G@BE said:
**** if i were gay i would do marth... i did not say that....wait yes i did i posted it hehe
if you're referring to marth's sheer sexiness, and his contempt for those less sexy than him *cough* ROY *cough*, then i agree with you. Some people just like to say he's gay because
#1) they play roy, because he's so much easier to pick up in the beginning
#2) because you have marth as a playable character before roy... so when you get roy, he MUST be better >.>
#3) they themselves are gay and they are trying to connect to someone, even if it's just a video game character
#4) tryna get some cheap laughs because marth wears a tiara and has hair thats a TINY bit long
#5) marth is too sexy to be straight
My friend alvin looks like marth. without the tiara of course, but yeah. and H'ES not gay. lol. (i hope?!) Now then. go ye forth and tell all thine friends that marth is actually a piimp and a balla. It would be best to keep marth away from your girl and/or mother. That is all.