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Could someone Rate my team


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
Skarmory lum berry

Relaxed Keen eye

252 HP 252 Def 6 Sp.def

Stealth rock
Steel wing

Alakazam Choice specs/wise glasses

Modest Synchronize

252 Sp.att 252 Spd 6 Hp

Shadow ball
Energy ball/charge beam
Focus blast

Garchomp Muscle band

Adamant Sand veil

252 Att 252 Spd 6 HP

Dragon claw
Brick break/Fire fang

Gyarados Leftovers

Adamant Intimidate

252 Att 252 HP 6 HP

Dragon dance/taunt
Ice fang/Stone edge

Rhyperior Choice band

Adamant Solid rock

252 Att 252 HP 6 Sp.def

Ice fang
Earthquake/stone edge
Hammer arm

Yanmega Wise glasses/metronome

Modest Speed boost

252 Sp.att 252 Spd 6 HP

Bug buzz
Air slash
Psychic/shadow ball

I know i'm a little indecisive about my pokemon, but i would like to hear what people have to say for my team. Please comment this is my first post.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Skarmory lum berry

Relaxed Keen eye

252 HP 252 Def 6 Sp.def

Stealth rock
Steel wing

Not a great lead. too many leads do a lot of damage to this- Leadnape and Azelf come to mind first. I suggest keeping your physical wall until something else sets up, then come in and WW away. yea, Whirlwind, not roar- its an ability called soundproof.

Alakazam Choice specs/wise glasses

Modest Synchronize

252 Sp.att 252 Spd 6 Hp

Shadow ball
Energy ball/charge beam
Focus blast

Psychic, Focus Blast, Signal Beam, and TRICK! use specs and the trick set. Its Alakazams best set, only set that can compete is Scarf, but Alakazam shouldnt be worried about speed.

Garchomp Muscle band

Adamant Sand veil

252 Att 252 Spd 6 HP

Dragon claw
Brick break/Fire fang

Garchomp is illegal in OU, so i will assume Uber set. Why Muscle Band? compared to choice or lo, its worthless for competitions. Try the Choice Scarf set, since in Ubers the best quailty about Chomp is his speed. I like Outrage, Sleep Talk, Earthquake, and (Stone Edge or Fire Fang)

Gyarados Leftovers

Adamant Intimidate

252 Att 252 HP 6 HP

Dragon dance/taunt
Ice fang/Stone edge

Pick a set and go with it. Either Bulky or DDer- this hybrid set isnt using Gyarados to the best of his abilities. I suggest DDer, Ice Fang over Stone Edge. Life Orb over Leftovers.

Rhyperior Choice band

Adamant Solid rock

252 Att 252 HP 6 Sp.def

Ice fang
Earthquake/stone edge
Hammer arm

Aqua Tail over Ice Fang, EQ and Stone Edge both for STAB, and (Megahorn or Fire Punch).

Yanmega Wise glasses/metronome

Modest Speed boost

252 Sp.att 252 Spd 6 HP

Bug buzz
Air slash
Psychic/shadow ball

This set is... well I hope you plan on leading with this, because SR knocks off half its health.

I know i'm a little indecisive about my pokemon, but i would like to hear what people have to say for my team. Please comment this is my first post.
Comments in red

You should prob. read the RMT Guidelines. Have you played this before? I dunno how well this team could work together. You really need to decide on movesets and items (RMT guide...), and you should probabally play this team, because honestly I dont see it working out too well in OU (especially Garchomp, who isnt allowed in OU, lol). You put a lot of stuff on here that suggests that you havent played very much in the current metagame, so id suggest that you play it, a LOT, and make your own decisions. I can tell you what looks good, but only you know your playstlye and what will work for you. and muscle band doesnt work well..... on.... anything.... life orb/ expert belt / choice items are almost ALWAYS better than wise glasses or muscle band.

EDIT- you should probabally also learn which moves hit more types- your using a lot of moves that arent hitting the ideal amount of types.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Well, one thing you could try to fix is that most bulky waters have nothing to fear. With the exception of alakazam's third move, swampert, vaporeon, and milotic aren't covered at all. Plus, they can easily eat up garchomp, yanmega, and rhyperior with a simple surf/ice beam combo. They could also probably outlast skarmory. Speaking of skarmory, try somebody with a bolt/beam combo, because you need better type coverage. You could also try leading machamp, as I did:

Machamp w/ choice scarf
4 hp/252 atk/252 spd
Jolly nature; No guard ability
Move set: Dynamic punch, Thunder punch, Ice punch, Earthquake

It's a much better lead. And yeah... you should definitely consider salamence or flygon over garchomp, or else you are in for a tough time in ubers.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
Garchomp is only Ubers on Smogon, it's still technically OU in standard... whatever standard is. Yeah, follow c3gill's advice... if you ever decide to post again.


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
Well i live in the UK so i haven't had chance to get platinum, so some of the moves you suggested to me are unavailable, and as you said i haven't actually played much at all. i may be a noob but i really want to get into competitive play so the tips are very useful and i thank you for that. When i get WiFi i'll be out there battling.

Deleted member

guys when chomp isn't on an ubers team treat it as if it's OU ok?


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2006
PA, USA ⊂(゚ヮ゚)⊃
Well i live in the UK so i haven't had chance to get platinum, so some of the moves you suggested to me are unavailable, and as you said i haven't actually played much at all. i may be a noob but i really want to get into competitive play so the tips are very useful and i thank you for that. When i get WiFi i'll be out there battling.
Neither have we in the U.S. (unless we imported). That's why we use shoddybattle. Well, at least everybody else but me does.
BTW, I suck at rating teams, so... I'll just leave this here.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Well i live in the UK so i haven't had chance to get platinum, so some of the moves you suggested to me are unavailable, and as you said i haven't actually played much at all. i may be a noob but i really want to get into competitive play so the tips are very useful and i thank you for that. When i get WiFi i'll be out there battling.
You could just use AR or ask someone to Platnuim tutor for you...


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
I'm going to attempt to make a 'leadnape' to exchange for my Garchomp.

Hasty Life orb blaze


Thunderpunch Grassknot
Heatwave Close Combat/Hp ice

Thunderpunch to take out any dding gyarados, Grassknot to deal with bulky waters which my team can't handle such as swampert, milotic, vaporeon and it hits yanmega hard if not killing it, heatwave because it's a good STAB move which beats scizor and Skarmory, i can't decide over close combat or HP ice because they both take out key pokemon like close combat deals with Heatran technically, Blisseys i hope, and it's generally a good STAB move in my opinion. HP ice takes out dragon pokemon, and it also deals with Zapdos.

What do you think???


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
I'm going to attempt to make a 'leadnape' to exchange for my Garchomp.

Hasty Life orb blaze


Thunderpunch Grassknot
Heatwave Close Combat/Hp ice

Thunderpunch to take out any dding gyarados, Grassknot to deal with bulky waters which my team can't handle such as swampert, milotic, vaporeon and it hits yanmega hard if not killing it, heatwave because it's a good STAB move which beats scizor and Skarmory, i can't decide over close combat or HP ice because they both take out key pokemon like close combat deals with Heatran technically, Blisseys i hope, and it's generally a good STAB move in my opinion. HP ice takes out dragon pokemon, and it also deals with Zapdos.

What do you think???
Fire Blast >>> Heat Wave. If you're really worried about accuracy (why are you using heat wave anyways) use Flamethrower. Also, you'll want Fake Out to break Sashes. Use SR to support stuff.


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
This may sound like a really stupid question, but is there a way you can evolve a feebas on pokemom D/P and platinum because i know you have to max out it's beauty, i'm am told that you can't get berries to do so


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
This may sound like a really stupid question, but is there a way you can evolve a feebas on pokemom D/P and platinum because i know you have to max out it's beauty, i'm am told that you can't get berries to do so
Official Q+A Thread would be the place to ask that question- but feed your feebas Dry Poffin until its beauty is maxed. :)


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Well, unfortunately, this mixape set will fall to a lot of other common leads (especially azelf). Plus grass knot won't help much if you lead with it; infernape will likely die before he gets to a bulky water. But, if you put in flamethrower, this set is good as a non-lead for your team. I would lead with yanmega (due to stealth rock) and take out protect so you could use psychic (although it doesn't help much) and shadow ball. Also, please post who you wanted to take out for mixape.


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
To KrazyGlue

I planned to take out Garchomp because one of the guys mentioned that Garchomp wasn't legal in OU

Deleted member

You could just use AR or ask someone to Platnuim tutor for you...
pff I can platinum tutor you all right now.

Go into the shoddy statistics.


look at the top 6. that's your team.


next, find their most common move sets. set your lead. in this case, metagross


Metagross @ Lum Berry
Clear Body, Adamant
252 HP / 232 Att / 16 Def / 8 Spd
Meteor Mash
Stealth Rock

Salamence @ Life Orb
Intimidate, Adamant
4 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spd
Fire Blast
Dragon Dance

Scizor @ Choice Band
Technician, Adamant
248 HP / 252 Att / 8 Spd
Bullet Punch

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Flash Fire, Naive
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
Earth Power
Fire Blast
Dragon Pulse

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Intimidate, Adamant
252 Att / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

Infernape @ Life Orb
Blaze, Naive
4 Att / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
Close Combat
Grass Knot
Hidden Power (Ice)

ok now go battle. When battling use the safest or obviously best move in every situation. Because Shoddy has a poor RNG that encourages hax, it is statistically your best option to do the best move in every situation even if you become horribly predictable. Will you lose? yes, you will, but shoddy has built in mechanisms that undermine consistency and player talent. look at the following formula:

performance = skill * natural advantage

where the shoddy mechanics reduce skill and variation approaching 0. We can hold it as a constant, which makes it exogenous. thus, skill does not impact your performance.

performance = natural advantage

Therfore, it makes sense to maximize your natural advantages. What are they? Why, your team of course. But we have already maximized your potential natural advantage with the team listed above. Maximized natural advantage has a direct correlation to performance, so ultimately this is the optimal way to peak your performance on shoddy as a statistical average. Of course, it is this average that determines your ladder ranking.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
ok now go battle. When battling use the safest or obviously best move in every situation. Because Shoddy has a poor RNG that encourages hax, it is statistically your best option to do the best move in every situation even if you become horribly predictable. Will you lose? yes, you will, but shoddy has built in mechanisms that undermine consistency and player talent

Harsh? harsh and somewhat honest- I agree that shoddy is flawed, but its convenient. And its an easy way to test and screw around with teams.

Therfore, it makes sense to maximize your natural advantages. What are they? Why, your team of course. But we have already maximized your potential natural advantage with the team listed above. Maximized natural advantage has a direct correlation to performance, so ultimately this is the optimal way to peak your performance on shoddy as a statistical average. Of course, it is this average that determines your ladder ranking.

only 1 big issue there, boss. How do we know that the 6 most used pokemon are those that are maximizing his natural advantage? Wouldnt a team that consisted of counters for each of those pokemon be at a more significant advantage? Unless those 6 pokemon are perfect counters for each other..... doubt that though.

Sounds like someone has taken a few Statistics classes.... you wanna throw some R-values out so I can see how direct that correlation is? :)


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2007
Because Shoddy has a poor RNG that encourages hax,.
It does? All of the source code is available obviously so perhaps you'd like to point out in what way Shoddy Battle "encourages hax". I'm curious what it even means for an RNG to "encourage hax". If you're suggesting the chance of things like freeze happening are too high, you'd just be mistaken, and this is easily verifiable by browsing the sources.

For example, if you think Ice Beam freezes too often, just take a look at this file and you'll find:

        m_moves.add(new MoveListEntry("Ice Beam", new StatusMove(
            PokemonType.T_ICE, 95, 1.0, 10, new StatusEffect[] {
                new FreezeEffect()
            new boolean[] { false },
            new double[] { 0.1 }
The 0.1 corresponds to a 10% freeze chance, as you would expect.

Any claim you might have about the RNG is easily falsifiable. The PRNG used in Shoddy Battle actually has a higher period than the one in the DS game (i.e. it's actually better).

Deleted member

so why does say, flinch hax togekiss work on shoddy but not on DS?

iirc even you told me that DPP has no player consistency whatsoever.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2006
The Island
ok i already hate your team due to alakazam hes soo overused. but overall i kinda like the others. work with skarmory soo he can get the kills early then


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2007
What do you mean by "work"? If you'd like to make a specific claim, like say that Air Slash flinches 70% of the time on Shoddy Battle, I'd like to hear it, but anecdotal claims don't help anybody.

Deleted member

more like that air slash does flinch on average 70% of the time on DS, but will not flinch say 7 times consecutively as it would on shoddy.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2006
The Island
a lot of people i face use him a lot and thats when i bring out an umbreon to use. what i mean is for skarmory is that he be fast as hell, send him out first and get so damage in before hand


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Not really... alakazam's not even in the top 50 pokemon used in shoddy (OU).
Oh wait nvm he's no. 48, with 3.42% using him.

But I can see why he would be annoying... all the more reason to use him!:)

I also have to question how skarmory is "fast as hell" and can do "so much damage". His base speed is 70 and his base attack is 80. Metagross could do sooooooo much better at sweeping.

Hey SCRW^, you should edit your first post so we can see your updated team.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2006
The Island
i ev trained a skarmory speed to it maxed out irs pretty fast. i wouldnt go off base stats till u ev train it. skarmory can be a good assist like metagross who i freaking love!!! but blaziken owns all!!!


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
i ev trained a skarmory speed to it maxed out irs pretty fast. i wouldnt go off base stats till u ev train it. skarmory can be a good assist like metagross who i freaking love!!! but blaziken owns all!!!
Um... base stats determine the max speed of pokemon, including ev's, iv's, and everything. Metagross is every bit as fast as skarmory and a heck of a lot stronger. Plus, blaziken is UU due to infernape, who's pretty much better in most ways. Not trying to be mean or anything, but maybe you should do some research on serebii or something to further understand the game concepts.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Um... base stats determine the max speed of pokemon, including ev's, iv's, and everything. Metagross is every bit as fast as skarmory and a heck of a lot stronger. Plus, blaziken is UU due to infernape, who's pretty much better in most ways. Not trying to be mean or anything, but maybe you should do some research on serebii or something to further understand the game concepts.
Comparing Skarmory to Metagross is absurd. Skarmory is a Physical Wall and Spiker, Metagross is a physical attacker. HOWEVER! running a max speed Skarmory is even more absurd, as there is no viable set that makes use of max speed- generally speaking, the Taunt and SD Sets share an ideal of 184 EVs, but that cuts down significantly on Skarms tanking.

Rather than running a max speed skarm, consider this set-

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Keen Eye: Impish
252 HP / 96 Atk / 140 Def / 20 Speed
Brave Bird

Ideally with this set youll be running a Hippo lead with SR, putting both SS in play and SR up. From there, switch in on something you laugh at, throw some spikes out, roost off any damage, and Whirlwind away. as soon as something comes in you cant touch (OHKOs you), RUN. this set is amazing at dragging out damage on your opponents while avoiding damage yourself.

The EVs on this set are to Max HP (given), give Skarm decent attacking power, outrun the typical Skarmory set( so you WW first), and everything else to boost his amazing physical walling abilities.

Ironically, Infernape is inferior or equal to Blaziken in most stat aspects of the game. Infernape has 1 more point in base Def and Sp Def. Blaziken has 16 more points in Attack, 6 more in Sp Atk, and 4 more in HP. The biggest difference is Blaziken has a larger attack, but Infernape has a much bigger base speed stat (108, compared to 80).

Infernape shines because of its speed (movepool as well, but to a lesser extent)- otherwise, blaziken would be a better choice.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2006
The Island
what are u?? one of the freaks who have to try and talk everyone down?? prick. blaziken is my fav pokemon my god i already know a lot of the game's concepts and know which pokemon to place on my team. dont try to talk me down

QUOTE=KrazyGlue;6972202]Um... base stats determine the max speed of pokemon, including ev's, iv's, and everything. Metagross is every bit as fast as skarmory and a heck of a lot stronger. Plus, blaziken is UU due to infernape, who's pretty much better in most ways. Not trying to be mean or anything, but maybe you should do some research on serebii or something to further understand the game concepts.[/QUOTE]


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
what are u?? one of the freaks who have to try and talk everyone down?? prick. blaziken is my fav pokemon my god i already know a lot of the game's concepts and know which pokemon to place on my team. dont try to talk me down
Like I said, I'm not trying to be mean or a prick, I just... disagree with your advice that skarmory is a good sweeper and blaziken is the best OU pokemon...:( Don't call me a freak.

Also I'm not comparing skarmory and metagross, I'm just saying that metagross much better suits the role of a sweeper. Lol I know they're completely different. and I'm just saying infernape is used more because he outspeeds the 100 base stat level, which greatly expands his possible uses.


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
What would you think if i gave my rhyperior
ice puch
fire puch
thunder punch


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
What would you think if i gave my rhyperior
ice puch
fire puch
thunder punch
EQ and Stone Edge are a must. other than those 2, decide between Aqua Tail, Megahorn, and Fire Punch. Generally Aqua Tail and Megahorn are your best bet, for coverage.


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
whenever i use megahorn it tends to miss a lot, i'll go for fire punch instead because i don't like bronzongs, with expert belt attached it should deal lots. Oh i did manage to get hold of pokemon platinum so i can do a lot more


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2009
i haven't figured out the moveset yet, but what do you think of this

Azelf Suicide lead
jolly sash

Scizor technician
Physical sweeper adamant life orb

Bronzong levitate
standard wall sassy leftovers

Electivire Physical sweeper
adamant/jolly expert belt

Togekiss nasty plot passer/special sweeper
serene grace calm leftovers

Gengar special sweeper
timid/modest choice specs

Any tips on this would be great thanks =)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
Azelf Suicide lead
jolly sash
Good. Nature is not perfect but it'll get you very far (best would be Naive). Watch out for Taunters and Trickscarfing leads.

Scizor technician
Physical sweeper adamant life orb
Pretty much standard.

Bronzong levitate
standard wall sassy leftovers
Again, standard.

Electivire Physical sweeper
adamant/jolly expert belt
Good. Use Adamant btw.

Togekiss nasty plot passer/special sweeper
serene grace calm leftovers

Gengar special sweeper
timid/modest choice specs

Any tips on this would be great thanks =)
You may want to replace Togekiss or something else with another physical sweeper as if Electivire is fainted and the opponent switches in Blissey, you're in trouble.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
i haven't figured out the moveset yet, but what do you think of this

Azelf Suicide lead
jolly sash

Scizor technician
Physical sweeper adamant life orb

Bronzong levitate
standard wall sassy leftovers

Electivire Physical sweeper
adamant/jolly expert belt

Togekiss nasty plot passer/special sweeper
serene grace calm leftovers

Gengar special sweeper
timid/modest choice specs

Any tips on this would be great thanks =)
EVs/ Natures/ movesets are needed for me to even consider rating it
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