Sooo yeah, I've been messing around with Snake a lot. In my opinion he has his ups and downs but his main problem IMO is he gets shield pressured too hard with very little counter-attack options.
Although, in the past couple weeks I've been working with his Up-B, and I just have to say that it is the single best component to Snake's kit that revolutionizes how he should be played. In short, Snake can now be a fast, combo hungry character that, prior to contrary appeal, he didn't really have.
I'll go on to explain the different situations his Up-B can handle:
1: First and foremost, it's properties resembling a shine. The electric field from it acts as an instantaneous displacement move that works much like falco's shine except for the fact that, since the electricity frames are on-going, it lift them slowly when inside of Snake and pushes enemies out from the outside. It can easily be used out of shield for instant displacement.
2: It's infinite combo potential. The easiest one for me to perform is getting inside of their body and doing Up-B cancel U-air, which automatically does 30-40% and sets them up perfect for a secondary combo. You can also do sick Up-B to platform cancel U-tilts and F-tilts for better platform positioning and rising combos.
3: Cypher. This little thing can be your best friend for setting up unusual combos. I do Up-B cancel Uairs like crazy just to send that flying hoola hoop into people's rectums. It's an extremely good high air pressure tool that sucks up attacks and leaves Snake well out of counter-attack range. Not to mention the stopping power of it is perfect for stages like Battlefield where you can consistently use it while rising up on platforms for better positioning. I use it a lot of the time to displace them in the air and force them to take a certain route down so I can follow-up. Just note that anytime you cancel his Up-B Cypher will explode and the explosion isn't an actual hitbox, it's just for aesthetics.
4: Shield pressuring. You can use Snake's Up-B in such quick succession that you can rain a volley of well-executed mid air attacks to their shield. Not to mention the electricity hits attached keep them in or bounce them out of their shield based on positioning. I do BAIR ATTACKS constantly from a mid to high air range as sort of a wall that is pretty hard for players to follow-up on.
5: Tech chase properties. This move is money when it comes to tech chasing. If you get to the other side of their tech and they're within the 0-80 %, it's another instant 30-40% along with probably a top-side death. Sometimes you don't even need to hits them with the inside of it, you can just start floating in the direction they're teching and throw a preemptive strike in that direction with Fair or Dair for shield pressure and multiple hit stun.
Overall, I've always known Snake to be a passive/decisive character who usually has to trick characters into one of his many explosive kill options. Whereas that is a viable option, I feel that it really narrows his capabilities and can be crippling to when someone knows how to play against it and the pressure is too much for Snake, Although, now I believe Snake has the option to be both tactical and extremely fast and overwhelming.
In all, I believe Snake's Up-B is his new game changer. I'll never go back to old Snake ways -.- . Hope this was enlightening to many and let me know how it works out for you
Although, in the past couple weeks I've been working with his Up-B, and I just have to say that it is the single best component to Snake's kit that revolutionizes how he should be played. In short, Snake can now be a fast, combo hungry character that, prior to contrary appeal, he didn't really have.
I'll go on to explain the different situations his Up-B can handle:
1: First and foremost, it's properties resembling a shine. The electric field from it acts as an instantaneous displacement move that works much like falco's shine except for the fact that, since the electricity frames are on-going, it lift them slowly when inside of Snake and pushes enemies out from the outside. It can easily be used out of shield for instant displacement.
2: It's infinite combo potential. The easiest one for me to perform is getting inside of their body and doing Up-B cancel U-air, which automatically does 30-40% and sets them up perfect for a secondary combo. You can also do sick Up-B to platform cancel U-tilts and F-tilts for better platform positioning and rising combos.
3: Cypher. This little thing can be your best friend for setting up unusual combos. I do Up-B cancel Uairs like crazy just to send that flying hoola hoop into people's rectums. It's an extremely good high air pressure tool that sucks up attacks and leaves Snake well out of counter-attack range. Not to mention the stopping power of it is perfect for stages like Battlefield where you can consistently use it while rising up on platforms for better positioning. I use it a lot of the time to displace them in the air and force them to take a certain route down so I can follow-up. Just note that anytime you cancel his Up-B Cypher will explode and the explosion isn't an actual hitbox, it's just for aesthetics.
4: Shield pressuring. You can use Snake's Up-B in such quick succession that you can rain a volley of well-executed mid air attacks to their shield. Not to mention the electricity hits attached keep them in or bounce them out of their shield based on positioning. I do BAIR ATTACKS constantly from a mid to high air range as sort of a wall that is pretty hard for players to follow-up on.
5: Tech chase properties. This move is money when it comes to tech chasing. If you get to the other side of their tech and they're within the 0-80 %, it's another instant 30-40% along with probably a top-side death. Sometimes you don't even need to hits them with the inside of it, you can just start floating in the direction they're teching and throw a preemptive strike in that direction with Fair or Dair for shield pressure and multiple hit stun.
Overall, I've always known Snake to be a passive/decisive character who usually has to trick characters into one of his many explosive kill options. Whereas that is a viable option, I feel that it really narrows his capabilities and can be crippling to when someone knows how to play against it and the pressure is too much for Snake, Although, now I believe Snake has the option to be both tactical and extremely fast and overwhelming.
In all, I believe Snake's Up-B is his new game changer. I'll never go back to old Snake ways -.- . Hope this was enlightening to many and let me know how it works out for you