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Different Playstyles of Diddy Kong


Sinbad: King of Sindria
Dec 13, 2007
Chicago Illinois
This is a guide that will give players who want to use Diddy different ideas of the playstyles people use. I have faced and watched videos of Diddy Kong on youtube. Alot of people use the banana spam strategy, which is what N4N3RZ and everyone else uses. Then theres the strategy that I like to call the Acrobatic Monkey. Which is another playstyle that I have seen alot of people using.

The Two Styles of Diddy Kong

Banana Spam- Basically as it says in the title Banana Spam. This is probibly the most popular style now a days. It involves alot of Glide Tossing back and forth. If you have two bananas right next to each other, you can create some serious havoc on the opponent. In other words, you can immediatly Glide Toss the 2nd banana right after you've just Glide Tossed the first one. You can follow up combos such as using smash attacks, grabbing them, etc. Diddy Kong has some really serious ground game when it comes to those bananas.


Really good mindgames
Limits their options of trying to get back on the stage
Creates good combos. Such as following it up with a Foward smash or grabbing someone easily


If a smart player catches onto your strategy your screwed.
If you rely too much on the bananas and the bananas arent there for you. Your in serious trouble
Takes time to pull out the bananas and grabbing them
Many players will just jump around to avoid your bananas. (Making your bananas useless)

Acrobatic Monkey - The most versatile playstyle. Not as popular as the banana spam but I feel its a pretty effective playstyle. It involves Peanut Guns, Bananas, a ton of aerials. You can constantly switch up your strategy to really trick your opponents. In sync with your Peanut Guns, Aerials, and Bananas. Once your in the ground, then its a good time to switch into banana spam and your oppoent wont even know what to think.


You dont rely so much on the bananas and you have alot more options.
Can trick your opponent into thinking that your not a banana user at first.
Creates powerful mindgames.


Instinct is useless and you have to think while playing
can be tricked by other mind games
easy to predict somewhat

If you guys have anything that you wanna add or remove let me know. Ill put them right on the list.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
theres an underdog playstyle i kind of saw through TC1's and gano's vids - zoning diddy
much use of the peanut gun, and glide tossing bananas upwards to control rows of space similar to the way snake does with the upsmash. havent really got a chance to test it myself, but it seems like it can have an overwhelming effect.

an ideal playstyle would have to combine all playstyle though, and i know how corny it sounds
projectile spam and zoning will work vs specific chars, and some chars can capitalize on your bananas better, or once your opponenet catches up with your banans you have to switch up and use them less, etc


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
This is a great thread. I'm a little confused by acrobatic monkey though...it just sounds like playing normally, using most of his moves. Could you clarify or be more specific?

Anyways, I hope a lot more playstyles come up. Sorry, I don't have any. I'm only working on my Diddy right now, but hopefully i'll get better with him soon :D.

Zoning diddy sounds interesting. I personally don't use my popgun very often. What strategies are used by throwing the bananas upwards though?


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
banana spammer?? :O...acrobatic?...:O

seems your into it a little to straight on to one theme of the monkey....theres loads of other ways of playing him...you might as well create a peanut spamming, grabbing monkey, edge hogging monkey ones too :O

btw i also have a thread on this :D...but my view is a little more general..


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
tbh chompy so far it seems ur saying "naners on ground airials in the air" which is quite original and brilliant ><

as far as playing defencively goes, i like 2 keep a naner in hand and spam nuts mixd w/ditty humps and use 2nd naner whip out defencively. u might wanna keep teh naner on the ground for more options but keeping it fresh closes the openning from non naners out. a good sorta-tech is jump+charged nut let it go in air so knockback puts u on the ledge.

however only chars its good to play defencively vs on ditty are chars u can **** harder w/pressure><
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