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Do you use the report or block feature and how often?

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Do you use those features online for Wii U? How about 3DS smash? Do you report a lot of people?

I play 3ds mostly. If someone lags, I try to block them, or if somebody ****ty teammate in doubles is fking up my smash experience, I will block them, and hopefully that kicks them out of the room(im not sure it works like that though).

Also, I report people who taunt disrespectfully
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2005
Florence, South Carolina
Also, I report people who taunt disrespectively
Sounds like you're mad.

As far as I know, the block feature only blocks them on miiverse, so you won't see their posts or get messages from them. It was installed to prevent "harassment/bullying" (aka good spirited ribbing), not to keep you from playing someone who made you salty by outplaying you or having dial up in 2015. It would be great to never have to play people with trash connections ever again, but a lot of that probably just comes from Nintendo doing a poor job of matching people by area.

Long story short, you're not helping yourself.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
Do you use those features online for Wii U? How about 3DS smash? Do you report a lot of people?

I play 3ds mostly. If someone lags, I try to block them, or if somebody ****ty teammate in doubles is fking up my smash experience, I will block them, and hopefully that kicks them out of the room(im not sure it works like that though).

Also, I report people who taunt disrespectively
I report those who gang up on me. By that, I mean 3 vs 1, or a 2 vs 1 type of thing. They don''t attack each other, just me the entire match, or don't do anything. Another symptom is when they will come from me in a sudden death match, then if I'm defeated, they run offstage.

That BS I won't tolerate, plus its not sportsmanship-like. And I refuse to reward someone like that.

Using the Wii U version, I haven't been able to come across the "block" feature, but only the "report" feature.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I hardly ever use the Report Function at all, mainly because I feel like I have no reason to and also feel it's kind of useless to.

There are some people who I will report though depending on their behavior. Once in a For Glory Free for All match there was someone who literally camped on the edges and avoided the fights the whole time. Although they never won they used tags like "LOL U SUK" "420BLAZE" "U *******" "GO FURSELV" and more. I wasn't sure who they were targeting as they may of been doing it before I even joined, or if they were doing it just to do it; however I found it to be pretty pathetic and just reported them. Again, it's rare that I even consider it.

As for blocking? I never once blocked anyone. I don't really care how disrespectful or insulting someone is to me usually because I highly doubt I will ever face them again. If by the off chance I do I probably won't even remember them. If anything I actually gain some salty stories I can share with others by encountering said people. I also never, ever consider blocking anyone due to lag because I find it unfair.

Not everyone can control their lag and they shouldn't be forbidden to play online if they don't have a great connection. Besides, no one is forcing you to deal with the lag anyways. You can leave at any point in time after the match instead of sticking around you know.

Again, what are the chances you'll face them again? If you do will you even remember them from the 1000+ matches you played?

I report those who gang up on me. By that, I mean 3 vs 1, or a 2 vs 1 type of thing. They don''t attack each other, just me the entire match, or don't do anything. Another symptom is when they will come from me in a sudden death match, then if I'm defeated, they run offstage.

That BS I won't tolerate, plus its not sportsmanship-like. And I refuse to reward someone like that.

Using the Wii U version, I haven't been able to come across the "block" feature, but only the "report" feature.
It sounds like you were interrupting a Taunt Party, as that's the main cause of 3V1's in For Fun. Sad to say it, but it's unavoidable.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2014
I haven't come across anyone who crossed the line with tags. The most extreme is "UR BAD" and "F**G*T".

I don't report people who lag, as sometimes I'm not sure whether or not it's coming from my side. Maybe there's people who don't care whether they face a laggy opponent, so I just back out of the room and we both continue on with our lives.

If I don't like someone's playstyle, I also back out. There's no reason for me to forcibly stop people from playing the way they want to.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Sounds like you're mad.

As far as I know, the block feature only blocks them on miiverse, so you won't see their posts or get messages from them. It was installed to prevent "harassment/bullying" (aka good spirited ribbing), not to keep you from playing someone who made you salty by outplaying you or having dial up in 2015. It would be great to never have to play people with trash connections ever again, but a lot of that probably just comes from Nintendo doing a poor job of matching people by area.

Long story short, you're not helping yourself.
Thats disappointing to hear, it would be great if you couldprevent future matches against people who lag or suck at smash

EDIT; It sounds like youre insinuating that i only report people who beat me. Thats not true at all. Most of my frustration and rage online comes from noobs. 90 percent of my reports are noobs in doubles that cant play for ****. i find it offensive that that level of play is in my matches. If they are playing at that level, they shouldnt be playing at all. Id rather only fight people who are at or above my level of skill.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Sounds like you're mad.

As far as I know, the block feature only blocks them on miiverse, so you won't see their posts or get messages from them. It was installed to prevent "harassment/bullying" (aka good spirited ribbing), not to keep you from playing someone who made you salty by outplaying you or having dial up in 2015. It would be great to never have to play people with trash connections ever again, but a lot of that probably just comes from Nintendo doing a poor job of matching people by area.

Long story short, you're not helping yourself.
Thats disappointing to hear, it would be great if you couldprevent future matches against people who lag or suck at smash

EDIT; It sounds like youre insinuating that i only report people who beat me. Thats not true at all. Most of my frustration and rage online comes from noobs. 90 percent of my reports are noobs in doubles that cant play for ****. i find it offensive that that level of play is in my matches. If they are playing at that level, they shouldnt be playing at all. Id rather only fight people who are at or above my level of skill.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
I hardly ever use the Report Function at all, mainly because I feel like I have no reason to and also feel it's kind of useless to.

There are some people who I will report though depending on their behavior. Once in a For Glory Free for All match there was someone who literally camped on the edges and avoided the fights the whole time. Although they never won they used tags like "LOL U SUK" "420BLAZE" "U *******" "GO FURSELV" and more. I wasn't sure who they were targeting as they may of been doing it before I even joined, or if they were doing it just to do it; however I found it to be pretty pathetic and just reported them. Again, it's rare that I even consider it.

As for blocking? I never once blocked anyone. I don't really care how disrespectful or insulting someone is to me usually because I highly doubt I will ever face them again. If by the off chance I do I probably won't even remember them. If anything I actually gain some salty stories I can share with others by encountering said people. I also never, ever consider blocking anyone due to lag because I find it unfair.

Not everyone can control their lag and they shouldn't be forbidden to play online if they don't have a great connection. Besides, no one is forcing you to deal with the lag anyways. You can leave at any point in time after the match instead of sticking around you know.

Again, what are the chances you'll face them again? If you do will you even remember them from the 1000+ matches you played?

It sounds like you were interrupting a Taunt Party, as that's the main cause of 3V1's in For Fun. Sad to say it, but it's unavoidable.
Regarding the lag, the remedy to that is not reporting individuals for it, whether or not they are responsible, its in Nintendo's ballpark to issue more stringent network requirements in order to play online. Such as this strong of a signal is required. You know, 4-5 bars. Instead of continuously buffering during a match (I was in a game where the lag was so bad, it felt like 5 minutes over two), if there's a lot of lag, the connection needs to end then and there, with the "A Communication Error Has Occurred" message. Nintendo needs to bring the hammer down when it comes to online gameplay.
(On a side note, I think Sony and Microsoft are blowing them out of the water when it comes to that. Online gaming may not be their area of expertise). More stringent network requirements will help ensure smoother gaming experiences, because those with bad network connections, or throttled internet, will be weeded out so-to-speak. Check your router PRIOR to getting on, not after or during.

People who insult me I don't report, they've made fools out of themselves through their handles (I once got "GO TO HELL," found it pretty encouraging). I can't come down too hard on them though, I've had my outbursts from frustration in my time.

KirbCider KirbCider , I don't stand a chance in FG. One of the last things they're doing is taunting.



Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
No, I do not use the report feature nor do I intend to do so. If I ever encounter those who taunt, teabag, spam or whatever, I just ignore them and move on. Unlike most people, I ain't that sensitive like those salty scrubs out there.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2015
Yeah, but I only ever use it on people who insult me with the standard "GARBAGE", "TRASH", "U SUK", etc., etc., and then I immediately leave the room.
If you're going to insult someone on their inability to play to such a level as you that you insult them for it, please turn off your Wii U.
You may be a good player, but if you degrade someone simply because they aren't as good as you, I don't care if you're friggin' ZeRo status, you honestly shouldn't be playing the game.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I use the report function in 2 very distinct situations;

ON players who change their nametags to rude/hateful tags after a match(provided the wimps stay for a second match) and/or teabag/generally act very arrogant and rude in a match.

Or if I go into for fun mode and find a taunt party. I always report all taunt parties regardless of whether I win or not. Taunt parties are the scum of smash bros, and hell, Sakurai even added the report function, among a few other things such as auto-banning for ganging up on one player, to all try and stop taunt parties from happening. So even the developer can't stand these people.

Other then that I usually don't report, occasionally I might if the person has their profile phrase as something vulgar/rude, but rarely do I do that unless it's something really extreme, as that is far different from deliberately trash talking your current opponent before/after a match. Sadly it seems good sportsmanship is a rarity these days.
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Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
From time to time, yes. But only if it's someone absolutely unplayable like a roll-happy spammer. I certainly don't want to have to come across them ever again. I believe one of the valid reasons for using the report feature has something to do with unfair playstyle or something? I don't exactly remember, but it was something like that.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Do you use those features online for Wii U? How about 3DS smash? Do you report a lot of people?

I play 3ds mostly. If someone lags, I try to block them, or if somebody ****ty teammate in doubles is fking up my smash experience, I will block them, and hopefully that kicks them out of the room(im not sure it works like that though).

Also, I report people who taunt disrespectfully
You're reporting someone for using something thats in the game? Wow



Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
You're reporting someone for using something thats in the game? Wow

Wow. Great logic. What else would you use a report button for? Every reply in this thread is about something thats in the game.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Yeah, but I only ever use it on people who insult me with the standard "GARBAGE", "TRASH", "U SUK", etc., etc., and then I immediately leave the room.
If you're going to insult someone on their inability to play to such a level as you that you insult them for it, please turn off your Wii U.
You may be a good player, but if you degrade someone simply because they aren't as good as you, I don't care if you're friggin' ZeRo status, you honestly shouldn't be playing the game.
For glory doubles is a competitive team mode where you play to win with the help of your teammate. If you go into a match with the intent to **** your partner up by jumping off the stage and then DCing in the middle of the match, then you dont deserve to be playing online.

i dont really care if you suck if you're playing 1v1 or ffa, but if its a team game then youre just taking out all the fun for the other three players in a competitive match when the losing team is pretty much automatically decided by whoever team this one guy is placed in. ive had plenty of matches where one person SDs like 3 times or more in the first 10 seconds and then quits, and then everybody else decides to just not fight because they know theres no point to continue playing. its just stupid af and f*** that guy for ruining a game like that
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wow. Great logic. What else would you use a report button for? Every reply in this thread is about something thats in the game.
Taunting is in the game for fun n ****. You reporting someone for "Disrespectful taunting" is so childish. Its your fault you interpret taunts as disrespectful. Not theirs.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Why report people over something that has been apart of the Smash Bros. series since the inaugural game on the N64 such as taunting? That's like saying you report people just cuz they're having a good time playing the game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Taunting is in the game for fun n ****. You reporting someone for "Disrespectful taunting" is so childish. Its your fault you interpret taunts as disrespectful. Not theirs.
Constant taunt spamming against a single player after kills is disrespectful. No I do not report people just for taunting, I am not that petty, but if they are clearly using it to be disrespectful, then they get a report. Yes, they ARE disrespectful when used like that. Its essentially the same thing as a name tag insult(git gud faggt) . Yeah ok, its my fault if I think its disrespectful, i guess its also my fault if I think name tag insults are disrespectful as well. Disagree? Ever considered why they are called taunts in the first place?

  1. 1.
    a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone

EdiT: By the way, this is exactly the kind of responses I was looking for when i made this thread. wanted to fish out more bait though.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Constant taunt spamming against a single player after kills is disrespectful. No I do not report people just for taunting, I am not that petty, but if they are clearly using it to be disrespectful, then they get a report. Yes, they ARE disrespectful when used like that. Its essentially the same thing as a name tag insult(git gud faggt) . Yeah ok, its my fault if I think its disrespectful, i guess its also my fault if I think name tag insults are disrespectful as well. Disagree? Ever considered why they are called taunts in the first place?

  1. 1.
    a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone

EdiT: By the way, this is exactly the kind of responses I was looking for when i made this thread. wanted to fish out more bait though.
There is so much wrong with your post its incredible.

Constant taunting? Theres a limit to this you know. And like I said, its YOUR fault you find it disrespectful, something you claim to understand, yet still try to defend yourself. And yes, you clearly are that petty. Earlier in the thread you're saying that people shouldnt be allowed to play if they are essentially not at your skill level.

The name tag bit. Yes. THATS reportable, thats clearly insulting you. Why are you even bringing that up? It's irrelevant.

And now you're bringing the definition of a taunt in play? Are you that delusional to hang onto your blind anger? Simply by linking that definition, I guess Nintendo is just filled with toxic trolls that specifically put taunts in the game to allow assholes piss each other off huh?

And your last line. So now its the troll card now huh? "Lol I baited you." Please. Get over yourself. Its lose lose for you now more or less. You've either been called out for reporting for petty reasons, or you're instigating flame wars. Change the attitude child.

Reporting someone for changing their tag to actually talk trash to you is unacceptable, and you have the right to do so, and also leave.

Reporting someone for using something put in the game, for its intended purpose is not a grounds for a report and you're incredibly petty if you think otherwise. No amount of skewing the situation will change the overall outcome.

"He taunted me after I SD'd"
"He taunted me after a sick combo kill"
"He taunted me cause he won"

Everyone has a different view of what a taunt means when its done to them. These never matter when it comes to disciplinary actions. Like I said, its YOUR FAULT, you take them offensive. Just because you view it as offensive, that doesn't make it grounds for a ban. Stop with that mindset.

No matter what the situation, it all leads to one simple conclusion "He taunted me. So I reported him" which is exactly what you've said you've done.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
There is so much wrong with your post its incredible.

Constant taunting? Theres a limit to this you know. And like I said, its YOUR fault you find it disrespectful, something you claim to understand, yet still try to defend yourself. And yes, you clearly are that petty. Earlier in the thread you're saying that people shouldnt be allowed to play if they are essentially not at your skill level.

The name tag bit. Yes. THATS reportable, thats clearly insulting you. Why are you even bringing that up? It's irrelevant.

And now you're bringing the definition of a taunt in play? Are you that delusional to hang onto your blind anger? Simply by linking that definition, I guess Nintendo is just filled with toxic trolls that specifically put taunts in the game to allow ******** piss each other off huh?

And your last line. So now its the troll card now huh? "Lol I baited you." Please. Get over yourself. Its lose lose for you now more or less. You've either been called out for reporting for petty reasons, or you're instigating flame wars. Change the attitude child.
Ive said my bit, Im sorry if you dont have any sense to understand any of it, because clearly you dont. Theres barely any decent argument in this post. Most of it is just empty insults. Look whos calling who a child.

EDIT: And Im not kidding with the purpose of this thread. Everybody on the board is pretty much a victim of the banland. I know everybody here hates reporters, including me. I wanted to see who the hell is reporting people and the reasons for it, so I can start a flame war.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ive said my bit, Im sorry if you dont have any sense to understand any of it, because clearly you dont. Theres barely any decent argument in this post. Most of it is just empty insults. Look whos calling who a child
No point in trying to argue with a wall, having fun being overly sensitive. If you get your panties in a bunch over being called a child when you're clearly acting like one I'd hate to see how you react to tag changes of racism.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
No point in trying to argue with a wall, having fun being overly sensitive. If you get your panties in a bunch over being called a child when you're clearly acting like one I'd hate to see how you react to tag changes of racism.
Lol like i said, youre the only one acting like a child. I made valid arguments and you resort to childish insults instead. Im not upset about it at all. Its just hilarious actually.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
EDIT: And Im not kidding with the purpose of this thread. Everybody on the board is pretty much a victim of the banland. I know everybody here hates reporters, including me. I wanted to see who the hell is reporting people and the reasons for it, so I can start a flame war.
Except starting flame wars here is against the rules, especially when it's intentional.
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