The Old Chap
I am 13 and my generation is pretty dumb. I am one of the few children in my school who was raised to not be and idiot. Using slang, smoking, sex before marriage, etc. Dear god, the people at my school. School is the only public place I go to that has kids my age so this is the only evidence I have. Kids that are around my age curse, act dumb, or just be annoying. I know parents have alot to do with how a child turns out. But, I know kids these days, are just bad. Also kids in 5th grade are acting like they are so cool and swag like. One time, I accidentally walked in in front of two of them while they were playing soccer, and, it was like a waterfall of F bombs flowing out of one of their mouths. I just looked at him and said, "Classy", and he got all mad. So, I do thing my generation and others are messed up. Why I am not like one of them is thanks to Nintendo. I learned what Pokemon was and did tons of research. Then I asked my brother what was it like back then. And he told me it was great. As I learned, grew up, and went into a new grade, I noticed. Today is not quite what it was yesterday.
Now, kids are spoiled. And influenced by stupid things.
Now, kids are spoiled. And influenced by stupid things.