Since Puff is fragile it's easier on smaller stages to hit her with all sorts of projectiles and connect with projectile combos. With bigger stages it giver her more space to dodge. Plus Fd's lack of platforms gives Puff a great advantage cuz YL's game is based around platforms. They give him the angles needed from above. With out them he's forced to jump {possibly even double jump} to even get those angles. And if he's hit out of his second jump its over cuz that's just bar to death.I'm having a hard time understanding this. Not that I don't believe you, but just because Dreamland is "big" means its a good CP vs YL? Whaaaat?
To me, the Puff/YL MU is 55/45 in favor of YL. Giving YL space, gives him the availability to throw projectiles. Arrow, bomb, boomerang...he's fast too. Puff isn't fast in the air nor on the ground. So the Dreamland is "big" theory just doesn't fit. To me. Just explain it further and I might change my opinion. Cuz I watched all of GF and I think completely opposite.
YL v Sheik is a terrible match-up if you're not good with YL. Armada just knows YL v Jiggs. If PuffBox went Sheik it would have been CG's all day and free stocks. I excel in the match-up and I'm only able to bring a Sheik like Tope down to two stocks. It's hard as ****.Yeah, honestly, his YL would just **** on Hbox's pocket Sheik or whatever, and then Hbox would be even worse off.
You may not find their matches entertaining, but Hbox is slowly coming closer, and I don't think picikng up a secondary for the YL matchup is gonna help him.