I don't think Fox is better than Diddy Kong, but Sonic and Rosalina post patch? Yeah, that's very possible. Now that I've had more time to play around with Diddy Kong and watch how ZeRo adapted his play style to better fit the new Diddy Kong, I currently think he's top 6 at absolute worst. Now that Diddy Kong is nowhere near as strong and has to rely more on bananas and peanuts to win, the Rosalina matchup could turn into one of Diddy's worst matchups thanks to her down special.
I don't even think Mii figher is better than Diddy. and yeah Metaknight is horrible, you can ask most top players.
I consider Meta Knight a mid tier character because he can fare pretty decently against most high tier characters, but is still at a disadvantage most of the time. He has a lot of things going for him and against him as a character. I would never consider him horrible in this game.
Granted, I was going off of patch notes, After watching Zero play at sandstorm I think Diddy is still top 5, but not top 3. I haven't gotten my hands on the character since the patch because of work and school. So I've been going off what I'm hearing/seeing. and since Sheik and sonic barely got any nerfs, and their match up's with Diddy were pretty much even already. I'd say that now they are even and/or Diddy slightly loses.
I think Shiek is probably better than Diddy Kong at this point because her and Sonic's nerfs were nowhere near as damning as Diddy Kong's nerfs. Sonic's backthrow nerf and Shiek's back air nerf were pretty big deals though.
I have a perspective of the tier list that not many other people have because others don't understand match ups in a certain way. If people understood how to fight against mii brawler, they wouldn't lose to him. But since no one does, everyone loses. Which creates the illusion that he's top 3 or whatever else.
Yeah, it's hard to say how good he truly is because a lot of people haven't yet figured out how to fight the character.
I do think Jigglypuff, Samus, Ganon are some of the worst characters in the game, but Falco and MK in my opinion are bottom 10.
I think Jiggypuff fares considerably better in doubles than singles because rest retains its high reward but with far less risk. Her move sing is garbage, but at least
the custom variants of sing can work well as an edge guard. Without custom moves, I'd say Samus and Ganondorf are easily some of the worst characters in the game. But with customs, their viability improves a lot. Hard to say where I'd put Falco, but I consider him low tier because he just doesn't seem to excel in any area. Though it's worth noting some of
Falco's customs are awesome and a lot better than his standard specials.
It's still too early to tell anything but yeah I just give my opinion for those who ask based on what I can objectively see in match ups, options characters have, and from personal experience. I live in one of the most diverse regions for characters and skilled players NY/NJ, so I'm fine with forming my own opinions even if people disagree with them. As I will always say haha it's totally fine to disagree with me. I encourage it actually because then I can maybe see things I haven't noticed before. I do however have a very good understanding of the games and it's characters, I don't lose to gimmicks or strange character match ups. I gave my word with the disclaimer that I haven't really used diddy very much lol so people like to instantly ask me things then run off with my word like it's law. And my opinions change as well, because I'm open minded.
Yeah, your region is pretty insane with diversity, though are there any notable well Meta Knight players there? California has Ito, S2H, and Tyrant, who are generally regarded as some of the best Meta Knight players out there. Though I don't see Tyrant use Meta Knight much. Japan also has some solid Meta Knights.
[LINK] Regardless, your opinion on a lot of stuff is understandable and your knowledge of the character balance is much better than most people (including myself).
P.S. Cool that we both have eyes as avatars.
My avatar is from a flash cartoon series called Xombie. The creator later sold out and I became less interested in the series, but I've always liked my avatar a lot and the series when it was at its best, so I've just kept it over the years. You can see the episode I took that artwork from
here and you can watch all the episodes
here. The series used to be viewable on Newgrounds but uh, yeah,
the creator sold out.
Anyways, thanks for responding.