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Disregard for now....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2008
Fort Myers, FL
Alright, so I was just *****ed at for this post. The current debate is that the 'powers that be' want to make this just a very small, non-ultra-competitive, local thing, if not just a school thing. For all intents and purposes, please pretend this was never posted, and if anything changes I'll make a thread again.

Hey guys, I have some pretty awesome news for you:

FGCU is hosting a FREE Brawl Tournament on 10/9/09 on our campus in the Student Union Ballroom. We can host it for free because we have SPONSORS who are going to give us prizes to give away. And no, they're not going to be dumb little things (well, maybe a few in there, to make people feel good about themselves for getting something). We just confirmed Best Buy as one of our sponsors, and we're looking to get some nice gift certificates to their stores, as well as prizes from our other sponsors. I don't know about you guys, but a gift certificate to Best Buy is pretty much the same as Cash for me.

Who: The FGCU Video Game Club
What: FREE Fall Brawl Tournament
When: October 9th, from 5.00p-10.00p
Where: Florida Gulf Coast University, 10501 FGCU Blvd, S., Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565
Why: Because we're awesome.

This is our first big Brawl Tournament, but if we get enough community involvement, I'm sure that we'll be making these happen more often.

Rules: Standard tournament rules.

Stages: Under Debate.

More details are going to come as soon as I get them from our Club President. I'm mostly just making this post now to throw some hype out there and judge response. How many of you would be interested in coming to a Free Brawl Tournament? Even if you dont care too much about the prizes, the competition won't be too shabby (Abscent, Axle, Stray, and me, will definitely be there). Just come and have a bunch of Friendlies and/or Money Matches. One of the reasons we're not charging for this is because we're not allowed to due to the fact that we're using our school's facilities.

I want some feedback, guys. How many people would be up for this?

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