"I have less skill in a game, therefore cannot take advantage of all it offers, and therefore say it feels slower."
>Watches games of Melee from 2003
Yeah, that game is SOOOOO FAST!
The only correct statement in here is that your opinion is extremely uneducated on the subject.
It's gish gallop because the arguments presented are *weak*, and your only basis for PM being slower is that you can't play it as fast, is *extraordinarily* weak. The fact that you provided numerous other arguments that basically read the same way did suggest to me that much, if not all, of the post would simply be gish gallop.
If you wanted my posts to instead get increasingly longer as I respond to more and more arguments, that might be more feasible in a week when I'm no longer stuck with a bunch of finals to study for.
Lol maybe I should've ignored the trolls, but I saw some echo chamber stuff and jumped in. Maybe should've just let it lie and sighed instead [like I do at most of those comments].
That said, agreed completely.
"I have less skill in a game, therefore cannot take advantage of all it offers, and therefore say it feels slower".
...Actually, no, more like: "I have certain skills that I have learned in Melee, and when trying out Project M the game did not appear to support the same extent of expression of these skills". Even without knowledge of PM-specific stuff, I can validly make this observation because I do have sufficient experience with Melee, the game I'm comparing it to. The only reason I can not confidently conclude that PM is from all angles slower than Melee is because I'm not sufficiently aware of PM-specific things, of which I never claimed an absence.
"The only correct statement in here is that your opinion is extremely uneducated on the subject."
Lol. You didn't even make any arguments to disprove any of my other statements; you're just trying to come up with another sentence to insult me that doesn't actually make sense considering all you actually argued was that my opinions were misguided, not that I presented any factually inaccurate information, which is what your sentence now says.
"It's gish gallop because the arguments presented are *weak*, and your only basis for PM being slower is that you can't play it as fast, is *extraordinarily* weak. The fact that you provided numerous arguments that basically read the same way did suggest to me that much, if not all, of the post would simply be gish gallop."
Congratulations, you literally just stated the definition of gish gallop and said that "your arguments are gish gallop because they are [definition of gish gallop]. When the whole time we've been arguing about the validity of generalizing about the arguments of a specific comment based on the nature of one specific argument within, you don't accomplish anything by making an argument that is decidedly circular because you haven't even made any argument for the blanket claim your statement here uses. This is all regardless of the fact that you still haven't countered my illustration that gish gallop is not a concept that has any relevance to actual argumentation for the sake of understanding the truth.
You also still haven't shown how reading the last argument has any effect on the others. If those arguments "read the same way", and the way that an argument "reads" matters, why weren't you able to pick up on how they "read badly" when you read them? Or if you're saying that because they read the same way, they must be similar in validity to an argument that you were supposedly able to assess the validity of based on something other than how it "reads", why does the way an argument "reads" determine its validity? This is all regardless of the fact that you haven't given the meaning of "how an argument reads", or how this could possibly be any sort of meaningful construct.
"Lol maybe I should have ignored the trolls, but I saw some echo chamber stuff and jumped in. Maybe should've just let it lie and sighed instead [like I do at most of those comments]."
LOL. So, you're in an argument in a thread, and when someone in said thread opines that the arguments are not worthwhile, you take the opportunity to claim that everyone you were arguing with is a "troll" and that you are someone who always understands the truth and only "jumps in" when comments are particularly bad in a fashion that gives the impression that you are either trying to suck up to the person giving a negative opinion on the argumentation or further trying to paint a picture of superiority to the people you're arguing with, both of which are completely ridiculous. I don't think the person who thinks these arguments are stupid and detracting from the point of this post cares that you think your positions in said arguments are the most accurate, or that you think you're so much more rational than most smashboards debaters that you lack the interest to debate with them. As previously stated, I am not fazed by these claims.