If so
cool, cool, what are some good games for ds
that you own/played?
i own chinatown wars, Platinum, OG Saga (very long name)
mario kart, a Bleach (S.Jump) game,Korg 10 ds (great game) PR. Shadows of Almia,
ToyShop, and thrillville off the rails..that''s it...
cool, cool, what are some good games for ds
that you own/played?
i own chinatown wars, Platinum, OG Saga (very long name)
mario kart, a Bleach (S.Jump) game,Korg 10 ds (great game) PR. Shadows of Almia,
ToyShop, and thrillville off the rails..that''s it...
please no spam, i would like to have this thread go on for along time