So, I tried to do a timeline for Brawl, so we can compare it to Smash 4's development. Considering this is SmashBoards, feel free to point me to the thread where someone did this better than me.
Oct 2005 - Development start
May 2006 - Official reveal, trailer
Nov 2006 - Gameplay trailer (Confirmed characters: 10)
May 2007 - Dojo/daily updates
Jan 2008 - Japan release
Mar 2008 - US release
Jun 2012 - Development start (possibly before)
Jun 2013 - Official reveal, gameplay trailer, daily updates (Confirmed characters: 12)
This leads me to believe that Smash 4 is further along its development than many think, considering its reveal had gameplay videos (as opposed to just an animated video, like Brawl had) and coincided with the beginning of daily updates. I'm inclined to believe Smash 4 is closer to the Nov 06 - May 07 progress of Brawl.
There were 10 months of daily updates for Brawl (between the Dojo opening and the game's US release), so if is indeed the new Dojo, and it began in June, 10 months from then would be
April 2014. dangerously close to the rumored May 2014.
Also consider, Brawl was supposed to be released roughly one year after its Nintendo World trailer debut (with gameplay). May 2014 would be close to a year since Smash 4's E3 2013 showcase, which included the first gameplay footage/trailer.
Lastly, the lack of significant updates on could just be Sakurai concentrating on the game itself instead of supervising a site with detailed daily updates, and saving the juicier details for the actual game release. I believe I read some comments from him along those lines (about the "daily pic" concept).
What do you guys think?