Right Brain is
Xivii .
Hari Seldon is a player that showed up on xkcd a short time after the Crossover Mafia game (xkcd+Dgames hosted by Marshy). Hari had a very distinct posting style and play style. One of the things he did was he analyzed every post, broke them down and assigned points. He was a brilliant player, and I’ve said before that he did the best behavior-type reads. He only played two games (and had a spectacular win as scum) and disappeared; we pinged him a couple times to join games but he never came back.
A short time after Hari disappeared, Zenii returned (we hadn’t seen him since Crossover) and started playing mafia semi-regularly on xkcd.
Also, I'm saying I'm so far beneath you I'm above you.
Ok I reread it. I had assumed you were placing my starting point in the deep dark scum void far removed from this physical world, and yourself in the towniness of the exosphere, but I see your explanation. If this was not a town claim, I'll restore a point. +1
I want to apologize for my absence, I’ve been without a computer since I’ve been staying with my mother following my surgery, I’m back home tomorrow and can actually quote and make legitimate posts. Until then, when retreading I realized Eido’s statements aren’t nearly as scummy as I first thought, it’s actually swapped enough that I consider Eido to be a fairly strong town read. Scum definitely was on that wagon, and if I had to chose one person it would be Bessie. Ask questions if you want about my reads I can pull up quotes and answer them tomorrow
Not assigning points to this post, I want to give Maven a chance to properly read the thread, which he obviously can’t do on his phone or he would realize that I’m not even voting. +0
Off topic: Maven, good to hear you are doing better and will be going home this weekend.
OK so my problem with Eido, other than the obvious, is that were he scum he would likely have tried to get the pressure off his back - as opposed to standing there like a deer in the headlights waiting for the train to hit him.
I'm curious, how do you think a scum!Eido would do that, in a way that is different than what he is doing now? +0
Here Swiss, I'll throw you a bone:
I like reads posts. +1
My issue with this post is the implication that you’re doing something above and beyond in giving us some reads. Why “throw us a bone”? Shouldn’t reads and analysis be part of the game and not a favor that must be requested? -1
You're townread on Laser seems premature, at best, to me. Sure he got there on Eido, whom I've actually gotten less sure on as he's locked it in, but he waffled it at first, saying he thought Eido's questions were kind of pointless iirc (when they clearly weren't to Eido, and that's what matters).
Interesting that you accuse LaserGuy of waffling and in the same sentence…

Then there's Laser's Bessie read. Bessie's points are nitpicky and often to logically flawed, as with the Eido point yesterday. She feels like she's looking for reasons to scumread Eido, as opposed to Gorf who scumread Eido and then tried to figure out why. This isn't necessarily damning, it could be a playstyle difference, but it doesn't feel great.
Yes, I’m a passive-agressive self-proclaimed nitpicky tunneler. But my logic is sound, you claiming otherwise does not make it so. I have addressed your defense of Eido over this point in
#200 and if you still disagree, you should address that post directly and point out the “flaws” (if indeed you can) instead of just alluding to it and labeling me flawed. And I do not (and do not need to)
look for reasons to scumread anyone. I am very open about my style. I read every post in the thread in order, and comment on things that ping me or are otherwise noteworthy, starting where I left off previously, usually once per day. And I post all these comments in order, and in one long post, so that everyone can follow my thought progression. On weekends when I have more time, I compile all my thoughts and do my analysis on the thread content as a whole. If I am scumreading someone, it is because that is where the content is leading me, not because I am seeking out reasons. -1
(By the way
, the reason you don't get the townclaim thing is that you're viewing it as a performance, something for the town to see, but when i claimed town it wasn't about you. It was about me, my joy at rolling town, and my desire to express that joy.)
As an observer to the content in the thread, I view it all as a performance and as fair game for analysis. If content is not for players to read, what is it for? -1
Laser townreads her for her interest in the game, and if I tilt my head and squint I can maybe see it. I'll need to look at more games to compare. His townread felt a bit like a wolf bolstering a buddy, but he could be correct on her, even if he is scum. Probably not wrong on her if he's town, but it's early, so his read may yet change.
References provided upon request. +0
Also the team is Somi/Bessie and Somi made a shroop, you heard it here first, folks.
Cool I might start quoting this at the start of every post I make so that no one forgets. +0
This makes me feel good about Fonti.
She reaches out to halt pressure developing on me throughout the game. We see this against Gorf, but also against Bessie, Wam & Sabrar.
Does Scum!Fonti follow all that with ‘actually, he’s a weak Town read now’ ?
I’m leaning no. To me, it looks like she’s thinking and re-evaluating my position in the Town core she plans to build, and looks authentic?
Interesting. To me it looks like she’s trying to alleviate pressure on a partner. -1
I assume this refers to #189 where fonti replies to a question instead of you. So why don't you answer the follow-up in #191?
Just noting this because I want to assign a point. +1
At least Sabrar likes my content.
I will say Eido feels weirdly stiff.
I like your content, I would just like to see more. +0
Oh, and nice waffle. -1
It's not townie, I very specifically said I'd consider it null. What's so scummy about simply saying "I'm town"?
Hmm. I’ll let you think about it. +0
I still don't really get from your explanation why you've decided to do this. I feel like you would have understood the potential difficulties and limitations of this system before you started. Why did you feel the need to adopt another player's (alt's) meta?
I do sporadically use +1/-1 notation in my notes, but in general, the content level in games on this forum is too high for me to utilize it properly and actually calculate a meaningful score. I was going to link you to
this post as an example because I know I did some for that game, but the notes with the points must have been later in the game and stayed in hydra chat. +0
I didn’t recognize how skewed the numbers would be until I added them up in
#102 . But playing as someone else’s meta amuses me, and
I do it occasionally . I remember playing one game as Sabrar and the content level required to be Sabrar almost destroyed me. +0
And I'm continuing it for a little while longer because it seems to be drawing some interesting reactions. +0
And I like the rest of your post. +1
#HBC | Gorf
Alfredo is freaking adorable and has awesome eyes and gets a bonus point. +1
Eido -13-1 => -14
Fontisian -3-2+1-4 => -8
Gorf +1+1+1 => +3
LaserGuy 0+1 => +1
Maven89 +1+0 => +1
Sabrar +3+1 => +4
Somitomi 0+0 => 0
Swiss +2+0 => +2
Wam -2+0 => -2