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Duke Nukem for SSB4

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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Duke Nukem would be awesome for SSB4, he has all the eligibility requirements met, and he is an iconic character, and he would add a very unique moveset, he has plenty of non vulgar catchphrases that can be used and well, he would add a level of badassery to the Smash Roster


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Highly unlikely to ever happen, especially since he's third party. Also, you should have much more information in the OP. Feel free to look at other threads around here to see what I mean. Welcome to the boards, though!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Here's Duke's moveset
First Appearance: Duke Nukem (1991)
Most Famous Appearance: Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
Most Recent Appearance: Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
Nintendo Appearances: Duke Nukem 64 (1997), Duke Nukem Zero Hour (1999), Duke Nukem Duke Nukem Advance (2002), Duke Nukem Critical Mass (2011)

Unlocking Requirements:
-Battle 750 times
-Complete Event “Come Get Some” on Hard
-Get Duke to join your team after defeating Overlord in Story Mode
-Playing as Mario and Captain Falcon, clear Classic mode on Hard or higher difficulty

Story Mode: Mario and Captain Falcon fall through a panel in the floor into what looks like an alien hive of some sort. But before they get a good look at their surroundings, a massive door opens, and out comes the Overlord. Mario and Captain Falcon fight it, but the Overlord is just too strong and has too many rockets in its barrages. Then, from up where they fell...”Let's Rock.” Duke drops down and helps defeat the Overlord, after which he makes good on his promise.

Height: 6'4” (or slightly taller than Samus. Or, much taller than his shield bubble.)
Weight: Heavy
Speed: Samus' Speed
Power: Extremely High
Aerial: Poor
Priority: Average
Recovery: Well Above Average
Special Strength: Upon killing an enemy, Duke recovers an amount of damage from his Damage counter.
Special Weakness: All enemy attacks deal slightly more damage when they hit Duke. Explained in-game as each hit damaging his ego on top of physical damage.

Double Jump: Jet Pack

Snake Codec
Snake: Colonel, who's the tall, muscle-bound guy that keeps scowling at me?
Colonel: What? Snake, you don't know who Duke Nukem is?
Snake: Duke Nukem? Isn't he that guy that saved us twelve years ago from the aliens?
Colonel: Multiple times, Snake. Back in 1991, he fought the Techbots, and then was promptly captured and uploaded into a computer by the Rigelatins. Duke fought his way out, only to find Earth was invaded again by a third race, called the Cycloids, who had come to steal our women.
Snake: And now he's this mega-ultra-rock star hero who runs a casino, a burger joint, and wrote a book. Sounds easy enough.
(transmission gets hacked, Colonel is replaced with General Graves)
Graves: This is General Graves of the Earth Defense Force, and I order you to stand down and not engage Duke Nukem. He's one of us.
Snake: I never heard of you EDF guys, so you can eat it.
*transmission returns to Colonel*
Colonel: I'll give you a heads up, Snake: According to the women, Duke hasn't lost his touch.
Snake: I'll keep that in mind...
*transmission ends*

Move Set:
A - Punch
AA - Punch Twice (Rapid Succession)
AAA - Punch Twice + Knee Attack
A> - M1911 Shot
Av - Throw Pipebomb
A^ - Uppercut
Dash+A - Mighty Foot (snap kick)
Smash > - Shotgun fires to side
Smash ^ - Shotgun fires upward
Smash v – Freeze Ray in direction Duke faces (freezes enemies for three seconds or when hit by attacks. Attacks striking a frozen character deal half again their usual damage calculated after adding in special strengths/weaknesses)
Aerial A – Punch
Aerial AA – Double Punch
Aerial AAA – Double Punch + Knee Attack
Aerial A> - M1911 Shot
Aerial Av – Ground Pound
Aerial A^ - Uppercut
Grab A – Pistol Whip
Grab > - Duke shoots the M1911 8 times in rapid succession.
Grab < - Duke grabs enemy by the ears and gives the head a sharp twist.
Grab v – Duke smashes enemy's head over his knee.
Grab ^ - Holoduke: A hologram of Duke will appear, and one of the Dukes will run to the other side. There is a 50/50 chance the victim will go for the hologram (no player can ever tell the difference), in which case the Real Duke will automatically throw a Tripmine onto the victim in a similar manner to the Jetpack.

Hanging Attack (Damage is irrelevant): Duke tosses a Pipebomb over the ledge he hangs from, then hauls himself up.

Taunt 1: “Yeah, piece of cake.”
Taunt 2: Cracks knuckles.
Taunt 3: Pumps Shotgun menacingly.

Standard Special: Ripper - A chaingun cannon. Duke has to bring it out and let it load its barrels, then he can fire a three second burst from it. He must put it away in order to move.

Side Special #1: RPG – A slow-moving guided missile. Only one can be fired at a time.

Side Special #2: Devastator – Ten smaller, faster, unguided missiles fired in rapid succession. Works with RPG in the same manner Samus' Missiles and Super Missiles work.

Down Special: Laser Tripmine – Duke plants an explosive charge on the ground in front of him. It fires a laser straight up. Anyone who crosses the laser, Duke included, will be caught in the blast. (Duke is immune to his own explosions but can trigger them himself if needed.)

Up Special: Jetpack – Gives Duke five seconds of jet-assisted flight. Contact with enemies will cause Duke to plant a Tripmine on them, essentially turning said Tripmine into a sticky bomb.

Final Smash: Duke's Mighty Foot – Yes, a monster truck. Duke can drive it around the stage for a minute. Moves are as follows:

A – Throttle
A> - Dash
< - Brake
Smash – Turbo Boost
A< - U-Turn
Smash A^ - Wheelie
Smash Av – Donut
Smash A< - Burnout
Smash A> - Turbo Dash

Victory Theme: The first two riffs of “Grabbag” (Duke's theme), as originally performed by Megadeth.
Victory Pose: Triumphantly pumps his trusty Shotgun. “Ready for Action.”
Losing Pose: Is visibly pissed off beyond all belief.

Stall 1: “What are you waiting for, Christmas?”
Stall 2: Duke will take out a cigar and start smoking.

Shield Pose: No special pose required. Duke just stands there and takes it like a man.
Shield Overload: Duke will cringe slightly and flash red.
Pitfall: Duke stays in hurt pose, and steroid pills will fall off of him and roll away.
Selection Icon: Duke poses with a mushroom cloud in the background. There is a lit cigar in the left hand, and an open beer in the right.

Selection sound: Duke cracks his knuckles.

Entrance 1: Fireball (aka crashing ship) in background, Duke leaps from it to the Stage and cracks his knuckles. “Those alien scum are going to pay for shooting up my ride.”
Entrance 2: Shrunken Duke steps on a Particle Expander, returning him to full size. “Size only matters when you're full grown, baby.”
Entrance 3: Duke takes an elevator up from below the stage. “Let's Rock"

Kirby Attack: A single Devastator rocket.

Series Symbol: Duke's belt buckle. (aka a radioactivity symbol.)

Unlock Message: (Voice of Duke) “Hail to the King, Baby” (Duke's theme plays in background.)

Costumes: Duke palette swaps his tank top from its normal red to various other colors.

Universe, Etc.:
Assist Trophies: The Holsom Twins, General Graves
Trophies: Assault Commander, Battlelord, Overlord, The Holsom Twins, General Graves, Queen, Cycloid Emperor
Songs: Grabbag, Stalker, The City Streets, Valkyries, Mental Heavy, Mental Heavy 2

Finally, items. Every game contributes items to Smash Bros.' item pool, and Duke is no exception.
Atomic Health: Removes 50% of your damage. This is the only healing item in the whole game that can take your percentages into the negatives, all the way down to a maximum of -100%.
Steroids: Increases your melee attack power twofold for 30 seconds, but removes the ability to do specials


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
I'd support Duke til my dying breath, despite how near impossible his chances are. You should probably add more to the OP, particularly that Duke had games on Nintendo systems. Duke Nukem 64 and Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for the Nintendo 64, Duke Nukem Advance for the Gameboy Advance, and Duke Nukem: Critical Mass for the Nintendo DS.

That moveset is nice, IanTheGamer, but Duke probably wouldn't be allowed to shoot any of his guns aside from the explosive/projectile-based ones, similar to Solid Snake.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
As much as I would want Duke, I say no, far too violent, vulgar, and just plain pointless. Travis Touchdown is the same way, and Solid Snake surprised me by being allowed, but no more of that.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Eh... I think I'm more likely to die today from an elephant dropping from the sky on my head.

Deleted member

No... no god please no. There are better 3rd party characters to warrant a spot on the roster.

Let's not make this Super Smash Bros. Forever.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I'd support Duke til my dying breath, despite how near impossible his chances are. You should probably add more to the OP, particularly that Duke had games on Nintendo systems. Duke Nukem 64 and Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for the Nintendo 64, Duke Nukem Advance for the Gameboy Advance, and Duke Nukem: Critical Mass for the Nintendo DS.

That moveset is nice, IanTheGamer, but Duke probably wouldn't be allowed to shoot any of his guns aside from the explosive/projectile-based ones, similar to Solid Snake.

Hey Nathan Drake used a machine gun in family game, if Miyamoto wasn't so damn superstitious about guns in gaming, more people would be playing Wii U, let's face it, Snake in Brawl sucked, because he couldn't use any firearms, but we got R.O.B a character that is based off one of the worst gaming peripherals of all time, who will be next in SSB4, the Virtual Boy???


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Hey Nathan Drake used a machine gun in family game, if Miyamoto wasn't so damn superstitious about guns in gaming, more people would be playing Wii U, let's face it, Snake in Brawl sucked, because he couldn't use any firearms, but we got R.O.B a character that is based off one of the worst gaming peripherals of all time, who will be next in SSB4, the Virtual Boy???
So people are not playing the Wii U because there are not enough guns? I don't really understand this statement. How do realistic firearms suddenly make something better by default? It really doesn't, the Wii U has all sorts of problems, the lack of firearms isn't a major contributor.

As far as ROB, he has historic presence that was connected to the NES regardless of his useless as a peripherheral, so it's more symbolism then anything, unlike the Virtual Boy which I pretty sure most that work at Nintendo would like to never hear the name again.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Ok maybe I did go overboard with that guns and ROB thing,
The reasons why the Wii U are failing is because A). The third party support on Wii U is even worse then the Atari Jaguar and Sega Saturn, and 3rd party support for both was virtually non existent. B). Mario oversaturation with no real innovation, Cat Suits, Clear warp pipes that are a direct rip off of Sonic's pinball-esque thingin between stages and Pac-Man, *sarcasm alert* WOW, THAT'S REALLY INNOVATIVE, I've played inFamous for PS3, that game did more innovation than in most Mario games these days, you choose to be a hero or a villain that your actions can change at anytime during the game, the minor enemies in the game aren't complete cowards like the Koopas, they go down fighting
C). Gimmicks that have either been done before or are completely ridiculous (Vitality Sensor, anyone?), Motion Controls: Been around since the days of the NES, Screen in Controller: Dreamcast VMU, Wii Music(which Nintendo really were just embarrassing themselves when it was unveiled) : Fluid for the PS1
D.) Inability to adapt with the times, when discs were starting to usurp cartridges as the primary gaming media, Nintendo made the N64 cartridge only, which is the main reason why the PS1 kicked the 64's butt 3 times over, When DVD technology was becoming extremely common and affordable, Ninty didn't put it in the Wii, Online gaming has become extremely popular (Nintendo has yet to make a proper online gaming service, Xbox Live has 46 million subscribers and PSN has over 100 million registered users)
D). Ignoring the gamers wants, because if more consumers want your product, more units are sold (it's simple business, really) , and the gamers want a new F-Zero, A new Metroid, A new Earthbound, and a new Star Fox.
E). The system's name sounds like someone is relieving themselves on you
And finally, Iwata obviously has got to go, the man is to blame for the Wii U's pathetic sales, he won't lower the price, he won't try to compete with Sony or Microsoft, even though competition really makes a product better.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
There are alot of things that can be said good or bad in regards to Nintendo's practices and the industry as a whole, but this really isn't the place to discuss that matter.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
There are alot of things that can be said good or bad in regards to Nintendo's practices and the industry as a whole, but this really isn't the place to discuss that matter.
Agreed. As for Snake's inclusion in Brawl sucking, I'll disagree. I find him an incredibly fun character to play, as well as possessing a moveset faithful to the series he originated from. He has weapons, he has explosives. He has a choke hold for crying out loud. It was a clever way to keep Snake feeling like Snake without incorporating bullet-focused attacks. The same can easily be done for Duke Nukem. Just incorporate his projectile and explosive-based weapons (Duke Nukem 64 and Duke Nukem: Zero Hour offer plenty of these) along with brute force melee attacks like his signature Mighty Boot.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2012
Ok maybe I did go overboard with that guns and ROB thing,
The reasons why the Wii U are failing is because A). The third party support on Wii U is even worse then the Atari Jaguar and Sega Saturn, and 3rd party support for both was virtually non existent. B). Mario oversaturation with no real innovation, Cat Suits, Clear warp pipes that are a direct rip off of Sonic's pinball-esque thingin between stages and Pac-Man, *sarcasm alert* WOW, THAT'S REALLY INNOVATIVE, I've played inFamous for PS3, that game did more innovation than in most Mario games these days, you choose to be a hero or a villain that your actions can change at anytime during the game, the minor enemies in the game aren't complete cowards like the Koopas, they go down fighting
C). Gimmicks that have either been done before or are completely ridiculous (Vitality Sensor, anyone?), Motion Controls: Been around since the days of the NES, Screen in Controller: Dreamcast VMU, Wii Music(which Nintendo really were just embarrassing themselves when it was unveiled) : Fluid for the PS1
D.) Inability to adapt with the times, when discs were starting to usurp cartridges as the primary gaming media, Nintendo made the N64 cartridge only, which is the main reason why the PS1 kicked the 64's butt 3 times over, When DVD technology was becoming extremely common and affordable, Ninty didn't put it in the Wii, Online gaming has become extremely popular (Nintendo has yet to make a proper online gaming service, Xbox Live has 46 million subscribers and PSN has over 100 million registered users)
D). Ignoring the gamers wants, because if more consumers want your product, more units are sold (it's simple business, really) , and the gamers want a new F-Zero, A new Metroid, A new Earthbound, and a new Star Fox.
E). The system's name sounds like someone is relieving themselves on you
And finally, Iwata obviously has got to go, the man is to blame for the Wii U's pathetic sales, he won't lower the price, he won't try to compete with Sony or Microsoft, even though competition really makes a product better.

calm down,
A) Not really, they are getting a decent amount of third party games, nobody buys Nintendo consoles for third party games, they buy them for exclusive third party.
B.) and knights of the old republic did everything you said infamous did. And I REALLY REALLY DOUBT the wii u is failing because koopa's are cowards...
C.) Are the xbox and playstation that innovative?? lets see the wii made motion control and as soon as that was succesful playstation copied it and xbox used kinect. And all you mentioned was from like 10 years ago what does that have to do with wii u??
D.) Okay so yeah ur right about cartidges for n64 but what does that have to do with wii u at all?
D number 2.) and you have no idea how much Mario sells im guessing, because they sell way way wayyyyy more than metroid and star fox.
E) yeah they could have chosen a better name

Overall none of your arguments even have to do with the wii u


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Also the price of the Wii U is not the problem.
Iwata stated himself that if it was,then the prenium pack wouldn't sell more than the basic one.
It's definitly a lack of great games like Mario Kart,Mario in 3D,Zelda and of course,Smash.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
No Duke has always been a western character, I'm not sure if any of his games were even released in Japan.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Yeah, at least his new game, Forever has.


It says Duke Nukem Forever was a hit in Japan but was slightly edited (censored) in the campaign mode but, largely, kept the violent aspect. Doesn't say what was edited or sales. However, at the game store near my house, it is available but it never made any charts or anything that I could see.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
Actually, Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown (the Playstation port of Duke Nukem 3D) did see a release in Japan. There are also a few Japanese fan sites for custom Duke Nukem 3D levels.



Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Interesting, I've always seen Duke Nukem as kind of one those ironic 90's characters that I never found particularly interesting beside of overblown parody and Forever hilarious bizarre development cycle.

Though I was never a big fan of his games, after seeing the character in Forever, something seemed lost on a character, maybe because the concept of a douche-like protagonist isn't exactly uncommon now and is less intended for irony then it once was.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
Interesting, I've always seen Duke Nukem as kind of one those ironic 90's characters that I never found particularly interesting beside of overblown parody and Forever hilarious bizarre development cycle.
You aren't far off. Duke Nukem as a character is entirely based off of 80's and 90's American action movie protagonists. He isn't intended to be a compelling character who you build a strong emotional attachment to, he's a fun character who is enjoyable to play as. As the games progressed Duke developed a bit more character, becoming an anti-hero who gets **** done.

...after seeing the character in Forever, something seemed lost on a character, maybe because the concept of a douche-like protagonist isn't exactly uncommon now and is less intended for irony then it once was.
This is the only game where Duke acts as such, and you can thank Gearbox for that. Sure, he isn't a saint, but Forever was the only installment in the series where Duke surpassed his role as a movie-quoting macho man with an attitude and became a colossal asshole. It's the only way Gearbox knows how to write characters ever since Borderlands.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I admit I know little of his character developement since the one game I ever remotely played was the original DOS, most I know is mostly cutscenes from his game where he mostly just acts like a douche so there is probably alot I don't know about.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I would be more shocked if he were on the list of options, none the less make it in.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
calm down,
A) Not really, they are getting a decent amount of third party games, nobody buys Nintendo consoles for third party games, they buy them for exclusive third party.
B.) and knights of the old republic did everything you said infamous did. And I REALLY REALLY DOUBT the wii u is failing because koopa's are cowards...
C.) Are the xbox and playstation that innovative?? lets see the wii made motion control and as soon as that was succesful playstation copied it and xbox used kinect. And all you mentioned was from like 10 years ago what does that have to do with wii u??
D.) Okay so yeah ur right about cartidges for n64 but what does that have to do with wii u at all?
D number 2.) and you have no idea how much Mario sells im guessing, because they sell way way wayyyyy more than metroid and star fox.
E) yeah they could have chosen a better name

Overall none of your arguments even have to do with the wii u
A). Besides the canceled Rayman Legends and the Sega games what else does the Wii U have, third party wise, that is impressive, The N64 had GoldenEye , WWF No Mercy, WrestleMania 2000, Doom 64, and Duke Nukem 64, The GameCube had RE4, MGS Twin Snakes, WWE DOR and DOR 2, Ikaruga, NBA Courtside 02, the Wii had MadWorld, No More Heroes, The Conduit, Trauma Team, De Blob, and Slient Hill: Shattered Memories, Besides Sonic: The Lost World, and Bayonetta 2, that's pretty much it for the Wii U
B.) Both InFamous games had great storytelling and were challenging, and rewarding, seeing Cole finally take down a giant beast with a Ionic Storm, Unlike most Mario games these days. The enemies in both Infamous games took multiple hits to kill. Mario, I can breeze through Mario in 3 hours, I buy games for a challenge, not to play a game that I have already beaten.
C.) Motion Controls have been around WAAAAAYYY before the Wii was even an idea. the PlayStation made gaming mainstream, had full voice acting, you could move the left stick to move the camera, the PS2 had analog buttons, if you were playing Tekken: Tag Tournament, or WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain, it determined the force of a strike, or if you were playing Need for Speed or NASCAR Thunder, the buttons determined how hard you accelerated or braked, the first removable HDD. The PS3 had the first interactive social networking system (PS Home). the Xbox had the first integrated online gaming service, The XBOX 360 had the first HD graphics, PGR 3 looked absolutely stunning, the first trophy system for rewarding gamers, the first online matchmaking system, the first downloadable game demos, and the first gamerscore system.
D.) It was a representation of Nintendo's refusal to adapt with the times, Well, so does Call of Duty and Madden, and usually Call of Duty is the same thing every year, same thing with Madden, What happened to those two IP's is happening to Mario, like it or not
I do like Nintendo, not the modern hollow shell, the old Nintendo, the one who wasn't afraid to change up a game's formula, the one that pushed boundaries, the one that tried to compete, the one where Nintendo made great games with all of it's IP's, not just Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda, the one that didn't do remakes for said IP's and actually tried to make each game unique.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
A). Besides the canceled Rayman Legends and the Sega games what else does the Wii U have, third party wise, that is impressive, The N64 had GoldenEye , WWF No Mercy, WrestleMania 2000, Doom 64, and Duke Nukem 64, The GameCube had RE4, MGS Twin Snakes, WWE DOR and DOR 2, Ikaruga, NBA Courtside 02, the Wii had MadWorld, No More Heroes, The Conduit, Trauma Team, De Blob, and Slient Hill: Shattered Memories, Besides Sonic: The Lost World, and Bayonetta 2, that's pretty much it for the Wii U
The Wii U is still rather new. It's possible that there may be more third party games in the near future. As well, Assassin's Creed III, Tekken, Mass Effect 3, and Arkham Aslyum. Plus, the Wii U will be getting Assassin's Creed Black Flag plus the new Ubisoft game about hackers.

B.) Both InFamous games had great storytelling and were challenging, and rewarding, seeing Cole finally take down a giant beast with a Ionic Storm, Unlike most Mario games these days. The enemies in both Infamous games took multiple hits to kill. Mario, I can breeze through Mario in 3 hours, I buy games for a challenge, not to play a game that I have already beaten.
Why son the hell are you comparing Mario to InFamous? They are two separate games and follow two very different formulas. I would not want Mario to be like InFamous or anything remotely near it. It wouldn't work. Mario has a very tried and true for ula that has worked for years; with improvements here and there.

I wanted to remark earlier about this but while InFamous is a great franchise; it isn't as ground-breaking as you made it seem. Plenty of games have allowed you to choose between being a bad guy or a good guy. InFamous only added onto this aspect; it didn't create it. Which kind of brings my point to the next point...

C.) Motion Controls have been around WAAAAAYYY before the Wii was even an idea. the PlayStation made gaming mainstream, had full voice acting, you could move the left stick to move the camera, the PS2 had analog buttons, if you were playing Tekken: Tag Tournament, or WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain, it determined the force of a strike, or if you were playing Need for Speed or NASCAR Thunder, the buttons determined how hard you accelerated or braked, the first removable HDD. The PS3 had the first interactive social networking system (PS Home). the Xbox had the first integrated online gaming service, The XBOX 360 had the first HD graphics, PGR 3 looked absolutely stunning, the first trophy system for rewarding gamers, the first online matchmaking system, the first downloadable game demos, and the first gamerscore system.
You are basically turning this into a Nintendo vs Sony argument.

Other than that, I don't have much to comment in. All I see in the post is your glorifying of Playstation and comparing Sony with Nintendo; saying that Nintendo should be more like Sony and "get with the times". But I feel that is more detrimental to Nintendo's future. I do think Nintendo should embrace the more recent video trends but they should do it with Nintendo in mind. Not "how can we be more like Playstation or Xbox?" I personally do not want to see tons of 3rd Party ported games but I would love to see more 3rd party exsclusive games.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2012
A). Besides the canceled Rayman Legends and the Sega games what else does the Wii U have, third party wise, that is impressive, The N64 had GoldenEye , WWF No Mercy, WrestleMania 2000, Doom 64, and Duke Nukem 64, The GameCube had RE4, MGS Twin Snakes, WWE DOR and DOR 2, Ikaruga, NBA Courtside 02, the Wii had MadWorld, No More Heroes, The Conduit, Trauma Team, De Blob, and Slient Hill: Shattered Memories, Besides Sonic: The Lost World, and Bayonetta 2, that's pretty much it for the Wii U
B.) Both InFamous games had great storytelling and were challenging, and rewarding, seeing Cole finally take down a giant beast with a Ionic Storm, Unlike most Mario games these days. The enemies in both Infamous games took multiple hits to kill. Mario, I can breeze through Mario in 3 hours, I buy games for a challenge, not to play a game that I have already beaten.
C.) Motion Controls have been around WAAAAAYYY before the Wii was even an idea. the PlayStation made gaming mainstream, had full voice acting, you could move the left stick to move the camera, the PS2 had analog buttons, if you were playing Tekken: Tag Tournament, or WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain, it determined the force of a strike, or if you were playing Need for Speed or NASCAR Thunder, the buttons determined how hard you accelerated or braked, the first removable HDD. The PS3 had the first interactive social networking system (PS Home). the Xbox had the first integrated online gaming service, The XBOX 360 had the first HD graphics, PGR 3 looked absolutely stunning, the first trophy system for rewarding gamers, the first online matchmaking system, the first downloadable game demos, and the first gamerscore system.
D.) It was a representation of Nintendo's refusal to adapt with the times, Well, so does Call of Duty and Madden, and usually Call of Duty is the same thing every year, same thing with Madden, What happened to those two IP's is happening to Mario, like it or not
I do like Nintendo, not the modern hollow shell, the old Nintendo, the one who wasn't afraid to change up a game's formula, the one that pushed boundaries, the one that tried to compete, the one where Nintendo made great games with all of it's IP's, not just Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda, the one that didn't do remakes for said IP's and actually tried to make each game unique.
A)Third party wise they have
Disney infinity, Rayman legends, Sonic lost world, bayonetta 2, assasins creed 3, assasins creed black flag, watch dogs, batman arkham city, batman arkham origins, fifa, nba, madden, black ops 2, COD ghosts, injustice gods among us, thats 15 games right there, and there are many many many more that are not mentioned
B) how in any way is this relevant??!??!?!?!?!?!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
A)Third party wise they have
Disney infinity, Rayman legends, Sonic lost world, bayonetta 2, assasins creed 3, assasins creed black flag, watch dogs, batman arkham city, batman arkham origins, fifa, nba, madden, black ops 2, COD ghosts, injustice gods among us, thats 15 games right there, and there are many many many more that are not mentioned
B) how in any way is this relevant??!??!?!?!?!?!
And Scribblenauts: Unlimited. :D


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I've always found the argument that a game console needs a library of 700 some games to make the console worth playing when the average consumer can't possiblely afford a good 1/12 of that number. Then again I buy very few newer console game which only reaches around maybe around 3-6 a year. I collect older games so usually alot more of my spending goes in that direction anyway.
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