That's great, Raykz. I never said that it means being able to customize on the Wii U. I said it looks to not be a mutually exclusive feature anymore.
But, transferring characters was never an exclusive feature or it was never expressed as one by Sakurai or me.
What I meant to say by my post is that Sakurai has only hinted at being able to customize on the 3DS version and that he has (to my knowledge, I might be outdated on my interviews) never mentioned this customization feature to be in the Wii U as this feature is part of his "enhanced single player experience" that will be present in the 3DS
If that is true then that means that this feature is only accessible by player's who own a 3DS version and because of this it is improbable that it would be set as a default setting for the Wii U competitive scene.
I think you are missing the point of these links. Really Raykz, it's like everything you read turns you into a reactionary Devil's Advocate. I have never made speculative claims with absolute certainty. These quotations are to show that notions of whatever might be the case are largely insubstantial. Several people, including you, are resorting to "Well, X said this, therefore Y is Z" without realizing the most important thing to take away from the situation is that there are conflicting reports.
Actually if you read my posts I never claim Y is Z, on the contrary I am mostly the guy trying to guide people in the right direction while never actually claiming anything. (If anything your previous post did just that. You read that characters were transferable between versions and you said: This features aren't version exclusive anymore which isn't exactly a given from said interview, specially attack customization, which isn't even mentioned and it was what I was talking about in my post). Everytime I speculate or say anything I always try to alert to the fact that said thing is my own opinion and should be taken lightly. Normally when I analyze things by my own I always leave room for uncertainty, sort of like saying: Sakurai said this, I think that means this, but I could be wrong however :3.
Something that says there is not enough information does not contradict another interview which does have information.
Sakurai (or at least his translator) used the word direction in 2 interviews and in both interviews stated that there won't be any enhancing of a character's or an attacks strength or speed. Everything I said was almost literally an actual quote from the interviews.
Additionally, please start adding something substantial to the discussion. Your list of possible outcomes was a waste of effort because they are pretty much a given. The most important thing, which what you failed to do, would be to elaborate on how the outcomes would be reached.
I was merely stating my opinion on what the possible outcomes were. I don't understand what you mean by I must add something substantial, we don't even have an actual idea about how exactly this customization is done or how it works, we cannot really discuss it in depth just yet. We cannot reach any of the outcomes until we know exactly what and how do you customize.
I hope you are not implying that changing the directions of a character's attack wouldn't have any impact on how good they are. That would be an extremely ignorant thing to say. Some things just aren't situational.
I am not implying that.
You quoted an interview that said things were still unclear. I was merely quoting newer interviews in order to shed light to new information that has come up since your interview in case you did not know about this information. This way you can read said information, analyze it at your own discretion and then make your own assumptions.
Changing an attacks direction obviously changes its power and value there is no denying that.
I did not mean to be rude honestly but it is just that you are using lack of information in one interview to try to debunk the others, I thought it might have been that you did not read the other interviews and did not know that info and so I tried to give it to you.