Hi all! So, whenever I play as samus, I always wondered, do diminishing returns affect samus' charge shot from when you charge it or from when you release it. For example, if I use samus' charge shot, then charge another, use a few different moves then use the new charge shot, will DR's be from when I charged it, meaning it would be weaker, or from when I released it, meaning it would be as powerful as the first time. I finally decided to test this, and I did it as such. I faced a lv 1 comp, used a charge shot which did 26% damage. I then charged up another and used it. This time, it only did 24%! Big shocker, right? I then charged up a third, then used a wide assortment of other attacks, then released the charge shot. It did 26% damage, meaning DR's affect the charge shot (and thus, probably lucario's aura sphere, and anything else you charge) only when you release the move, not when you charge it.
Wow, when I look back over this, I think I wrote too much about it. And, it probably isn't that important anyways... Meh, I think I'll leave it as is, and if it's not important, oh well. I just found the question interesting.
Wow, when I look back over this, I think I wrote too much about it. And, it probably isn't that important anyways... Meh, I think I'll leave it as is, and if it's not important, oh well. I just found the question interesting.