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Dreams/Nightmares thread


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
I believe this is the right place to post this kind of discussion.
We have dreams every time we go to sleep, however, sadly, we very rarely remember any of them. So, this is a thread for those exceptional dreams that we actually do end up remembering. Share your weird, crazy, nonsensical, stupid, fantastical or horrifying stories your brain makes up while you sleep.

I had this idea today after waking up from a rather crazy dream, and I felt like sharing it with someone. Here it goes:
I'm fairly sure that I was in the body of another person in the duration of this dream. I was a young adult, and years before the events of this, I willingly abandoned my family to join a crime organization called... the "Sheikah". Yes, the dream explictly named the gang "Sheikah", yes, everybody in the gang was a ninja, and yes, everybody dressed up like Sheik. Including me, whoever I was.
When I joined the gang, I was assigned a new family, and they trained me to do... something. Whatever I was trained to do, the dream did not bother detailing it. We needed to buy a new house, so we went to check one (with our disguises off, we were dressed like normal people) that's not far away from where I live IRL. The city this dream took place was some weird mixture between my city, Los Santos and a few random places from my other dreams.
The house was very small, and was painted all in yellow, with a white floor. I knew that the previous owner of the house had committed suicide by shooting himself in the heard, but I have no idea where I got that information. The seller started showing us the house... but for whatever reason, all I did was annoy some kid that was there. Then, the dream went lucid for a second and I reversed time to before I started doing that. Then the dream stopped being lucid. I... never heard something like that happening before.
We left the house and said we'd think about buying it. Immediatly after we left, the seller was murdered by a maniac with a shotgun, but we just completely ignored it. Okay.
On our way back, I decided to go take a look at my old parents' house. I looked through the window, and they seemed so depressed, and I knew it was because of me. Suddenly, my old mother exited the house and started looking frantically for me. I'd probably be recognized by her since I wasn't wearing a disguise, so I ran. Then after jumping through a few rooftops, I woke up.

...It was a really crazy dream, but I actually know what led up to it. It still was really interesting, to me. So: What are you guys' dreams? Either dreams you just had, or memorable dreams you had in the past.


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
I don't remember any dreams at the moment, but I heard that you might have a better chance at remembering if you drink some water before bed and after you wake up. I haven't tried this yet, but it's worth a shot.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2014
Arkham Asylum
My best dream was the first and only time I had a lucid dream. I don't remember what caused me to realize I was sleeping but as soon as I realized I knew that I could control everything in it. I had read up on lucid dreaming a few weeks before so it was still fresh in my mind. The way I controlled things in the dream is a little hard to explain, but basically I just had to concentrate on what I wanted, and will it into existence. First I changed it from night to day. Then I changed the setting of my dream from being at my house to being at the beach.

The best part of the entire dream was when I remembered that lucid dreamers often fly. I got a running start; jumped forward, and started to fly. It felt so real, I just kept going up and up. Unfortunately after a few minutes everything started getting blurry (almost like a camera losing focus) and I woke up. That was probably two or three years ago now, and I haven't had another lucid dream.

When it comes to nightmares; I'm prone to getting sleep paralysis. For those who don't know, here's a link.

The best way for me to break the sleep paralysis is to focus on moving my hand. Most of the time I'll clench my fist. I'll focus on that, and it normally takes about thirty seconds to a minute to work. It was a lot worse when I didn't know of that solution. Thankfully I haven't had any episodes of sleep paralysis in about a year.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I had a really crazy dream last night.

In my dream, I was driving to a family party with my mom, dad and brother, when some punk teenager decided to walk on the street in our direction so I couldn't pass him. I told him to move but he wouldn't budge. Suddenly, four other guys threw us out of the car and tried to take our stuff, but left when some other cars started coming.

After this I was somehow watching a live play with a bunch of people from my high school. The play was about some guy who could make the greatest clothing ever, but could not take it off whenever he did (which caused him to urinate himself, no I'm not making this part up). It ended with him being chased through some destroyed building and that was it.

Now I was in a classroom sitting by myself when two new kids sat to the left and right of me. They were really nice but I then saw a vision of them quickly stomping on my head. I shoved them aside and told the teacher and they were arrested.
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