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Doopliss(Paper Mario 2) for brawl!!: The shapeshifting body stealer

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Smash Rookie
May 23, 2007

Yes, that doopliss. Living at the top of creepy steeple recording soap operas on his TV, doopliss steals people's bodies for fun.

His physical attacks would be somewhat like kirby's(Same physical stature), except his smash attacks would create a mini shadow-energy blast. Doopliss in normal form would be able to float (A LA PEACH STYLE) utilizing his sheet as a floater. Light weight, weak but fast physical attacks.

Suggestion for special attacks:
Normal doopliss
B - Mimic: Doopliss becomes a purple silhouette of the character that the mimic beam hits.
All attacks are exactly that of the mimicked character, however B attacks and smash attacks are slightly weaker. The mimic will not have a Down B attack as that will be used to cancel the mimic. Mimic also wears off if Doopliss takes too much damage, or is killed.
B Left/Right - Shadow Bolt: Dooplis creates bolts of shadow energy that shoots quickly at an enemy.
B Down - Shadow Bomb: Plants shadow bombs in the ground that detonate after a short period of time. Great when luring enemies.
B Up - Spinning Thrust headbutt: Doopliss uses his sheet to propel him upwards creating a mini whirlwind, smashes anyone in it's path.

Smash special: Treasure chest spite.
Doopliss pulls out a treasure chest and the cursed spirit comes out, wreaks havoc, and does major damage to all players besides doopliss.

Character stage:
Creepy Steeple.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2007
Longmont, CO
I'd rather see Any FE charater than that thing to be honest with u. That thing looks very unimportant and pointless to be in a fighting game.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Doopliss was a interesting part of Paper Mario 2 but really when you fought him he didn't really have any moves that really stood out besides switching bodies.
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