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Dig it! Muddy Mole for Smash Switch!


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom

Who is Muddy Mole?

Muddy Mole is the protagonist of the Gameboy game, Mole Mania. Mole Mania is an action puzzler developed by a company now known as Pax Softnica, and produced by Miyamoto himself! In the game, Muddy uses black balls, cabbages, and other things to defeat enemies and get to the end of each screen. He must save his seven children and wife from the evil farmer Jinbe, who kidnapped them because he was sick of Muddy raiding his crops. Muddy is aided by Grandpa Mole, who gives him health and advice.

Why should he be in Smash Bros.?

There's a couple reasons I think Muddy should be in the game: He can dig holes to move underground, and he can also throw around the black balls and cabbages from the game. He also represents a set of retro characters we haven't seen yet, Gameboy characters. We've seen plenty of NES characters and i'm sure we'll get more, but adding Muddy will help balance it out a little. I believe he has potential to be a unique ground-based fighter revolved around his digging ability.

Yeah, ok, but is he relevant?

If he ain't got a new game, he ain't got a new game. If's he's retro, he's retro. Simple as
that. It's not about that at all. But it's easy to talk about and sum it up when you just talk about relevant.
We're sitting here, and i'm supposed to preach his moveset potential, and we're in here talking about
relevant. I mean, listen, we're talking about relevant. Not merits! Not Moveset Potentisal! Not Lack of Gameboy
characters! We're talking about relevant. Not the character, not the character I came in here to convince you why he should get in, Not the character, we're talking about relevant, man. I mean, how silly is that?
We're talking about relevant. I know Smash is supposed to be new, I know that we're supposed to follow that example,
I know that. And i'm not shoving it aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important. I do. I honestly do.
But we're talking about relevant, man. What are we talking about? Relevant? We're talking about relevant, man!

Also, his game was released on 3DS VC just a few years ago, so it's not like he's forgotten :p

What about movesets?

Here is mine: Other ideas welcome!

Enterance: Muddy digs up from underground.


Neutral A: Muddy jabs once, then again, then kicks.

Dash Attack: Muddy swings an Iron Ball while running.

Idle Animation: Muddy scratches his chest.


Nair: Muddy claws forward.

Dair: Muddy kicks downward.

Fair: Muddy swings a Cabbage.

Uair: Muddy does a backflip kick.

Bair: Muddy throws a kick behind him.


S Tilt: A couple small spikes raise out of the ground in front of Muddy.

D Tilt: Muddy digs his claws into the ground and throws some dirt up.

U Tilt: Muddy holds a giant Pushpin above his head.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash: Muddy stabs forward with a gaint Pushpin.

Down Smash: Muddy smacks with a large Weight. He has a pained look on his face because it's heavy.

Up Smash: Muddy swings upwards with an Ironball.

Grab Attacks

Pummel: Muddy smacks em' with a Cabbage.

Forward Throw: Muddy throws them forward like an Ironball/Cabbage.

Back Throw: Muddy Suplex-Throws them like an Ironball/Cabbage.

Up Throw: Muddy throws them upwards.

Down Throw: Muddy throws them to the ground.


Neutral B: Iron Ball-Muddy places an Iron Ball from the games on the field.

-Tapping A while next to it and picking a direction can make him pull or push it.

-Holding A while next to it and picking a direction will make him either throw it
forward or suplex-throw it behind him.

-Muddy can only have on Iron Ball at a time. An Iron Ball dissappears after hitting something, falling off the stage,
or falling into one of holes.

Side B: Cabbage-Muddy places a Cabbage from the game on the field.

-Can be pushed/pulled and thrown in the same way an Iron Ball can.

-It is faster when thrown, but does less damage.

-Muddy can have two Cabbages, or one Cabbage and one Iron Ball, Cabbages dissappear the same way an Iron Ball

-Throwing five cabbages into holes dug by Muddy will heal 5% of his damage.

Down B: Burrow-Muddy digs a hole into the underground. Pressing B again will make him dig back up.

-Muddy can stay underground as long as he wants, but cannont attack.

-The holes he digs when going down or up will remain until attacked five times.

-Anybody foolish enough to step into a hole will be Pitrapped and forced to button mash.

-Pressing A while underground will make Muddy stick his head up and look around. He cannont be hit in this state.

-Trying to dig back to the surface when directly under someone, Muddy will take minor damage.

Up B: Bonus Pad- A tiny square with a star on it appears under Muddy and causes him spin and fly straight upwards.

Final Smash: Jinbe's March-Muddy gets a shocked look on his face and quickly digs underground. Then, every
enemy and boss from Mole Mania come marching in lead by Jinbe, and they trample everything in sight.

Side Taunt: Muddy holds out a Cabbage and smirks.

Down Taunt: One of Muddy's kids appears in his hands, and he holds it up and smiles.

Up Taunt: Muddy takes a bite out of a Cabbage.

Victory Animation1: Muddy does the same animation he does when clearing a screen in Mole Mania.

Victory Animation 2: Muddy's sunglasses fly off and tears stream down his face as one of children run up to him.
He grabs it, and throws him/her into the air, only to get a shocked look on his face as his kid flys back down and
knocks him out.

Victory Animation 3: Muddy gets a heart from Grandpa Mole, and then pokes him while smerking. Grandpa Mole
gets pissed and chases him arouund.

Lose Animation: Muddy looks at the ground with his back to the camera.

Opossum's (old) Moveset

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a large thumb tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the Iron Ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the Cabbage Jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

Wario Wario Wario's Alt Costumes

muddy alts.png
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I have always supported Muddy Mole since the pre-Brawl days.

I remember I made a moveset that had a Final Smash where Muddy goes underground as Sundes, the sun boss of world 2, descended from the sky and goes supernova.

Come think of it... maybe Muddy could have a wrestling-based moveset considering he keeps suplexing cabbages, iron balls, and barrels. Why not have Muddy suplex and body slam his opponents?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Obligatory Opossum Opossum tag.

I'll dig myself into a deeper hole for now.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Support. Haven't played Mole Mania, but a handheld retro rep would be nice. Plus the ability to burrow underground for an extra movement option would be something new he could bring to the table. Perhaps even give him the ability to lay down pitfall traps as well.
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Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
I have always supported Muddy Mole since the pre-Brawl days.

I remember I made a moveset that had a Final Smash where Muddy goes underground as Sundes, the sun boss of world 2, descended from the sky and goes supernova.

Come think of it... maybe Muddy could have a wrestling-based moveset considering he keeps suplexing cabbages, iron balls, and barrels. Why not have Muddy suplex and body slam his opponents?
I had a similar Final Smash idea, but instead of just Sundes, every boss and minor mook from the game show up and trample everything.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I've supported Muddy for a long time. I think my first post on this forum was actually about Muddy...

I'll try to dig up (hah) my old moveset for him, if anyone is interested.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I support him yet never played the game. Learning about Muddy was cool. Shame he never was referenced in any shape or form.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
I've supported Muddy for a long time. I think my first post on this forum was actually about Muddy...

I'll try to dig up (hah) my old moveset for him, if anyone is interested.
That'd be awesome!

I support him yet never played the game. Learning about Muddy was cool. Shame he never was referenced in any shape or form.
I recommend it! Very fun.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You where right, very fun indeed! Took a while to get into the controls, but this here is a little gaming gem. Just completed Level 1, and pretty much envision Muddy working in Smash now!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Found the moveset! Keep in mind it's roughly five years old though, haha. The percentages are also subject to change, and are mainly there to illustrate strong moves and weak moves.

Muddy Mole

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a large thumb tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the Iron Ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the Cabbage Jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

In particular if I were to redo it now I'd likely give the Smash attacks more flavor. Mega Man was the first character to have truly unique ones and that continued throughout Smash 4, and well, this moveset was from before Mega Man was confirmed. :p


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I kinda wish Muddy Mole is a character in Animal Crossing. Like how Ganon, Epona, Medli, and Wolf Link are villagers in Animal Crossing.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Found the moveset! Keep in mind it's roughly five years old though, haha. The percentages are also subject to change, and are mainly there to illustrate strong moves and weak moves.

Muddy Mole

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a large thumb tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the Iron Ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the Cabbage Jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

In particular if I were to redo it now I'd likely give the Smash attacks more flavor. Mega Man was the first character to have truly unique ones and that continued throughout Smash 4, and well, this moveset was from before Mega Man was confirmed. :p
Thanks! I added it to the OP.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I kinda wish Muddy Mole is a character in Animal Crossing. Like how Ganon, Epona, Medli, and Wolf Link are villagers in Animal Crossing.
Wait what? I never knew about this...


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Wait what? I never knew about this...

They were special additions you scan in with their respective Zelda amiibo. iirc they don't actually move in to your town, but they move into the Campground area from the Welcome amiibo update for New Leaf.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Do you think Muddy could work as a wrestler type fighter in Smash? He can suplex cabbages and iron balls... so why not have him suplex his opponents?

Also, maybe his Down+B move could work like Yoshi's Down+B but it is a midair grab... so he grabs opponents in the air, pushes them down to the ground, and buries them.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Do you think Muddy could work as a wrestler type fighter in Smash? He can suplex cabbages and iron balls... so why not have him suplex his opponents?

Also, maybe his Down+B move could work like Yoshi's Down+B but it is a midair grab... so he grabs opponents in the air, pushes them down to the ground, and buries them.
Suplexes would probably be best as Grab Attacks. I feel his specials should mostly revolve around Digging and throwing Iron Balls.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Muddy seems like a very strategic character. The Iron Ball alone would make games interesting with him involved.

He should have strong throws yeah. Especially back throw. Though not strong at all in the air...

I wonder if they would make him a heavier character. It seems fitting to be around Mario's weight or even heavier, maybe Wario.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I think Muddy Mole could be an interesting pick for a retro character this time around, especially if Sakurai goes for a more unexpected and obscure character. After all, each Smash game has had unexpected characters join in, from Mr. Game & Watch to R.O.B., Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt and more. At the very least, I think he deserves to appear as an assist trophy.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I'm gonna support this fricker due to the fact that i always like obscure characters in smash
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
He has my support. Still need to beat his game (barely made it to World 2), but there’s too many good reasons for him to make it in.

However, I don’t get the reasoning behind making him a wrestler type character. I get that it stems from his throws and all, I just don’t see an old mole suplexing people around.


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2015
I support Muddy Mole with all my heart! (as you can probably tell from my avatar.) He is for sure my number 1 most wanted character.

Deleted member

I support him, and I support my friend ketchupcat's support of him.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
Mole Mania is such a fun game, I'd love to see the unassuming Muddy make an appearance. He could have a unique tether to his iron ball, similar to the Ice Climbers. Maybe it helps him perform Smash attacks and stay more grounded to the platform, but it sinks him like a rock when he gets knocked off the side.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
One idea I had for Muddy in Smash relates to his digging. what if he could go through solid platforms? say, if he were to use his Up-B underneath Final Destination, he'd jump straight through!

also, fun fact: on the Japanese title screen for Mole Mania, Muddy appears to be licking the cabbage...?
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
realistically speaking, do you feel Muddy has a chance? I'd say he does, not 100%, but around 45% or something among those lines. I imagine Sakurai would want a GB rep at this point after adding so many NES characters, and the only GB characters I can think of who are Smash-worthy (keep in mind I said GB characters, not characters who started on the GB. Daisy and G1 Pokémon don't count) are Prince of Sable and Muddy, I feel Muddy has a slight edge due to his game releasing in all region, through I could be biased.

Deleted member

Muddy Mole is one of my two favorite ideas for a Retro character. Granted it's looking pretty likely that Smash Ultimate will not have one of those for a newcomer. Which is a bit of a shame.

But yeah, you can label me as a Muddy Mole supporter. And in the realm of retro characters, it'd be pretty neat to get one from the Gameboy as opposed to the usual NES characters.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I’m glad this thread got bumped. Muddy Mole really needs to get some traction as a retro newcomer, such a great game and such amazing potential.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
so glad this thread was bumped, I was waiting to post these alts I made!
muddy alts.png

not just that, but also a trailer idea
in Onett, Ness and Lucas are playing baseball together. once they finish playing, Ness' discarded baseball bat is sunk into the ground. Lucas looks back confused but Ness doesn't notice. then Lucas' glove also sinks into the ground, and the two get confused. Ness and Lucas get a shovel to investigate. they find themselves underground, and Ness prepares a fire on the tip of his finger in case some sort of monster is down there. eventually, they find their glove and bat, as well as a mole wearing a red scarf "hmm... what does it take to get some cabbages around here?" he mumbles, as he turns to his back and notices a very angry Ness and Lucas "oh, sorry for the inconvenience but-" Ness and Lucas get more angry, "well, you know what? if you're gonna play rough, I'm gonna play rough as well!" the splash says "MUDDY MOLE: goes manic!" we then see Muddy use his black balls, dig through FD, use a variety of wrestling attacks, the Jinbe AT and finally show off Muddy's FS, where he sends his foe flying into Jinbe's castle, which then comes crumbling down.

EDIT: guess who's a spirit!
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Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2013
Really happy he’s a Spirit as it shows they haven’t forgotten about him. Wish he could get into Smash someday.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
Now THIS is a good retro pick. And a wtf pick. Not only is his game lots of fun, but it's got fans sprinkled amongst the smash fandom. Some people have caught wind of him but never took him seriously.

B: Kick cabbage (trajectory like Wii Fit's soccer ball)
Down B: Launch wrecking ball (heavy but grounded)
Side B: Dig underground and pop back up when releasing B
Up B: Chain of mole babies, tether recovery


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
I’m totally up for Muddy Mole to be added to Smash. At this point I think he’d be a candidate for the retro character category. I’d imagine he’d be about the same size as pikachu but maybe a bit heavier


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Can I just say that I'm really happy about how Muddy's existence is still remembered to the point that he at least got a Spirit?
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