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D3 over powered?


Smash Rookie
May 14, 2008
No, i'm not saying he is, but my bro that i play against keeps saying he is, he plays with mario and i'm always talling him about all the disadvantages D3 has and how slow he is and all this but it never gets to him that he isn't OP, please help me in explaining to him that he isn't. And reasons please, and if he actually is op please tell me why :/


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
no, gimpyfish disagrees and fanboys listen to anything he says.
opinions are good when you make them yourself, and when you have facts to back them up.
no. I'm not a gimpyfish fanboy. You need to play a really good snake. He is top tier. He wins the tournaments west and east coast. I see snakes at tournaments and know what he really is. Its my own opinion he is vastly overpowered because he is.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
Wow, you are so dumb if you think there are no tiers in brawl... I'm not going to waste my time , you are a scrub if you think that.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
i am the lurker i live in your fourms
your opinion... because he is? now i really wont take your statement as valid because of how cocky you are, opinion isnt fact.
there are no tiers in brawl, get used to it, respect others thoughts at least.
play melee if you want to praise the tier list.

Your right
all characters are totally balanced in brawl
a pro snake vs a pro captain falcon of equal skill will win 50% of the time


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
king ddd is very slow, and not over powered. his most powerful move is balanced with strength, but very very slow (fsmash) i dont think ddd is OP but he is vurry strong <3


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Your right
all characters are totally balanced in brawl
a pro snake vs a pro captain falcon of equal skill will win 50% of the time

WHAT? This fails.

If you think every character is balanced, you're in denial.

Snake is Broken, Metaknight is close to broken and thats how it is.

There is no "everyone is equal,there are no tiers"

I don't know about you, but I have yet to see a jiggs player win any tournaments.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
i am the lurker i live in your fourms
WHAT? This fails.

If you think every character is balanced, you're in denial.

Snake is Broken, Metaknight is close to broken and thats how it is.

There is no "everyone is equal,there are no tiers"

I don't know about you, but I have yet to see a jiggs player win any tournaments.
it seems my sarcasm doesnt carry well of the internets


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
there is a thread like this one on every character board and only snake's makes sense.look how much damage he does

snake:AAA x 3=14% Ftilt=21% Utilt=i dont care but its the best KO move in the game..

Dair=28% Nair=29% Fair=14% Uair=12%

and besides that he has weird dashing with Usmash skillz, grenade droping ,mines all over the place and all his tilts and aerials can KO at decent porcentages.

thats why it is my secondary character.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
i am the lurker i live in your fourms
you silly negros dont understand ****.
god tiers WERE characters who could win any matchup.
metaknight isnt broken. snake isnt broken. they are easily countered.
just because they are great against certain characters does not mean they are
'omfg teh top tierz'
jigglypuffs arent winning tourneys because jiggs is only good against certain characters...as opposed to marth in melee who could whup all of the cast.

snake gets countered by ddd(sometimes), ddd gets countered by olimar(sometimes)
thats what the "sometimes" is, because it depends on skill, there are no more "tier lists".
if there are two equally skilled players, one is using jiggs and one is using snake obviously jiggs will have a hell of a hard time since the matchup is in snakes favor.
but there are no more characters who have advantages in every matchup. metaknight and snake especially, they are very limited against certain characters.

one kid said snakes moves are too powerful(?) which does not mean he is broken AT ALL.
snake has ****ty aerial control, and his aerials are predictable, you wont always hit with EVERY part of the dAir, and utilt is...not the best kill move in the game whoever said that....
if you dont recognize the slightest balance you are in a form of denial.

dont follow the crowd kids, make your own opinions.
nicktendo dont call me anything just because i dont agree with you, usually when people go around calling others scrubs it just reflects their own low skill. so why dont you learn some respect instead of hurling insults when i prove a point?
Again, it is my own opinion, it just happens to coincide with just about everyone else
Who is counters snake so well then? im curious.
And calling me a "silly negro" is not only ignorant, but racist, and made no sense. Me thinking snake is overpowered (NOT god tier, but still slightly overpowered) = me being a silly black person? Care to explain your logic there?
You proved nothing, all you have said is "Everything is balanced, you are in denial if you dont think so"

Respect is earned, never given, and frankly you have done nothing to earn anyones respect. I would guess that even someone who agrees with you wouldnt like the way you go about this


Smash Rookie
May 14, 2008
na no

im sick of hearing broken character threads, its a trend thats killing SWF.
people need to do their own research, and form their own ideas.
I hope you arn't talking to me, all i did was ask if someone can provide me some facts as to why ddd isn't OP, i never said anyone was, i personally think he is a balanced character, and i think that no one is overpowered, but its all about the match up, every one has a counter. Its all about the counters.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
i am the lurker i live in your fourms
my humor offends you, and so does my opinion for reasons unknown...
i lost respect for you the second you stated your opinion as if it were fact,
i said you would be in denial if you think there are unbalanced god tiers like in melee.
people just want justifications for why their main(insert character) is the best.
this argument is getting nowhere and thats why "this character is broken" threads go nowhere.

*no pengy i wasnt talking about you making this thread in particular, but once you make a thread remotely on the subject of how characters are overpowered/broken you instantly get people making opinions fact. cmon, does it really matter what your brother thinks?
just keep owning with DDD
first you dont think people should state their opinion as fact, then you turn around and state your own opinion as if it was fact in the next sentence.
things dont have to be god tier to be unbalanced

Ill ask again because you seem to have missed it at first, WHO is snakes counter??

EDIT: hit submit button too fast <.<

Pointman Rob

Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2005
Kingston, Ontario
Hey remember when that game Melee came out, and everyone was crying about Link being OP cause of his Spin Attack?

Jeez, let the meta-game EVOLVE a bit.

And quit johning Snake. Yoshi is a snake-eater, though Dedede handles himself pretty nicely in that matchup too.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
i am the lurker i live in your fourms
I dont think anyone is understanding what i mean by overpowered. I dont mean "omgwtf **** everything he is sooo much hax impossible to beattt"
I mean he has some sort of advantage over a vast majority of the cast.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
i think D3 is overpowered as in a heavy weight.. IMO a good recovery. strong KO power on a fast Utilt. Long unexpected range with hammer. a really good projectile. heavy. and alot of dif stuff .. but that me... i also think top tier would be a Snake and D3 if you are able 2 master thier moveset.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Ever heard of OFF TOPIC?

DDD is a good, strong character. If you consistently beat your brother with him, it is because you are better than him. If he *****es at you to switch your character to prove that DDD is too strong, then he is completely missing the mark. DDD is your character and you should be good with him, not good with every character to prove that you are a good smasher.

When we first got the game my friend began to say DDD was cheap. Then I tried using Bowser so he starts saying Bowser is cheap. I move to Lucario and the same thing again until he starts to realize I am better than him. This does not mean all of the characters are equal however. It also doesn't mean any single character has a lead over the whole cast. Each character has a bad side and a good side. No character has a blanket playstyle that deals with everyone.
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