeding for a good IV'd pokemon. I know you may not like wasting your time EV training, but you don't want to ev train something that isn't good. Something you should do is make sure you have a pokemon with good IV's. You can achieve such a thing by catching the pokemon, or breeding it. That way when you EV train, it'll be worth it. I've yet created a IV guide, but I assure you, I will soon. You also are going to want a good natured pokemon as well. So, I mentioned garchomp as an example didn't I? The one that you want to EV train should look like this:
Nature: Jolly
Atk IV's: 31
Speed IV's: 31
Something like that is definitely what you want to EV train. Once you have bred such a gible, then your on your way to victory.
2.3 Your ticked off because of the fact on how long it takes to ev train correct? Well guess what, you can EV train faster with special items. Here are some items that you should keep in mind:
Macho Brace: Doubles The EV's You Get, Lowers Speed (Ex: Starly Gives out 1 speed ev, with this on, you get 2 rather than 1)
Power Ankle: Boosts Speed EVs
Power Band: Boosts Special Defense Evs
Power Belt: Boosts Defense EVs
Power Bracer: Boosts Attack EVs
Power Lens: Boosts Special Attack EVs
Power Weight: Boosts HP EVs
Judgement also listed the equation of the power items and how it works:
x + y = t
x = EV's from pokemon
y = EVs boosted from Power Items (+4)
t = Total EVs
Now with Pokerus we multiply the whole left side of the equation by 2 so...
2(x + y) = t
Now assume we have a pokemon that grants 2 points per battle...
2(2 + 4) = 12
Pokerus is a special disease your pokemon can obtain by other pokemon that have it. It only lasts for a period of time though. It's kind of like a macho brace just without the speed drop. It doubles your EV's as the macho brace does. Say you have the macho brace AND pokerus. So you battle starly, which gives 1 speed EV. You get 2 speed ev's because of macho brace, and then 4 because of pokerus. Sounds cool huh?
1 vitamin gives a pokemon 10 EV's in the respective stats depending on which vitamin you use. Stops working when a certain stat has 100 EV's in it, or more. This allows you to get 100 EV's in the stats you want EV's in without actually EV training.
Exp. Share
Well, the pokemon wearing this gets exp. But also gains EV's. Let's say a Level 100 Aerodactyl is fighting starly, and a meowth in your party is holding the exp. share. When aerodactyl beats starly, not only does meowth gets experience, but gets speed ev's. Here is something that judgement said about the exp. share:
Not only does the wearer gain half the experience from a battle, but it ALSO gains EVs. So, for example, if someone battles a Pidgey for one EV of Speed, the both the Pokemon that battled and the wearer of EXP. Share gain 1 EV in Speed EACH. (If, say, a Pidgeotto battles and a Gastly is wearing the EXP. Share, then both Pidgeotto and Gastly each get 1 EV; the amount of EVs gained is not split in half.)
Made a mistake while ev train? Wasted good EV's on the wrong stats? Well, their is a hope! The following berries reduce EV's. They each reduce EV's by 10. They can be found in Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Diamond, and Pearl.
-Pomeg Berry - HP
-Kelpsy Berry - Attack
-Qualot Berry - Defense
-Hondew Berry - Special Attack
-Grepa Berry - Special Defense
-Tamato Berry - Speed
3.0 I also have a few things to say as well. A few things that some of you might like to know. Such as which pokemon give out what EV's, good EV training spots and such.
3.1 Their are many pokemon out their, and they give out EV's. Here is a list of which pokemon give out what EV's:
3.2 Their are various EV training spots. Here are the diamond and pearl wild pokemon spots:
-Shellos at Valley Windworks north of ignore the Buizel (+1 each)
-Gastrodons at Fuego Ironworks or Route 213 ignore Floatzel (+2 each)
-Gastrodons outside of Pal Park (+2 each)
-Gastrodons at Route 222 (+2 Each, and are common their)
-Kricketune and Bidarel at route 212 (rainy route) (+2 each)
-Bibarels and Machop (2 EVs and 1 EV respectively) Route 208
-Machokes and Snovers at Acuity Lakefront (2 Evs and 1 EV respectively)
-Cave with Geodudes and Hippopotas off route 214 (+1 each) (Ruin Maniac's Cave)
-Onix and Gravelers on Iron Island in the second room ignore Golbats (+1 Onix) (+2 Gravelers)
-Geodudes and Onix in the first room (Oreburgh Mines) (+1 each)
Special Attack:
-Gastly at the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest (+1 each) (Haunters +2) (Gengars +3)
-Golducks surfing in the water at the Resort Area (+2 each)
Special Defense:
-Surfing any ocean/sea area for Tentacools (+1each)
-Raticates and Fearows Northwest of the Fight Area (+2 each) Route 225
-Zubats in a cave (+1 each)
-Golbats in Victory Road (in water, you only find Golbats) (+2 each)
-Sneasles in Acuity Lakefront (+1 Each)
3.3 I've compiled a list of FAQ's, or Frequently Asked Questions and answered them. I will also add to this when possible.
Do You EV Train Your Pokemon?
Yes, I do, and so do many other people
How do you breed?
This is the answer to your question
How long does it usually take you to EV train?
That depends if my pokemon has pokerus. When it does, maybe like 20 minuets, or 30. Without pokerus, then it takes a while, like 1 hour to me. But then again, that's just me. I have exactly heard it from other people's prospectives
I shall add more when possible. Please feel free you ask your questions in thsi thread as well.
4.0 This concludes my EV training guide. Credits go to:
MKDS_PoKE: For making the guide
Judgement0 (or just judgement): For a little help from his All About EV Training thread
Gamefaqs: For helping me out with which pokemon give out what EV's
Can't remember all of it.