Smash Hero
let's figure this out
there are 3 big altered states that people play in and have their own opinions on
drunk, tired, high
and whether or not u play better or worse, in these states, is...debated i guess?
but there is usually a common consensus that there is a DIFFERENCE in playstyles
from sober play, and DTH play
so whats the difference?
personally...when i'm tired/drunk, i feel like i play ok ;o
i can pick up on some of my reactions being slow, obviously
I miss some tech reads or wd OoS punishes or w/e, the reactive side of my game goes down
but i feel some other aspects of my play become...more effective (don't want to say better)
so what exactly is going on here?
my theory is that...personally...i try to think about my matches (too much maybe?)
and when i'm affected by one of these three states
i pretty much give up on thinking over my match since i know i won't be able too
so instead i kind of...just...play?
but that's a very generic under developed dive into what actually is occurring here
so let's talk about it more
(p.s. yea i'll scrape you in a drunk mm don't even try)
let's figure this out
there are 3 big altered states that people play in and have their own opinions on
drunk, tired, high
and whether or not u play better or worse, in these states, is...debated i guess?
but there is usually a common consensus that there is a DIFFERENCE in playstyles
from sober play, and DTH play
so whats the difference?
personally...when i'm tired/drunk, i feel like i play ok ;o
i can pick up on some of my reactions being slow, obviously
I miss some tech reads or wd OoS punishes or w/e, the reactive side of my game goes down
but i feel some other aspects of my play become...more effective (don't want to say better)
so what exactly is going on here?
my theory is that...personally...i try to think about my matches (too much maybe?)
and when i'm affected by one of these three states
i pretty much give up on thinking over my match since i know i won't be able too
so instead i kind of...just...play?
but that's a very generic under developed dive into what actually is occurring here
so let's talk about it more
(p.s. yea i'll scrape you in a drunk mm don't even try)