I was watching some videos from other tournaments I've been to (FC and HJ mainly) and it feels like I'm missing out on something. I'm having fun and everything, but I look back and the feeling I have is a kind of left-out, put in a corner feeling. Tournaments seem more like a place for the really, really good players to be and stand out and everyone else is just there, another name or number on the roster. Because of this, I'm contemplating skimping out on two upcoming tournaments I want to attend/help run.
I know I'm not a good player by any means, but I'm wondering if anyone feels the same way or not.
if you feel left out, then you are not doing tournaments right.
here's what you should do:
1. DEMAND friendlies. If they say no, then they are asshats and you can get me or someone else and we will slap them, but that shouldn't be an issue. However, you cant demand friendlies once tourney has began or right before. Best time is after singles or something or way before teams. Also, friendlies are friendlies, not MADSIES. Nothing more annoying than a scrub who gets pissed off when they are feeling the birch. It's also good to make some convo while playing. When in doubt, break the ice with "so, you can wavedash? that's cool...sorta cheap though, using glitches..."
2. Get bettersies. It would be lying to tell you that really good people hang around with people who suck equally as much as they do with people who are good. The only way to remedy this is friendlies.
3. Talksies madsies. It's easy to alienate yourself when you sit in a corner watching matches. This isnt to say talk all the time, cuz there are times when you shouldn't talk, like intense matches, but its ok when a group of smashers are talking. Join up, pick up your controller, and show them you can l-cancel.
4. Know the lingo. For example: "Fro", "Kicksies Madsies", "The Bonez", "Beast", "Birched", "Scowned" etc. Do you know what any of those mean? If not, then you need to catch up.
5. Funsies Madsies. People who are too serious are never fun to be around.
wow, i cant believe i wrote this, but i felt i could do at least 1 good thing once in a while
also, the only time you should be unhappy with a tournament is if you didnt get better or didnt learn anything. it doesnt matter how high you placed. for example, at sg, i did awful in brackets, but i got ALOT better and learned a VERY important lesson (no more roy, ever). so it was a succesful tourney.