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Diddy Practice


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
As much as I hate playing Diddy because of how intense the matches become, I really need the practice. If you're a good, serious Diddy main and wouldn't mind practicing with me just post here or PM me (AIM works too).


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
i wouldn't mind it if i had decent wifi but well... i dont. also if you didnt live in new jersey that could help a little. oh well sorry hope you find someone. o and isnt there like a friend finder thing on SWF somewhere? ....... *thinks about how many recent threads posted by me have asked whether a thread exists.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
It is down atm. And if you want to go there just type in smashboards.com/ff when it gets repaired.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
So what is this explaining: that you cannot read or that you're trying to glorify yourself by doctoring messages? It should be obvious that I don't know what I'm doing playing against Diddy, correct? Even still, I two stocked you TWICE so there shouldn't be any sort of bragging coming from your end of the arena. As far as I am concerned the record stands at 3 wins on my end to your 1 win, which obviously went to your head.

As I said in my conversation with you, I don't play pluck-n-chuck. I play a faster Olimar dedicated to the usage and abuse of powershielding, spacing, and pressuring. Lag obviously does NOT support my methods of play and therefore proves nothing.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
no bragging.. n i was mocking you the two stock games becuase your burnt garbage in the back of a trailer park.. just down+A tryna tease you hand slapping you lOl
I'm fine with you trying to tease me in any way you see fit. Just remember, it's that teasing smack that got you Up Smashed and led to you being almost three stocked. The same can be said for a tournament. Want proof? Check out M2K vs Reflex.

Just to clarify though. If I beat you three times to your one and I'm burnt garbage in the back of a trailer park, what does that make you? Refridgerated diaper wrapped in newspaper and shame? Sounds like a winner to me.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Guys, I think you need to calm down.
With eyes that bleed fire and brimstone, I claim that I am calm.

HAHA he claims practice's at victims? your going by my post numbers? lol come on dude find something better to shoot at... but then again your standards are pretty low so i wouldnt expect much from you anyways :] Good Games though haha
I'll consider what you're saying, once you learn to stop using broken english so that I can actually understand your posts.

You should be well aware that my standards are low since I played and smashed you. I did clearly state that I wanted to play good Diddy mains, didn't I?

If I misunderstood anything you just said, blame yourself for not knowing how to type.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I'm not going to argue with someone with only 15 posts when they're clearly wrong on several different levels.

Next victim please.
Lol, you make it sound like the more posts you made, the more value your arguments have.
This is just the bull**** that covers Smashboards.

Anyway, people are always saying that they play MUCH better offline and that they would've won if it wasn't an online match. This is complete bull****. I play a lot online. You and your opponent suffer an equal amount of lag, some matches you get the lagspikes in your disadvantage, sometimes the opponent. Eventually it all evens out. Yes, your reaction time is slower because of the online play. But playing online makes you pick up the online timing, and since it varies, you have to almost constantly adjust your timing on the lag. To be honest, online playing improves my offline game. Since I feel like I don't have restrictions to what I can do anymore.

tl;dr version: Everyone suffers from lag online, quit making f4gg0t johns about it.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
What he said is incorrect and untrue, if you want to see the TRUTH read on.

So I hear this question a LOT : Why aren't wifi matches legitimate? Don't they prove SOME skill? People often give reasons why they are not so bad

-Everyone lags equally on wifi, making it fair
-It still takes skill to win
-The lag is barely noticeable

And several, several other reasons. There are three fundamental reasons why Wifi has absolutely no weight on how good you are. And yes, I mean absolutely no weight. Or maybe about as much weight as an item, giant mode, or coin battle match - yes, if you are really, really really good, and someone is horrible, brand new, or not very good at all, it can measure it. But that's only an extreme case and doesn't really count for anything.

1) It's a friendly

This is honestly the biggest reason for me. People might use online matches to judge someone's skill, but let's face it : we are playing friendlies here. The #1 mistake Smashers make since Melee went competitive is to beat a good player in a friendly, and think you fought his or her best. This is a huge mistake. Competitive players often sandbag, or non-intentionally can't play at their best without the threat of a meaningful loss looming over them. Others play less "gay" in friendlies, refusing to laser camp, infinite or chain grab, techniques that could have swayed the match so much during a real tournament match where money is on the line. But really, online matches are friendlies. Stop judging people's skill levels based on friendlies. It really isn't that accurate as you might think.

2) Different characters are affected differently by lag and input delay

It's really simple. Let's take a look at Pikachu's thunder. His down-bee. The bolt of doom. The electric ecstasy. The thunder thong. Whatever you want to call it. This move has a pretty long duration and has only a slight window where you see it coming, and you can indeed air dodge it with precice something. The problem is, online, with input lag, by the time you see the thunder, you can no longer airdodge it due to input lag. This makes Pikachu an infinitely better character online because he now has a reliable kill move that cannot be dodged or DI'd out of with ease. It also makes him really hard to approach. Pikachu welcomes the lag.

Now let's take a look at Ness. His entire recovery is based on being pretty **** exact and precise with your controls. One little mistake due to your perception of the lag and what you're used to, and you will lose an entire stock. Snake just needs to press UP B to recover- lag won't affect that, pressing UP b is still doable. Ness has to press UP B and aim his Pk thunder perfectly. Lag totally makes that much, much much. Thus, even though both characters have the same input lag, one of them is much more greatly affected by it because it increases his chance of losing a stock, whereas the other character simply has his chances of getting hit increased. Big difference.

So you may ask, what about dittos, or two character who are about equally affected by lag?

3) Different players are affected differently by lag

Lag punishes some playstyles and players more than others. Does this make some players worse or better? No, because real tournaments have no lag. Thus being good at playing with lag is not a skillset that is tested in real tournaments, and has no bearing on your skill as a Smasher. You may ask what about ranking people by how good they are online? That doesn't work either. So what if you win an online tournament one day. The next online tournament could have a DIFFERENT lag input timing, making online tournament results completely inconsistent with one another. There is no standard, the timing on moves and everything is constantly changing with each tournament. Thus, the only way to make consistent tournaments (where each tournament has the physics, same game) is by doing them offline.

Now that I explained why offline play is what matters, let me explain how different players are affected differently by the lag. Let's take player A. He is quite technical. The second he sees you make a move, he has near godlike reflexes, can punish you for it. He doesn't even have to think about it - he can punish your move as soon as his brain sees your character move into position. Reflex. Knowing the timing of their character inside and out.

Let's say this person plays online. His reflexes are going to work to his disadvantage. He is so used to the timing, that he doesn't bother to alter it - he can get it down every single time offline, so his brain doesn't ever think let's change the timing. The auto reflex is there. But, if there is a lag, the timing will be different and he'll miss. Example: Boost smashing, doing infinites, escaping chain grabs. Lots of these require reflex. If there is another player who does not rely as much on reflex and more on watching the opponent, or not as much on internally known timings, then he won't be relying on these timings. This player won't mess up as much online because they don't know the timing in the first place, and often times, aren't even aware that the timing is different. That's why when people tell me "online play is barely different, lag is barely noticable" I take it as a sign that they are not overly familiar with the timings of the game offline. The more familiar you are with the real timing, the more any change in that timing will bug you.

Basically, if you take these three major reasons, you'll realize that online play really skews the playing field up, and mixes things up far, far too much to be considered a test of real skill. From punishing players who know more about their character, to punishing some characters more than others, to being friendlies, online play is not and will never be considered legitimate in Brawl.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking online play in general. It's a great way to play people really far, get some practice in, improve your mind games and have fun. But, it's unwise to really judge you or someone's skill based on Wifi matches.
Back to the purpose of my thread - any Diddy mains want to help me practice the match-up?
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