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Diddy has a jab lock (kinda)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
So I was reading the PT boards and just recently Reflex made a thread about jab locks with PT, and it got me thinking if Diddy had any type of locks besides the banana lock, whether it be be through aerials or actual jabs.

Well I'm still testing this, but I've found 2 things.

1) Diddy's first jab can jab lock, but you MUST hit with the back of the hitbox of it. Meaning you have to face away from you opponent and you have to VERY close for it to connect, first the good news. It works at any percentage AND it forces the get up afterward, but the bad news is that I can't seem to get the 'lock' effect. The maximum I've been able to do it is once because the hitbox is to small and the animation comes out to fast for me to be able to position myself so I can do the next jab.

2) At lower percents, Diddy's monkey kick can also get the effect, but this is WAAAAY less effective because [against smaller characters] you must buffer the kick so that the kick comes out at the beginning of the animation (meaning you can airdodge to cancel the landing lag on the kick) and also your opponent can still roll anyway they want, the only thing about the monkey kick thing is that it just puts your opponent so they can't tech. This also only works at low percentages.

2 other things that were discovered in the past.

1) Diddy's downward angled Ftilt forces the get up animation, but is too laggy to be a lock. Also this only works at lower percents, I forgot the exact percentage, but I want to say 33%.

2) Against bigger characters such as Bowser, the peanut gun can lock a few times, but it is too laggy to do more than a few times.

Thanks to Luigi player for this vid of the previous 2 stated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=DE&hl=de&v=oi56CtnNjiE

Now I can see a few things coming out of this. If we can get the lock effect to work for the jab lock then we could finish the string of the lock up with the monkey kick so that we cancel the lag on the kick by sliding off the edge with the opponent into a spike (the kick to spike thing was discovered by ADHD a while back). Although, so far everything that I had discovered isn't very practical except maybe the jab since it forces the get up animation at any percentage. I'm going to keep testing other stuff.

*Note that anything that I had discovered was performed on FD in training mode on a Fox set on control. Training doesn't diminish any of the attacks so I want to test that out as well, or maybe someone reading this can test it out.

Edit: Just found out you can string the jab lock to the Ftilt at low percents which still forces the get up animation.

Edit 2: It seems that the only way the back of the hitbox on the jab can connect is if you hit [Fox] while he's falling down from above, otherwise the character will land and push you too far away.

Edit 3: It seems that the only way the force get up animation happens is if they're coming down from the air, but the actual lock seems to work anytime at any any percent still. Ex: Opponent is already lying on the ground and you do the first jab, they can still roll away, but if you hit them while they're falling from the air then they are forced to get up. It also seems that the only way the jab will connect if they're already on the ground is if they're a larger char like DK and Bowser.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I'll update the OP with the video, I have 3 Edits in there for anyone willing to read. What I'm trying to do is jab > foxtrot pivot cancel thingy >jab and see if that might work


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I posted this in the other thread, but I managed to get a Fast Falled F-Air to do a lock bounce on a Footstooled opponent. I can post a video if you want, but it seems like F-Air has lock properties when the opponent is a low %.

EDIT: I'm making a video showcasing it, I'll edit it into this post when it finishes uploading.

EDIT 2: Video:


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
I knew this, but it's not really usable :/
Diddy hasn't anything that make people miss their tech easily, and you can't follow a footstool with anything but a banana that will not put them in a jab lock situation, and our laggy upB xP

I tried to single nana lock the first time i did this in a match, but i fail at this so it messed up and now i just usmash them on the not-so-common matches this kind of stuff happen <_<
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