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Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Correct, that ain't Falco. This team is sitting at rank 6, after a nice day of not losing. When reaching 1400, I realized I needed to wait 10min for each match, just to be paired at "+1/-29", so I decided to stop there for now.
This is the 2nd RMT I've ever done. I don't like writing them up, but I feel that the current things I'm using may be banned in the near future.

As far as making this team... I pretty much saw Latios, Dory, and Shandera on the pokemon online usage statistics and decided to make a team around them.
-> I needed a sand inducer
-> Needed something for other weather abusers
-> Needed a lead


Mew2king (Deoxys-S) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 52 Atk / 252 SAtk / 204 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Psycho Boost
- Stealth Rock
- Superpower
- Hidden Power [Fire]

This spot used to be used up by a LeadChamp. I was doing well with that until too many Ulgamoths were giving me trouble because of a lack of SR. As you can see, this is far from your average Deoxy-S lead. The speed EVs are just enough to outspeed Scarf Genosekuto. The rest is poured into SpA and Atk to do as much damage as possible. This Deoxys can OHKO Ttar and Genose leads, giving me good momentum in the match right off the bat. Bulker TTars survive but are left at extremely low HP. To me, a pokemon like Ttar is meant to live for a long time and having an opposing Ttar alive troubles me, so this is fine enough for me. There's been times when someone leads with a Genose, it got OHKO'd, then they sent in a Ttar... only for that to be OHKO'd as well. Keyword = times, cause it's not hard to find them both being used. Anywho, if the lead is anything that isn't OHKO'd, I setup SR. Psycho Boost leaves a nice dent in alot of things. If I don't 2HKO something, Shandera can just come in and clean up.

SilentSpectre (Latios (M)) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Trick

When I saw that Latios wasn't uber, I knew I had to have it on my team. Imo, this is the best special sweeper in OU and can fit on almost any team. The fighting resistance is very nice, and even the psychic resistance (Rankurusu). Latios helps me a lot against Rain teams (with the help of Ttar) and pokemon that simply threaten Dory. Specs Draco Meteor is something that pretty much nothing (that isn't steel) wants to switch into, sometimes even at -2. I have thunderbolt for bulky waters and trick for specific situations. Situations such as having trouble killing a Blissey or a Hitmontop w/ Breloom dead (Hitmontop kinda destroys my team with Breloom dead. But I learned it can slowly die to good prediction + LO/SS damage, thanks to constant matches w/ ********.). Surf is there for ground types, fire types and predicting Scizor/Ttar switch-ins. I have this thing to be as fast as possible since it's SpA is already high enough.

Ken (Shandera (M)) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Pretty much the all in one revenge killer. When I saw this thing on serebii, I knew I needed it on my team. I love using choice scarf revenge killers, but I always had a problem... This problem was picking the right move, just incase the opponent switches into a counter. Shandera erases that. This helps me kill things that my Latios may fail to do and gets rid of a lot of annoying pokemon such as Dragons and Natt, which otherwise threaten my team. Draco Meteor is pretty much what everyone expects from a Latios switch-in and a steel pokemon is almost always their counter. Shandera is great for getting rid of these steel pokemon that hurt my Latios' sweeping capabilities. Other then that, it's great on dragons, ground types, psychics, ghosts, etc. The coverage is simply too nice. I have this thing as Modest to maximize it's attacking potential. I'm not too fond of speed tiers for this gen, but not having it as a positive speed nature has yet to be a problem.

Zhu (Tyranitar (M)) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 48 Atk / 208 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
- Pursuit

This is my special tank and weather inducer. I use this instead of Hippo because of it's SpDef and superior movepool. I'm aware that Fire Blast on this thing isn't enough to OHKO Natt or Skarm, but that hasn't been an issue (cough* Shandera) and still leaves a nice dent. Natt can't heal, so it can still die, but Skamory can try to roost spam to get a Fire Blast miss. After the first Fire Blast, I just switch to Shandera. Offensively, I use this thing mostly for Shandera, Heatran, Latios, and if I predict a Gliscor switching. Since it can't heal outside of rest, I gave it leftovers to keep it alive longer. The attack EVs are there to have TTar do actual damage with Superpower and Pursuit. The main reason why I chose a bulky Ttar over a typical offensive one is because I think it's important to have it alive as long as possible, due to common pokemon it can still counter (regardless of atk evs) and weather wars.

Mango (Breloom (M)) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Technician
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Swords Dance

I see Breloom as my weather counter. The water/ground resist is lovely for the common use of drizzle and sandstorm abusers and these teams don't like grass/fighting offensive moves. What I love the most about this thing is how many switches it forces. Bullet Seed can be a troublesome move to switch into, since it can dent/kill common counters such as Latios and Breloom. I usually send this thing onto a water pokemon that can't threaten it and ground/rock pokemon that aren't named Landlos/Gliscor. Basically, I send it into something I can definitely OHKO. Many will leave their pokemon out, expecting a Spore, fearing a SD, or not wanting Bullet Seed hax... so I just Bullet Seed almost always. Other then dealing with speed abusers, it's good resistance, coverage, and spore makes setting up physical sweepers pretty easy. With Shed Shell, Shandera basically kill themselves when switching into, since I have Ttar. Gliscor is taken care of Shandera and Latios. I have yet to see a Gliscor earthquake me as I switch into Shandera, since alot want to protect to get the poision heal going / not get spored.

Isai (Doryuuzu (M)) @ Balloon
Trait: Sand Throw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Well, here it is. The pokemon people say that is the most feared in OU. Earthquake and Rock Slide is there for the notorious EdgeQuake coverage. X-Scissor is there over Return/Break Break for psychic types, dark, and grass types. Sand Throw is the obvious ability of choice since it makes this thing basically unrivaled in speed when sand is up and running. Balloon is a must to keep it alive longer and it's jolly to be able to stand up against other Dorys. I'm very inclined to switch it to adamant since I rarely get into speed-tie situations.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
SilentSpectre should probably have 4 HP EVs. Why not run spikes on Mew2king?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Well, seeing how I was previously using a Leadchamp, I just love attacking leads. SR is simply for Ulgamoth and flyers, which have given me trouble in the past (Ulgamoth having an easy setup, Salamence switching in repetitively for intimate, Zapdos being Zapdos, that Dragonbird thing, Dragonite, etc.).
I could put spikes on instead of psycho boost, put Max Attack EVs and replace HP Fire with Fire Punch to still counter TTar/Genose,... or just run a normal Deoxys, since I have pokemon that force a lot of switches. Hmm, I'll def try that out.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I was about to say that you can run something like 40 Def/252 SpA/216 Spe on ScarfLat since he doesn't need the extra speed that much, but then I saw you were running Specs.

Lots of Bulky Waters on rain teams are physically weak, so maybe Psycho Shock could work for you over Thunderbolt. You lose to Slowbro, but you are more effective against Tentacruel and hit stuff like Roopushin harder too.

Maybe Ice Beam on Deoxys to counteract Voltlos leads? But I guess Psycho Boost works fine. How do you end up dealing with them anyway?

Not much to say about this team really since it's basically exactly the same as most other successful offensive teams out there.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2009
Frame data threads o.0
Without looking at anything but the pokemon it looks like you picked 6 randomly powerful pokes and threw 'em together. That being said, I'm sure it will work great.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Not much to say about this team really since it's basically exactly the same as most other successful offensive teams out there.


herp derp


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I was thinking about Psycho Shock, but being locked into a Psychic move is pretty scary. I'd rather be locked into a Tbolt (from Tentracruel) or -2 Draco (from Roopushin). I need to find a B/W damage calculator, cause if Psycho Shock can hit Burungeru hard like Tbolt, then I guess it's worth a test.

And yeah, Voltlos takes a beating from Psycho Boost. The only leads I hate are other Deoxys Leads (magic coat + resistance = free spike layers) and Trick Room Bronzongs.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
I like how badly Gliscor + Genosect tears this team apart. Sure you can work around them, but they can work around you better. I also just named what is probably the most powerful and reliable offensive/defensive core in DW OU.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
****ing west coast bias.

You can't even use something like dr. pp for doryuuzu or h-box for shandera(they are both pretty gay to most people). Isai + Ken don't exist, anyways. Isai plays N64 but meh.

Also Mango should be a better pokemon.

Also Zhu should do better in tournaments.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
My god this is such a typical team. I think Riddle was using the exact same team but he had Ditto instead of Deoxys and T Tar in the lead position.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I like how badly Gliscor + Genosect tears this team apart. Sure you can work around them, but they can work around you better. I also just named what is probably the most powerful and reliable offensive/defensive core in DW OU.
Have yet to have a problem with either lol. Too busy OHKOing them. Half my team OHKOs Gliscor and beats it 1v1. Gensect's Uturn is pretty annoying, but when it's locked into any other move, it's dead. If it's not a choice scarf Gensect, then it's not even a threat. And most Gensects that are choice scarf are leads, so my Deoxys will OHKO it. There's also not a single pokemon on my team that can't severely hurt Gensect, so it's definitely not having an easy time switching in.
If someone knew my team and I didn't feel like predicting, Genosect might successively kill a pokemon.
****ing west coast bias.

You can't even use something like dr. pp for doryuuzu or h-box for shandera(they are both pretty gay to most people). Isai + Ken don't exist, anyways. Isai plays N64 but meh.

Also Mango should be a better pokemon.

Also Zhu should do better in tournaments.
I actually took some time with the names, *ahem*:

Mew2king is Deoxys cause he looks like Deoxys. Also, Deoxys-S used to be a psychic uber, like Mew2, this is the closest I could get (no, I'm not putting in a Mew lead).

SilentSpectre, when he hits you, he hits you HARD. But he only uses CFalcon (Latios being locked into 1 move).

Ken is Shandera because he always does the right move at the right time. His Marth was just sick like that.

Zhu is Ttar because he was the one getting messed up in the wombo combo. My Ttar is a tank set, so it takes hits a lot. Yet, despite getting messed up, Zhu is still a beast. Despite my Ttar getting smacked around a bunch, it's a beast!

Mango is Breloom because he likes sandbagging. Spore + SD to "lulz" is basically sandbagging.

Dory is Isai cause like... Isai is a god and Dory is the OU god.
My god this is such a typical team. I think Riddle was using the exact same team but he had Ditto instead of Deoxys and T Tar in the lead position.
YO, you gotta admit, my Deoxys and Ttar aren't typical at the very least :D


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Usage statistics prove otherwise lol. Most ttars are still choice and from the matches I've played so far, it feels that way too.


LOL @ Gate's post.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Like half the Tyranitars I've seen are not choiced actually.

Not that there are stats for the Smogon server anyway though. Are you talking about the PO server? Because those are potentially outdated and those people usually suck.

That's also not the possessive form of my name.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Usage statistics prove otherwise lol. Most ttars are still choice and from the matches I've played so far, it feels that way too.


LOL @ Gate's post.
7 | Fire Blast | 19.33 %
8 | Ice Beam | 16.68 %

2 | Choice Band | 16.23 %
3 | Choice Scarf | 14.77 %

Not that uncommon.

Anyway, I feel like doing a full rate for this team, but I'm not actually sure you'll pay any attention to it. Do you honestly feel like a rate by me could cause any changes in your team?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Doesn't the PO stats cover all servers? I thought it related to people using the simulator, period. When looking at a few other pages, it does seem like it's not updated well. Also, I decided to spectate a lot of tournament matches recently after my last post (since I can never seem to join them), and seen alot of flamethrower ttars. Once I saw that new posts arrived in this thread, I knew it was gonna be about my last post xD. I relay too much on that statistic page, I'll stop that...

Also, of course I'll pay attention to a full rate. As far as changes, I really want to make another variant of this team and ladder with it (especially if it makes the team seem less bread n' butter). I'm currently playing around with Spikes on Deoxys and Psycho Shock on Latios, both of which were brought up by other people in this thread.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Doesn't the PO stats cover all servers?
Nope. AFAIK it's only the beta server.

And even if it were every server, the results would still be skewed then because the beta server is more active than Smogon (since it doesn't crash every 6 to 8 hours).


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
NJz said:

Mew2king (Deoxys-S) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 52 Atk / 252 SAtk / 204 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Psycho Boost
- Stealth Rock
- Superpower
- Hidden Power [Fire]
You need 112 Atk EVs to guarantee a kill on full health 4/0 Tyranitar with SuperPower, idk if you care, but you only have about a two thirds chance to do it with your current spread. The way this pokemon repeatedly lowers its own attacking stats bothers me, because it means its going to have to switch out a lot and its not exactly the best at switching back in. I personally would prefer Psychic/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam over Psycho Shock for the better sweeping/cleaning potential. Running Psychic or Shadow Ball makes it impossible for Shandera to revenge you or at least harder (not sure if Psychic OHKOs Shandera). As it is he can beat you if you have a SAtk drop.

NJz said:

SilentSpectre (Latios (M)) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Trick
A standard Specs Latios set. I really prefer to run Dragon Pulse > Trick. Stall is pretty rare nowadays and having a STAB that can more reliably sweep is really helpful.

NJz said:

Ken (Shandera (M)) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Ice]
You lose to opposing scarfed Timid Shandera, +1 Jolly Dragonite, Standard +2 Agiligross, Timid scarftran, Adamant +1 DD Kingdra, +1 Adamant Gyarados, timid Jolteon, and jolly Aerodactyl by running Modest over Timid. I don't know how much outspeeding this pokemon is worth to you, but I personally would prefer Timid on this team. +1 Dragonite doesn't have much trouble sweeping your team if its weakened enough and Doryuuzu is gone. Its also nice not to have to switch in Dory to revenge kill something early in the game before his counters are gone. The other pokemon are less important, but still could be a problem. Its just a matter of personal preference. I also suggest that you run Psychic over Energy Ball. Fighting types are much more prevalent in this metagame, and its really nice to have a way to immediately take them out. Especially with Roobushin ruining your Doryuuzu's sweep and threatening a ton of your team. Overheat will not full health Robushin if its running even a little bulk which it should be doing and most likely will be. Energy Ball on the other hand doesn't really do anything notable except for do some damage to Tyranitar. It won't kill though and you'll still be easily revenged.

NJz said:

Zhu (Tyranitar (M)) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 48 Atk / 208 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
- Pursuit
208 HP / 252 SDef Sassy is a specially bulkier spread than the one you have above. Flamethrower > Fire Blast based on the way you say youre using it. Ruining your surprise on Skarmory/Nattorei because of a miss is the worst. No complaints otherwise.

NJz said:

Mango (Breloom (M)) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Technician
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Swords Dance
I really like shed shell Breloom ^^ cool set you got there. Breloom really fails as a rain counter though. Other than kabutops he doesn't really stop anything. Manaphy has Ice Beam, Ludicolo has Ice Beam, and Kingdra has strong dragon type moves. Both Kingdra and Ludicolo are neutral to grass and Manaphy can't be spored. Doesn't really seem to be that effective, and I can definitely see you having problems with rain.

NJz said:

Isai (Doryuuzu (M)) @ Balloon
Trait: Sand Throw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor
- Rock Slide
I don't really like Doryuuzu at all in this metagame. He's really overrated imo and way overprepared against. It feels like every team has at least 2 Doryuuzu checks. Quite honestly I think this team would be improved if you added a different sand sweeper (so...Landlos) or a more reliable check to rain teams, but more on that later.

Threats to this team I notice:

Scizor - ***** seriously kills more than half your team. Shandera is not a reliable scizor counter. U-turn puts you in serious danger of tyranitar and the like.

Doryuuzu - Not that much of a problem since you have Breloom. Just be careful if you see it on team reveal.

RAIN - I really have no idea how you deal with rain teams other than by keeping sand up. Kingdra and Ludicolo in particular run through your team pretty handily.

Powerful dragon type moves (mainly from Latios) - your only dragon resist is Dory :[. Specs Draco Meteors hurttt.

Urgamosa sorta - Dory keeps it in check but if sand isn't up or Dory is dead and it gets a butterfly dance thats basically gg as far as I can see.

Those are the biggest flaws I see. Now to go about attempting to fix them!

I think Breloom should be replaced by Calm Mind Virizion. They have the same typing but fill fairly different roles. Virizion is a solid counter to rain teams as long as it doesn't switch in on a Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse/Ice Beam. This leaves you a bit weak to Dory though so I suggest switching your own Dory to a Dory check. I suggest Gliscor which also takes care of the scizor problem you have easily. This still leaves you a bit weak to Urgamosa, but Gliscor can somewhat take it and its not all that common. Just make sure it can't set up if you see one.

Here are the sets I'm suggesting:

Virizion @ Leftovers
Timid / Justice Heart
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
~Calm Mind
~Giga Drain
~Focus Blast
~Taunt / Hidden Power Ice / Substitute / Reflect

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Impish / Poison Heal
244 HP / 28 Def / 236 Spe

Try those out and tell me what you think :D.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Hmm... I wonder with those attack EVs if it could also kill Genosect with Fire Punch. Killing Ttar 100% is definitely awesome though. Only reason why I had max SpA is because I wanted strong STAB and HP Fire hitting Genosect and Natt. But Natt switch-ins are rare and if Genosect still dies from Fire Punch, then that's awesome. Despite the fact this Deoxys is setup like a sweeper, I still treat it as a suicide lead. So Psycho Boost is pretty much there just to hurt the opposing lead hard before it gets killed.

Wow, I had no clue Shandera could outrun those things when Timid...
Gyarados and Nite after a dragondance hurt my team a lot, easily some of my most feared threats. I'll definitely change it to Timid now. About energy ball, I can see Psychic being useful. I could actually count the amount of times I've actually used Energy Ball, and it's 3 times lol

Yeah, I switched to flamethrower and it's working very nicely

I like it vs Rain because it's really good at the beginning and towards the end of the match. At the end of the match, there's beat up pokemon that can't take a techpunch and/or Rain is replaced with SS. In the beginning, if I switch it into a Politoad, people will be pissed since they need Toad to stay alive as long as possible, but don't want to have something put to sleep. 7 to 3, they leave Politoad in to take the status, but I just bullet seed it instead. If they don't switch, I kill drizzle. If they do, something can get Bullet Seed + Mach Punched to death. Same goes for switching into anything before it sets up, since LO Ludicolo's Ice Beam and LO Kingdra's Outrage (+0) both 2HKO Breloom (while Breloom kills them with BS->MP).
But the main reason why I find Breloom to be good vs weather is because of the good priority move.

I was thinking about Landlos, especially since it ***** Dory and basically hits harder.

Yeah... it can put a good dent in my team. Me getting rid of Scizor is pretty much down to how careless my opponents have been. Such as switching into Specs Surfs/Tbolts, switching into Fire Blast from TTar, getting trapped by Shandera, being locked into BP for a Dory setup, letting my Breloom setup, and not knowing my Deoxys. Lol, yeah I know, none of these are very reliable (cept sometimes Shandy and Dory).

Pretty much, a lot of noobs use Rain and let me kill their Politoads early in the game. When Sand is up, Latios kills everything except a DD'd Kingdra (if it gets a DD out, I have to rely on forcing it to Outrage using Latios and then putting out Dory. Ugly, but eh). I need to play better Rain teams, unfortunately Rain teams disappear when over 1350.

Dragon moves-
For Specs Draco Meteors, I switch to TTar and Pursuit spam. Ttar comes out with about 60% health. If they predict and Specs Surf... then like, 40% :(, and that's only if Ttar is good and healthy.
Mixed Dragons don't have DD, so that's nice. But Garchomps Outrage is basically guaranteed a pokemon. Scarfchomp is a huge problem for me since I can't revenge with Latios and Dory has to lose his balloon sometimes. Dory's dragon resistance is the main reason why I've had it over Landlos.
For dragon moves, I've been considering Natt to sponge them up and setup.

I have no clue what a Virizion is, so I'll have to look that up xD (is that the english name? I acutally onced used Gliscor instead of Breloom, probably for 2 matches, then stopped since both of my walls were weak to Rain :( I'll find out what this Virizion thing is lol.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Given that dragons are a lot less common on OU than Ubers, wouldn't running Dragon Pulse be worse than running, say, HP Fire or Psycho Shock?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I don't like Nattorei on your team at all. He's a good pokemon but he's not the fix-all wall that people make him out to be. He does very little for your team honestly and ruins the offensive momentum that your team does such a good job maintaining.

I have no idea what Virizion's english name is lol.

Thanks for taking my rates seriously btw. Nothing bugs me more than someone who refuses to consider the ideas of others, because theyre sure their team is so amazing. You even have a reason to not consider my rates (your amazing success), but you did it anyway. You seem like a pretty cool guy ^^

Given that dragons are a lot less common on OU than Ubers, wouldn't running Dragon Pulse be worse than running, say, Surf?
He already has surf lol. Plus reliable, non SAtk lowering STAB dragon moves are really nice :p


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I guess I just never heard of it lol, didn't seem familiar at all O.o

And no problem, thank you for the in-depth review :D I'm getting exactly what I wanted out of this thread.
Once my school work gets less lame, I'm gonna try out these changes. Haven't touched pokemon all week yet :L
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