Ok, I've really looked around the boards, and used the search function and I can't find anything at all about this. Also no one talks about it, Maybe I'm just missing something obvious here. What I have believed since the "share" update on Dec. 28, was that nintendo would be sending us data, i.e. patches. I thought that because they request that you keep the "smash service" turned on, which to me means what they send you is important. Also, it states that "now, downloaded data from Nintendo will gradually be overwritten, so there’s no need to worry about your Wii’s memory running out." Now I suppose I don't know a whole lot when it comes to patching, but do the latest patches replace older ones? I know that they only showed snapshot's as the data being sent, but what confused me was why nintendo would create this function, to send individual people snapshots. Am I way off on this?