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Cute Cats 6: Dastardly Dogs Results

The Flow

Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2011
Lawrenceville, GA
Thanks to everyone who came out! Videos will be on http://www.youtube.com/user/SmashStudios2001 by the end of the week!

Melee Singles Pools: http://imgur.com/OcWhQAP,86XRcBM,yKeHPcM,6zB1nhE,Lvdbti6,R54CFEb,KvU7v8R,563tN8t
Melee Singles Bracket: http://imgur.com/0XSZ6va
1: SS | Nicaboy ($250.00) :sheikmelee:
2: SS | s0ft ($125.00):jigglypuffmelee::foxmelee:
3: Baka4Moe ($75.00):peachmelee:
4: Pengie ($50.00):foxmelee:
5: Awestruck:falcomelee:
5: Druggedfox:mariomelee:
7: SS | Flamin Roy:foxmelee:
7: OP:samusmelee:
9: SS | Flow:sheikmelee::jigglypuffmelee::foxmelee:
9: XIF:peachmelee:
9: DAB:sheikmelee:
9: chaddd:falcomelee::ganondorfmelee: (Forfeit vs OP due to time)
13: N64:pikachumelee:
13: BlueJim:foxmelee:
13: GAWes:falconmelee:
13: Tubes:falconmelee:
17: Tbag:peachmelee:
17: Dashdancedan's Bowser:bowsermelee:
17: Esperanto:luigimelee:
17: Macho Man:jigglypuffmelee:
17: DP's Mario:mariomelee:
17: SS | Fullmetal:marthmelee:
17: SS | Merck:foxmelee::falcomelee::kirbymelee:
17: MGFC | Ron-a-roni:falcomelee:

Melee Doubles Bracket: http://imgur.com/CkZtbT1
1: Whooping Cough (SS | Flow:jigglypuffmelee::sheikmelee: + SS | s0ft:jigglypuffmelee::foxmelee:) ($102.00)
2: Gon and Killua (SS | Nicaboy:sheikmelee::foxmelee: + DP's Mario:mariomelee::drmario:) ($51.00)
3: Tommy and Chad (TBag:peachmelee: + chaddd:ganondorfmelee::foxmelee:) ($17.00)
4: Roofied Peach (XIF:peachmelee: + Druggedfox:foxmelee:)
5: Floppy Weiners (Awestruck:falcomelee: + Sunny Side Up:sheikmelee:)
5: Some Weeaboo **** (SS | Flamin Roy:foxmelee: + Baka4Moe:peachmelee:)
7: Oronte (OP:samusmelee: + Ronaroni:falcomelee:)
7: Martin Luther Bling (BlueJim:foxmelee: + GAWes:falconmelee:)
9: Fatbones (Mr Bones + Fatality:sheikmelee:)
9: Christina Hendricks's Husbands (Mike G:peachmelee: + Pengie:foxmelee:)
9: Peaches and Cream (Harry + Puma:peachmelee:)
9: Team ****ters (Tubes:falconmelee: + N64:pikachumelee:)
13: Sexy Club (Zabb:falconmelee: + Madlife:sheikmelee:)
13: Goon Squad Goons (Mr Bonkey:marthmelee::sheikmelee: + Een:falcomelee:)
13: Luigi is a Good Character (Esperanto:luigimelee: + Polarity:foxmelee:)
13: www.twitch.tv/Rooktionary (Grayson:falconmelee: + Rooktionary:foxmelee:)
17: Fire and Steel (Rhody + Exiled)

Melee Amateur Singles Bracket: http://imgur.com/VsjDN8c
1: TRG:sheikmelee:
2: Rooktionary:foxmelee:
3: Een:falcomelee:
4: Puma:peachmelee:
5: #SplitsOnTrees
5: Mr Bonkey
7: Exile
7: FastestRock
9: Propyleme
9: AML!?
9: Harry
9: Just Andrew
13: potpourri
13: Cultist
13: Polarity
13: Halifax
17: Rhoady
17: Cloudrunner
17: Grizzly
17: Jsoc
17: Nova
17: TheGreatKazoo
17: Zabb
17: Van Wylder
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
Been a long time since I've done shoutouts, but here goes:

1: SS | Nicaboy - good stuff taking it Dale, you've got my number recently, and you're reminding me why I really dislike the sheik matchup LOL. congrats again
2: SS | s0ft - glad to see you do well especially after the last CC Josh. good close set, even though I lost it was definitely fun. Those first two games won't be as free next time ;). gl in your traveling endeavors
3: Baka4Moe - saklfjasfkjsd
4: Pengie - forever fourth! still solid and consistent though. good stuff against sami and xif. hopefully ur stomach gets better, i wanna play mario party!!
5: Awestruck - ggs kevin. really impressed with ur results these past two tournaments. all ill say is dont let it get to your head (trust me im speaking from experience heh), and keep it up!
5: Druggedfox - nice seeing u come to tournaments sami, even if its just mario ;p goodfellas is aight
7: SS | Flamin Roy - aint gonna lie i was scared to play u in losers. though idve liked to do better in teams, it was still fun :). ive been playing ToS still, thanks miyako-chan!
7: OP - you consistently place top 8. good stuff ovonte. sad i didnt get to see u vs chad
9: SS | Flow - thanks again for streaming and uploading vids onish, the publicity and hype is so great for GA melee. congrats against xif too!
9: XIF - glad to see you coming to tournies, even tho its rare to see u haha. hope to see u at more my peach brother
9: DAB - dat stromboli looks amazing. thanks for cheering for me against josh, id do the same for u. we havent played MP in so long wtf
9: chaddd - ggs, cool to see an old school guy come out to tournies again
13: N64 - ggs dude, hope u figure out the peach mu (sorta lol)
13: BlueJim - jim good 1-2 friendly matches haha. ggs in teams, we'll play in singles eventually
13: GAWes - that rematch against tubes was too close! the pizza delivery right at the end was perfect timing
13: Tubes - good stuff beating merck man, happy for u. dat set vs wes tho :(
17: Tbag - didnt talk to u much but good stuff in teams! u got me with that uair again grr
17: Dashdancedan's Bowser - man, i liked ur fox more
17: Esperanto - austin thanks for the ride man, appreciate it alot. congrats beating rook!
17: Macho Man - sam good stuff making it to bracket u retired guy
17: DP's Mario - ggs dude it takes heart to main mario. u seem like a chill guy
17: SS | Fullmetal - mike im glad you were able to make it. i know you've been disappointed with your performances lately but at least know im rooting for you! you always give me a hard time in friendlies and i want to play you in tourney! gotta finish and close out those close sets
17: SS | Merck - merck we didnt play at all! we should team sometime, should be fun. socal lets go
17: MGFC | Ron-a-roni - ron thanks for helping run stuff, and the pool sheets/pens were a great idea

Mike G: cool seeing u make it out man, id like to get some peach discussion with u sometime
TRG: eddie glad u could make it, thanks for cheering for me bro. good stuff in amateurs, and we will play MP at some point! lol
Rooktionary: rook thanks for having that second recording setup, it really means alot! will they be on a youtube channel?
Zabb: savior with the gabllion n64 controllers. tight seeing u again and lets play sometime!
Sleepy: thanks for hosting man, its always a pleasure
Nightwing: graysongman cool seein ya again. sad u couldnt enter singles but hope u enjoyed ur concert
EEN: good stuff in amateurs, i heard u did well
Puma: most cheerful smasher i know. thanks for running amateur (i think you did?) bracket, and i heard u did pretty well too!
Everyone in my pool: GGs guys. Hope all yall continue to come to events!

If I forgot anyone I'm sorry! There's so many people and I meant no harm. GGs, had fun, looking forward to the next one. It's nice to see the regrowth in GA melee firsthand! :)


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2014
Amateur Bracket Resuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuults!

Bracket: http://imgur.com/VsjDN8c

1: TRG
2: Rooktionary
3: Een
4: Puma
5: #SplitsOnTrees
5: Mr Bonkey
7: Exile
7: FastestRock
9: Propyleme
9: AML!?
9: Harry
9: Just Andrew
13: potpourri
13: Cultist
13: Polarity
13: Halifax
17: Rhoady
17: Cloudrunner
17: Grizzly
17: Jsoc
17: Nova
17: TheGreatKazoo
17: Zabb
17: Van Wylder

The Flow

Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2011
Lawrenceville, GA
Amateur Bracket Resuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuults!

Bracket: http://imgur.com/VsjDN8c

1: TRG
2: Rooktionary
3: Een
4: Puma
5: #SplitsOnTrees
5: Mr Bonkey
7: Exile
7: FastestRock
9: Propyleme
9: AML!?
9: Harry
9: Just Andrew
13: potpourri
13: Cultist
13: Polarity
13: Halifax
17: Rhoady
17: Cloudrunner
17: Grizzly
17: Jsoc
17: Nova
17: TheGreatKazoo
17: Zabb
17: Van Wylder
Thanks. Edited it into the OP.
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