So for a while I've been building my own Smashbox-esque controller. Over time it has developed into a "Cheater-box" for fun.
I am currently working on a perfect wavedash macro, and that concept can be applied to multishining as well.
I have an older build of the controller that is a Frankenstein padhack of a GameCube controller. I used a Teensy 3.2 to interface with it. So essentially, I am using a microcontroller to "push" the buttons electronically for me with precise timings.
I am having some very interesting findings though, perhaps some of the experts can provide an explanation:
If I space out a jump input and a trigger input to exactly what it should be for a perfect wavedash for the respective character, it will only perfect wavedash about a third of the time, maybe less (I didn't do any sort of statistical analysis). Sometimes the airdodge would happen early and get eaten, and sometimes it would be a frame late. I believe on extremely rare occasions it could also be two frames late.
Is this a known issue, or has anyone tested this? I suppose my code and application could be at fault, but I am fairly certain that's not the case.
I am currently working on a perfect wavedash macro, and that concept can be applied to multishining as well.
I have an older build of the controller that is a Frankenstein padhack of a GameCube controller. I used a Teensy 3.2 to interface with it. So essentially, I am using a microcontroller to "push" the buttons electronically for me with precise timings.
I am having some very interesting findings though, perhaps some of the experts can provide an explanation:
If I space out a jump input and a trigger input to exactly what it should be for a perfect wavedash for the respective character, it will only perfect wavedash about a third of the time, maybe less (I didn't do any sort of statistical analysis). Sometimes the airdodge would happen early and get eaten, and sometimes it would be a frame late. I believe on extremely rare occasions it could also be two frames late.
Is this a known issue, or has anyone tested this? I suppose my code and application could be at fault, but I am fairly certain that's not the case.