I've been thinking about this for a while and I don't think light shielding should come back. I think it's a neat little use of the trigger's sensitivity aspects but other than that, it's pretty lackluster in terms of deepening competitive play. I know of uses for light shielding in Melee and whatnot but I admit I'm kind of a n00b when it comes to this so forgive me if I'm being oblivious to very obvious uses of light shielding. The only condition I want this to happen in, though, is that since there's no light shielding, you can shield drop instantly through platforms a la Smash 64. This isn't possible even in Brawl where there's no light shield!
I'm too lazy right now to find the quote but Isai said that a Smash game is gonna lack if you can't easily move through platforms and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. I'm sure you guys are aware how useful this little technique is. You're aware of the crazy stuff you can pull off by shield dropping. So why not?
I'm too lazy right now to find the quote but Isai said that a Smash game is gonna lack if you can't easily move through platforms and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. I'm sure you guys are aware how useful this little technique is. You're aware of the crazy stuff you can pull off by shield dropping. So why not?
inb4 there's a way to keep light shielding and still make it easy to shield drop through platforms