Smash Master
There are two points I will argue in this thread; One Our electoral process needs a complete overhaul. Two Campaign Finance is not nearly as bad as our electoral system however we still need to reform this as it plays a huge role in who get's elected.
Electoral Reform
We use a Electoral college as a decider to who gets elected as President. (I would suggest visiting that link if you do not understand how the system works)
Now I'm sure many of you are thinking to yourselfs; "The electoral College Works great, why should we fix something that isn't broken?"
Well to be blunt saying it isn't broken is a huge understatement. I'll first list the problems with the Electoral College.
Now how do we fix the system? Well There a Veriety of Ways; However I think it would be better if we went with Option Number 1:
Instant Run Off Voting, with Popular Elections.
Instead of One Person, One Vote. In an Instant Run Off Election, Voters would rank the candidates they like the most. Say if you're A liberal Voters in 2008 this might have been what your sheet looked like:
1. Nader
2. Obama
Now during the first count, if no candidate gains a majority the candidate with the lowest votes would be eliminated and voting would commence again.
So Lets say Nader had the lowest. He would be scratched off and now that liberal voter would be voting for Obama.
This type of voting eliminates the fear of spoiling an election. There by allowing people to vote their conscience.
Now a popular vote would encourage voter turn out, their vote will actually count! Since the winner take all approach would no longer be used those 30% of NY voters who wanted McCain wouldn't be an irrelevant voice. Third party voters as well can rest assured that their votes won't create a spoiler effect and cause the election of theDevil person they didn't want.
Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform has existed since the 19th Century. It's a serious issue that should be looked into. An election should not be about which Candidate has the most money, other wise you might end up with a person like this as your next President. (Btw he could have easily been the next president. =| )
The Government has made some Progressive Legislation on the topic. However they haven't gone far enough. One of the problems that arises from donations is, when you have donations from certain Political Action Committees (PAC'S) and Corporations. Many times politicians will court to those interests. So if Big Oil is giving you a few million to your campaign, there really isn't an incentive to talk about Global Warming and the need to reduce dependency on foreign oil. After all it's obvious once you do you won't be seeing their beefy contributions.
So What Can We Do? Well that's a difficult question, however on this oage there are some proposals. I personally would advocate sending money anonymously through the Federal Election Commission. That way you can still support the Candidate of your choice, but the candidates will no longer feel the need to appeal to the special interest groups.
I realize this was long, but hopefully this will foster some debate.
Electoral Reform
We use a Electoral college as a decider to who gets elected as President. (I would suggest visiting that link if you do not understand how the system works)
Now I'm sure many of you are thinking to yourselfs; "The electoral College Works great, why should we fix something that isn't broken?"
Well to be blunt saying it isn't broken is a huge understatement. I'll first list the problems with the Electoral College.
- To Much Emphasis On Swing States
States that are not Blue Or Red, are more competitive because of the Winner Take All System. John McCain didn't bother Campaigning in New York because regardless how much support he might of had. It would have been a waste of time to Campaign in New York. Lets look at some numbers; Let's say Obama had a 66% percentage in New York, but McCain had a 33% Percentage. Under the Winner Take All System, those 33% are going unrepresented.
Thus from a cost benefit analysis It's a waste of time For John McCain to campaign in New York. The same is True for Obama and Campaigning in Texas. - Voter Turn Out Is Discouraged
Once again this point Ties in with the above. Because of Winner Take All System, it discourages voters from participating. Unless you live in a Swing state it will not matter if you turn out to vote. If a state holds 1 Million Voters and 800,000 of them vote democratic. and 100,000 vote Republican. Do you really think it matters what those other 100,000 do? Of course not. The state has already been won. - Disenfranchisement
This point holds more true prior to the Civil Rights Movement and Woman's Suffrage. However even today there are still times when states disenfranchise their voters. This is a Problem within the system. Because Electoral votes are counted not by voters but by over all population. - Smaller States Carry More Weight
A voter in Wisconsin (10 Electoral Votes) Carries more weight than a voter in California (55 Electoral Votes) Something interesting; Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes, but has a population less than that of Washington D.C which has more citizens. - Third Parties Are Irrelevant
The Winner Take All system discourages a voter to vote their conscience. Through the Spoiler effect. IE:
Bush: 40%
Gore: 30%
Nader: 30%
What did the Majority of Americans want? A Liberal. Yet they would get a Conservative if the election followed like this.
- Over All A Very Undemocratic System
As pointed above, in a country that exalts it's self as the leader in democracy how can we possibly rationalize the use of such an undemocratic system?
Now how do we fix the system? Well There a Veriety of Ways; However I think it would be better if we went with Option Number 1:
Instant Run Off Voting, with Popular Elections.
Instead of One Person, One Vote. In an Instant Run Off Election, Voters would rank the candidates they like the most. Say if you're A liberal Voters in 2008 this might have been what your sheet looked like:
1. Nader
2. Obama
Now during the first count, if no candidate gains a majority the candidate with the lowest votes would be eliminated and voting would commence again.
So Lets say Nader had the lowest. He would be scratched off and now that liberal voter would be voting for Obama.
This type of voting eliminates the fear of spoiling an election. There by allowing people to vote their conscience.
Now a popular vote would encourage voter turn out, their vote will actually count! Since the winner take all approach would no longer be used those 30% of NY voters who wanted McCain wouldn't be an irrelevant voice. Third party voters as well can rest assured that their votes won't create a spoiler effect and cause the election of the
Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform has existed since the 19th Century. It's a serious issue that should be looked into. An election should not be about which Candidate has the most money, other wise you might end up with a person like this as your next President. (Btw he could have easily been the next president. =| )
The Government has made some Progressive Legislation on the topic. However they haven't gone far enough. One of the problems that arises from donations is, when you have donations from certain Political Action Committees (PAC'S) and Corporations. Many times politicians will court to those interests. So if Big Oil is giving you a few million to your campaign, there really isn't an incentive to talk about Global Warming and the need to reduce dependency on foreign oil. After all it's obvious once you do you won't be seeing their beefy contributions.
So What Can We Do? Well that's a difficult question, however on this oage there are some proposals. I personally would advocate sending money anonymously through the Federal Election Commission. That way you can still support the Candidate of your choice, but the candidates will no longer feel the need to appeal to the special interest groups.
I realize this was long, but hopefully this will foster some debate.