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Dress-bouncing edgeguard.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2008
I can't find this technique anywhere, and since i've been using it with great results lately, I thought like sharing.

Feel free to flame the hell out of me if, for some reason, it's posted elsewhere and I didn't notice. I don't come around ZSS forums much so I might have missed it anyway.

Let's get to business: I've been experimenting with the power-suit parts and how to take the best adventage of them, and one of the many variants of the "throw-to-their-face" technique I found, seems to be particulary useful.

Dress-Bouncing Edgeguard

When the target is off-stage, you pick up a power-suit part, then jump vertically while standing one yard away from the edge, and throw the part downwards. Then you proceed to fast-fall, pick up the piece with Z or Uair to cover your arse, and then again, repeat.

The suit part will bounce against the floor twice in that time, with enough height to intercept the edge-guarded target regardless of the move used to come back to the stage, in 90% of the cases. To make sure, you can Dair at the very moment the opponent gets up from the ledge. Then, you and the suit part combined will act as a wall of death that will pop the guy back to the off-stage zone.

I've been able to chain this technique on both cpu and humans for as long as the dress part didn't hit them from the wrong part of their body, in which case they get popped into the stage. If you're careful this doesn't happen very often, though.

If this technique has not been posted yet, I will record a video if you want me to.


PD: I'm currently investigating more possible forms of edge guard involving the power suit, like a standing edge guard consisting of d-smashing and bouncing the armor against the floor, or maybe a double bouncing edgeguard with two armor parts. If you're interested I'll report my results ^^


Mar 16, 2007
I do this sometimes if my opponent likes to use get-up attacks too much.

It's situational, but something to have in the back of your mind.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I've done that occasionally, and I would probably only use it on characters that have to recover to the stage, yet are a little hard to edgeguard because ZSS' regular edgeguarding can be much better than that.
Well, thanks for posting this anyway. If you think of something that you're not sure has been done before, I think it's worth it to post it. Btw, the best use of this is really to get out of shield pressure like I did there in that vid Adapt posted....that was still a bad game for me though -_- .

I still don't see a dress on Samus though >_>
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