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Couple Wolf Techniques for Discussion


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Hey everyone,

I've been browsing these boards for quite some time, but never really posted anything. I would like to bring up a couple of wolf techniques that i haven't seen too much about around here. Maybe everyone knows them and they have been named and used, heh, so excuse my ignorance if so. I wish I could post some videos, but I am video challenged atm.

Wolf Edge-hog

If your hanging of the ledge, DI down, instantly jump and do the down b flash. Wolf will float up with his shield and then almost instantly grab the ledge again. This can be done to infinity. You basically instantly get an invincibility frame from your flash and then your only left open for a split second before you are back on edge with more invincibility frames. Now if you are hit in that split second of vulnerability, chances of death are high, so be careful.

Once i got the timing down, i now usually get at least one kill a match using this technique. This is especially effective against tether characters and others, such as zelda, marth, many others. I would strongly recommend to avoid doing this vs certain characters, such as g&w and ike.

Wolf Push-Kill or whatever

If you are just in the right position off the edge in the air and your opponent comes after you trying to land that finish bair or something, do the up-b and direct the move diagonally down towards the edge. If your opponent is just below you coming up for the attack, they will get pushed all the way under the middle of the stage. Unless they can fly, they are dead at any %. Now be careful not to hold down as well, since then you wont grab the edge, and you need to have your positioning down perfect. It is very very easy to die doing this.

Overall, this is a very rare situation and it's very dangerous. I have gotten maybe 15 kills total like that, but when it happens, it's awesome =). I don't really recommend it as a consistent tactic, but just sometimes the chance to do it appears.

Up-Smash Slide

Maybe nothing new, but wolf can do a up smash slide that looks very similar to snakes mortar slide. This can be done while running or from a stopped position. Basically same as snake slide, from a stopped position hit forward, and instantly hit down on c-stick, up on joystick and z (keep holding z). Wolf will slide forward a good distance, while charging the up a smash. The z button will charge your smash attack, so hold it to charge the move and release at the right time. The timing of this is extremely tricky and takes practice. You can do it while running too. If the move is done just right, wolf will slide a distance of approximately middle of final d to the first arrow, which is far.

If you can master this, it is excellent. The slide is the last thing almost any opponent expects. You can slide through them to get behind, slide toward, slide away, slide out of attacks. THe ability to hold z and release when needed gives options for some good mind-games. Plus if you slide toward the edge of the stage, wolf will stop at the last possible spot he can before falling down, leaving you in an excellent spot to edgeguard.

Anyway, that's all from me, hope it's a little helpful. I am always open for discussions and critiques.

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Hey everyone,

I've been browsing these boards for quite some time, but never really posted anything. I would like to bring up a couple of wolf techniques that i haven't seen too much about around here. Maybe everyone knows them and they have been named and used, heh, so excuse my ignorance if so. I wish I could post some videos, but I am video challenged atm.

Wolf Edge-hog

If your hanging of the ledge, DI down, instantly jump and do the down b flash. Wolf will float up with his shield and then almost instantly grab the ledge again. This can be done to infinity. You basically instantly get an invincibility frame from your flash and then your only left open for a split second before you are back on edge with more invincibility frames. Now if you are hit in that split second of vulnerability, chances of death are high, so be careful.

Once i got the timing down, i now usually get at least one kill a match using this technique. This is especially effective against tether characters and others, such as zelda, marth, many others. I would strongly recommend to avoid doing this vs certain characters, such as g&w and ike.

Wolf Push-Kill or whatever

If you are just in the right position off the edge in the air and your opponent comes after you trying to land that finish bair or something, do the up-b and direct the move diagonally down towards the edge. If your opponent is just below you coming up for the attack, they will get pushed all the way under the middle of the stage. Unless they can fly, they are dead at any %. Now be careful not to hold down as well, since then you wont grab the edge, and you need to have your positioning down perfect. It is very very easy to die doing this.

Overall, this is a very rare situation and it's very dangerous. I have gotten maybe 15 kills total like that, but when it happens, it's awesome =). I don't really recommend it as a consistent tactic, but just sometimes the chance to do it appears.

Up-Smash Slide

Maybe nothing new, but wolf can do a up smash slide that looks very similar to snakes mortar slide. This can be done while running or from a stopped position. Basically same as snake slide, from a stopped position hit forward, and instantly hit down on c-stick, up on joystick and z (keep holding z). Wolf will slide forward a good distance, while charging the up a smash. The z button will charge your smash attack, so hold it to charge the move and release at the right time. The timing of this is extremely tricky and takes practice. You can do it while running too. If the move is done just right, wolf will slide a distance of approximately middle of final d to the first arrow, which is far.

If you can master this, it is excellent. The slide is the last thing almost any opponent expects. You can slide through them to get behind, slide toward, slide away, slide out of attacks. THe ability to hold z and release when needed gives options for some good mind-games. Plus if you slide toward the edge of the stage, wolf will stop at the last possible spot he can before falling down, leaving you in an excellent spot to edgeguard.

Anyway, that's all from me, hope it's a little helpful. I am always open for discussions and critiques.
The first two sound new to me. The edge hogging one I don't understand..

You kick someone off the stage and jump to edge hog, then drop off and DOWN+b? and he stuns them and then you might be able to quickly grab the edge again? Correct?

The second one I think I have, you get kicked off the stage, and your opponent tries to fair or bair you and you up+b them diagonally towards the edge of the stage but just underneath it?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I think I just played this Fugal guy since we were talking about this before our match. The edge hog is basicalyl they u will have lots of invincibility frames on the edge. The object is not so much to hit them with shield as it is to prevent them from grabbing it. I haven't gotta to experiment with this, could be useful against certain characters but i'd need to experiment with it to find out. The slide can be good for mind games, expecially considering wolf's slow run speed, could really throw someone for a loop for a ko. The latter seems very technical and a mistake could easily lead you into someone's fsmash.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Yea, we did just play. =) good match

Yes, the point of that edgehog is to have invincibility frames and to prevent them from grabbing. Once you get the timing it takes to hop up, shield and grab again, this technique does wonders. I just played a match where i got marth 3 out of 8 lives with it at very low %.

The wolf up-b diagonally down at the edge basically just pushes the opponent under the stage, while you grab the edge. This is basically useless in a competitive fight, it is incredibly risky, but like i said i have caught it a couple of times before and when you do, it's great.

The third one is highly technical. It will take a lot of practice to be able to do the slide at will. If someone can master it, it really has tons of uses. I am getting to the point where i can do it almost everytime in training, but have lots of trouble pulling it off online.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Los Angeles
Nice, you definately deserve credit if you found out the edge hogging with the down+b thing, I never knew about that. I'll go check it out.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
Wolf Edge-hog
DAYYYUM. Ha, I knew saddling up with Wolf was something I wouldn't regret.

Wolf Push-Kill or whatever

If you are just in the right position off the edge in the air and your opponent comes after you trying to land that finish bair or something, do the up-b and direct the move diagonally down towards the edge. If your opponent is just below you coming up for the attack, they will get pushed all the way under the middle of the stage. Unless they can fly, they are dead at any %. Now be careful not to hold down as well, since then you wont grab the edge, and you need to have your positioning down perfect. It is very very easy to die doing this.
Tricksy. Got to learn that one.

The trouble with naming this is we need a better name for Up-B. I mean need it. "Fire Wolf"? How does that fit what he actually does at all? They could at least say "Launch Wolf."

Since he barrels into the guy, I say we use "Wolf Rocket" or "Wolf Bolt", Rocket having connection to PK rocket, and Wolf Bolt simply being too awesome not to have the sexual orientation of those who disagree be sternly questioned. :rolleyes:

(and don't worry guys I won't suggest any other name changes. ... for Wolf)

If I understand this right, the opponent suddenly and abruptly. . . dies, right?
How about the oxymoronic "blunt spike"? You just sorta. . . push him into his doom, as you said.
If there's problems using the term spike, we could just call this a blunt. It carries the meaning both of an unkeen surface, and abruptness.

I'd appreciate a vid to get a better sense of what it is (of course I am so testing this next chance I get).

Up-Smash Slide
Yeah anybody can do this, but like Wavedashing, it's simply not. . . effective in some of the cast.

Anyway, that's all from me, hope it's a little helpful. I am always open for discussions and critiques.
Are you open to "Thank you"s and "Nice work"s? :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Ok me and Fugu were testing something earlier. He found a way to scar any stage, not just the stand on ledge, no a full scar. It is doable on any stage like FD. I won't spoil it for you guys, as I know you all would like to figure it out for urselves. Also I'm not going to give out how its preformed unless Fugu says so, since it was his original discovery. It looks incredibly promising however, and I look forward to using it in my next match.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
DAYYYUM. Ha, I knew saddling up with Wolf was something I wouldn't regret.

Tricksy. Got to learn that one.

The trouble with naming this is we need a better name for Up-B. I mean need it. "Fire Wolf"? How does that fit what he actually does at all? They could at least say "Launch Wolf."

Since he barrels into the guy, I say we use "Wolf Rocket" or "Wolf Bolt", Rocket having connection to PK rocket, and Wolf Bolt simply being too awesome not to have the sexual orientation of those who disagree be sternly questioned. :rolleyes:

(and don't worry guys I won't suggest any other name changes. ... for Wolf)

If I understand this right, the opponent suddenly and abruptly. . . dies, right?
How about the oxymoronic "blunt spike"? You just sorta. . . push him into his doom, as you said.
If there's problems using the term spike, we could just call this a blunt. It carries the meaning both of an unkeen surface, and abruptness.

I'd appreciate a vid to get a better sense of what it is (of course I am so testing this next chance I get).

Yeah anybody can do this, but like Wavedashing, it's simply not. . . effective in some of the cast.

Are you open to "Thank you"s and "Nice work"s? :)
I love you, man. Too good.
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