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Diddy vs. Falco


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2008
*new member*

My friend and I always bet money in Brawl and today I lost $20 as Diddy against his Falco.
My other friend and I are equally the best players among our classmates and the friend I lost to is worse than I am.
So I gave myself a disadvantage in the bet by choosing my third best character which is Diddy and giving my friend a week to think about it (his Wii broke 2 weeks ago) and choice of levels.
So we played today after school best out of 3 and i lost
What he did was constantly run away from me by running to the edge of the level and shooting me with lazers. as i jumped towards him he would just run away to the edge and keep shooting. if i did hit him he would roll behind me and do a stupid a+a+a+reflector and run away (every time i was within a couple feet from him he would roll away). So i kept running at him and he would keep dodging and trapping me in the same combos over and over again then smash attack and knock me out
I lost the first round with leaving him at over 200 damage with 1 life left. Won the second with 2 lives left.
the last one we were both at our last lifes with over 150% and he smash attacked me across the level and i shot toward the edge with Up-B and my rockets blew him up and he was flying in the background about to die. But i was spiked by my rockets and died before he died.

what weaknesses does Diddy have against Falco?
(i know i gave him advantages but I dont think I lost because of that only)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2008
Orlando, FL SR 426&Tuskawilla
in case you didn't know by now...

it seems that falco was created just to **** with diddy players. A reflector that goes out so you cant throw a banana near him, a laser that diddy can't even duck under (unlike pit's uncurved arrows), falco having priority with his smashes over all of diddy's smashes, plus a speedy horizontal recovery that spikes you, which basically makes diddy have to kill off the stage instead of chasing, something he is usually very good at. Everything about diddy is countered by falco. Its probably the hardest fight for diddy, or at least I think so.

so dont feel bad you lost to a falco with diddy. It happens to me quite a bit too

Edit: Dammit. GameDragonX on Force's account again


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
lol YES. wouldnt it be awesome if the other player couldnt take out your bananas and you could have like.. thousands? just cover the ground and make them fight in the air. works on everyone but ROB. mindgames LOL.



Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Honestly, Falco is my hardest match up. A good way to gimp them is to shoot peanuts at them while they are off the stage so incase they over b for recovery itl be canceled. After that, a lot of the time they over b again and kill themselves. Another way to gimp a falco is to run to the edge when you know he will over b and if he is going for the edge and you grab it first with invincibility frames, then he is dead. Other than that, I suck vs Falco =\


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2008
Wow this is weird. My main is diddy, and this other friend i haves main is falco, and it's the only person he can use to beat my diddy, no one else. and even then, i win about half the time, and every match we both have around 110% on us.
You know what it is? The fricken shining, the reflector, i hate the fricken move. His a combo then reflector plus his spike. He counters bannanas all the time and it is a difficult match up.
Here's what i suggest. Use bannanas, but less aggresivly, like jump towards him, and throw them downward instead of a fake, then keep fighting, he'll usually dodge into them, and use the monkey **** kick on him often. It usually flips right over his attacks and that gay reflector.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
the way i figured to fight falco is to jump nair or fair or bair on his head then naners out and start your combo from there

head hit-> naner -> head hit -> grab naner -> (if needed ) dodge --> 3 choices from above- > thrown then start comboing...

just jumpa lot and use naners to open up a sweet spot ^^ 5/6 vs falco ^^

Tofu Beast

Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
I used to have a problem with the space fuzzies, but I have since developed a stragegy to defeat them.
Falco, as with the other Space Fuzzies, has a VERY gimpable recovery. A simple banana at him during his upB can knock him down.
Also, you shouldnt rely TOO much on bananas. There are ways for Diddy to fight without relying too heavily on the bananas. For example, you could grab him, throw him off the edge, and then spike him or fair him off the screen. Try throwing the bananas down, and then hitting or throwing him into the bananas. You can also roll through his lasers, and when your're close enough, glide-toss a banana at him. He will not have enough time to do his downB and will slip. Punish him with a smash attack.

Just keep practicing against him (maybe just some friendlies?) and you will start to develop ways to beat him


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
fatalities fake. i'm tired of explaining why to do this to everyone against furries so you can read his thread. (fatalities) about diddy. just dash at them, do an upthrow on the banana. then punish him for trying to reflect your nanner.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
be very smart and very restrained with your bananas, or just dont use them if you cant or they will work for his advantage easy


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Tuckahoe, don't say anything...lol
fatalities fake is a silly mindgame that good players will most likely fall for once...and its useless against falco, he kicks his reflector out, you'll just be setting yourself up for a reflector trip and getting tech chased.

You'll have to be very distanced from Falco to try and trick him with that, and chances are that he will most likely have time to dodge or counter, and if you're to close to Wolf, you'll just get reflector stunned and set yourself up for a combo...

Plus, who says that the spacies will ALWAYS be reflecting anyway? A good player will mix it up and dodge, catch, roll behind and punish, fatalities fake isn't your saving grace and will only be effective if your opponent is dumb enough to keep on falling for it...and if your bananas aren't helping you then just stop using them, you're making it worse for yourself if you keep on getting them reflected at you. Your bananas can still be effective of course if used properly, but if they just aren't helping, then stop using them, its stupid to make the match even harder for yourself when you should be making it easier.

Fact is, Falco just pwns diddy, dunno what to tell you, keep on practicing and just get better then the falco player or use a secondary.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
fatalities fake is a silly mindgame that good players will most likely fall for once...and its useless against falco, he kicks his reflector out, you'll just be setting yourself up for a reflector trip and getting tech chased.

You'll have to be very distanced from Falco to try and trick him with that, and chances are that he will most likely have time to dodge or counter, and if you're to close to Wolf, you'll just get reflector stunned and set yourself up for a combo...

Plus, who says that the spacies will ALWAYS be reflecting anyway? A good player will mix it up and dodge, catch, roll behind and punish, fatalities fake isn't your saving grace and will only be effective if your opponent is dumb enough to keep on falling for it...and if your bananas aren't helping you then just stop using them, you're making it worse for yourself if you keep on getting them reflected at you. Your bananas can still be effective of course if used properly, but if they just aren't helping, then stop using them, its stupid to make the match even harder for yourself when you should be making it easier.

Fact is, Falco just pwns diddy, dunno what to tell you, keep on practicing and just get better then the falco player or use a secondary.
exactly! you can fatalities fake a few times and they will fall for it, then just actually throw it next time and they wont reflect. also, it does work on falco because you can keep your space so the reflector doesn't hit you, then dash attack him or fox trot to fsmash or stutter stepped fsmash. whatever reaches. never forget that YOU TOO, can mix it up.

Omega Deman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2006
To my knowledge, Falco can chaingrab diddy, about 3 times at low percentages before he can easily escape. The same as most lightweight characters.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Hahaha lol , i know falco is a really problem but i think i can help u, at first i lose to much whit 1 friend ho have a decent level whit falco so i think, What i can do? here is ur answer
*At frist, u can avoid easy the chaing grab, stay pressing up and after he trow u, u just neeed jump and puff no more than 1 grab.
1.- U cant use two glitch by the reflector, so if u have a banana try to jump over him trwo the banana back him and kick him at the air so he gonaturn around on the banana and u can use any smash over him.
2.- Well not much people know it but i can return the reflector to falco using the frondt tilt, isn,t are a easy thing but nothing imposible.
3.- The easyes way is be a f***er like him, grab him, trow him out the plataform, and when he gona try to go in shoot and later use diddy hump for climb at the edge, and easy 3 steps for kill a falco, he is so strong at inside the plataform whit more priority and more spam, but at the other side, he is very easy too kil at the edge.
Try it and hope i gona help u at ur round, won some cash and send me some lol XD.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Palm Springs (SoCAL)
yea me and a friend have close matches cuz were both pretty good, but his reflector just ***** bananas and diddy soo use someone else unless ur a god diddy


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Yanki, I am interested in what you have to say but it's incomprehensible.


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2008
every time i use diddy, falco is always the character i fear the most. falco just ***** diddy in every way. not much u can do about it. choose a diff character?
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