I play casually with friends a couple times a week. I used to mainly use Diddy Kong, but I feel like I reached my peak with him, and am just ok. I wanted to try someone new, so I played Snake and loved it. The crazy possibilities with grenades like grenade countering, great f-tilt, crazy mines, all fun. However, I always hear about how good snakes u-tilt is, but have trouble applying it in game. I always end up mortaring. And when I do use the tilt, it rarely connects because I have to wait for the opponent to get very close. Basically, any basic tips for a new snake player are appreciated.
A specific matchup I have questions about is pit vs. snake. One of my good friends always uses pit, and its normally me and him in the final two. I can do ok against him close, but when there is distance between us and he just arrow spams, what should I do? Crawling under his arrows doesnt work, he just angles them down. A charge towards him is interupted, what should I do? Any other tips for snake against pit?
A specific matchup I have questions about is pit vs. snake. One of my good friends always uses pit, and its normally me and him in the final two. I can do ok against him close, but when there is distance between us and he just arrow spams, what should I do? Crawling under his arrows doesnt work, he just angles them down. A charge towards him is interupted, what should I do? Any other tips for snake against pit?