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Connor Kenway for SSB

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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Ratonhnhaké:ton, the life scratcher, is a half Native American assassin who lived during the American Revolutionary War. He grew up in the Kanien'kehá:ka village where he learned to hunt. Fate later led him to join the Assassin's Brotherhood. He was trained by former assassin Achilles Davenport in the ways of the assassin and gave Ratonhnhaké:ton the English name Connor. He spent most of his time fighting the Templars, more specifically, he was seeking revenge.

Connor is a medium weight character who is a little taller than Marth and a little bit smaller than Ganon. He can wall cling but cannot crawl. Connor is can run pretty fast and can attack fast. Overall, Connor is in the middle of Altaïr and Ezio in both speed and power but his tomahawk range is a little shorter than their swords.

Neutral B: Bow
Connor pulls out his bow and fires an arrow. This move can be charged and the charge cannot be carried. This move can be angled but not like Pit's arrows. Connor's bow can be angled in any angle only in the direction he is facing excluding completely up and completely down. When fully charged this move has a range of a little less than 1.5 Final Destinations. This move deals good damage, has great projectile speed, and dishes out good knockback when fully charged. When not full charged the arrow goes about half of Final Destination and it could possibly go more depending on the angle it was fired.

Side B: Jump Assassination (Hidden Blade)
Connor jumps either right or left (depending on the direction pressed) and unsheathes both of his hidden blades. This can be used to cover horizontal “ground” in the air. If it hits the enemy it makes the Assassinate sound. It also drains the shield on a shielding enemy a lot more than other attacks. This move is quick, gives good damage and knockback. It also can spike if timed right.

Alternate Side B:
Spoiler Alert!

Up B: Eagle’s Flight
Connor is launched skyward with a transparent blue eagle surrounding him (Similar to the Falcon Punch). The only direction it can be preformed is up. It is a great recovery that has a large ledge grab range. It is slightly slower than Marth’s Up B. This move will exhaust Connor leaving him vulnerable in the air and deal great damage and knockback.

Down B: Shard of Eden
Warning! This move contains minor spoilers. Read at your own risk.
A piece of First Civilization technology which previously belonged to the infamous Captain William Kidd. This ring protects Connor from projectiles ranging from Link's arrows to Fox's lasers to Solid's rockets to Samus' rockets and lasers. Connor puts his hand up and reflects the projectile. If timed right it will reflect the projectile right back at the opponent. This move can be done indefinitely but that would be unwise because it leaves Connor open for a melee attack. Just holding it will reflect the projectile in any direction. When reflecting a yellow shield will flash over Connor. This move also has the ability to move an opponent back a little in its first seconds.

Alternate Down B:
Down B: Snare
Connor bends down and sets up a snare. Any opponent who steps on it will be stunned for three seconds giving Connor enough time to land an attack. This attack does no damage and knockback. Furthermore Connor must be on the ground to perform it. The snare will not affect the user but a team mate will be affected. Opponents can remove the snare by attacking it. Connor can only have one snare out or one trip mine out at a time.

Down Tilt B: Trip Mine
Connor bends down and sets up a trip mine. Anyone who steps on it will set off an explosion. The explosion has an impressive blast radius and does good damage and knockback. Connor must be on the ground to perform it and he can only have one trip mine out or one snare out at a time.
Final Smash: The Aquila, Ghost of the North Sea
Connor instantly disappears in a flash (Animus style) while the whole screen is flashing like a desynchronization. A short cut scene is played where Connor is on his ship the Aquila. Connor will be in his sea captain's uniform and will stride to the helm of his ship. The crashing of waves, the sounds of seagulls, and the hustle of his men can be heard. Once Connor is at the helm of the Aquilla he looks over the starboard side and sees the stage which he was on just a moment ago. He gives the order to bear the starboard guns. The player controls two types of cannons; the swivel guns and the broadside guns. There will be a white aiming target for the swivel guns and white lines are visible connecting the swivel guns to the aiming target. For the broadside guns, there will be a white flashing area of the stage which indicates where the broadside guns are aiming. The left stick controls the swivel guns aiming target and the right stick controls the broadside guns target area. This Final Smash lasts for thirty seconds. The swivel guns reload faster than the broadside and deals amazing damage and knockback. Both types of cannons aim independently. The broadside has the chance of firing one of three types of shots each time the broadside is fired. There is a fifty percent chance that the broadside will fire the normal round shot. The round shot is the typical type of cannon ammunition. The opponents on the stage have the chance to dodge the rounds. However it is difficult to do so as they travel very fast. The round shot deals amazing damage and knockback. The second type of shot, grapeshot, has a thirty percent chance to happen. It is impossible to dodge these and it deals great damage and knockback. The third type of shot, hot shot or heated shot, has a twenty percent chance to happen. These can be dodged but any opponent in the area of a hot shot will be dealt fire damage. The hot shot deals extreme damage and knockback. After the thirty seconds the ship will disappear Animus style and Connor will fall from the top of the stage in his usual attire.

Grabbing: Connor throws out a rope dart and pulls the enemy towards him. This is a long ranged grab similar to Link's grab and Samus' grab. This will also work in the air, making it an effective Z-air and a recovery option. Has a long ending lag making this move punishable but it does have a shorter ending lag when it is used when Connor is running.

Pummel: Connor punches the opponent in the gut.

Forward Throw: Connor jumps and kicks the opponent with both feet sending the opponent forward. This move will KO at high percents.

Back Throw: Connor turns and throws the opponent over his shoulder.

Up Throw: Connor tosses the opponent skyward.

Down Throw: Connor throws the opponent into the ground and draws his pistols. Then he fires two shots into the opponent sending him forward and upward.

Jab: Connor swings his tomahawk from up to down at a slant. This first move stuns the opponent giving barely enough knockback to keep him there. On the next strike, Connor slashes horizontally with his tomahawk dealing good damage and knockback.

Neutral Air: Connor performs the basic kick like Mario, Link, Samus, and Sheik.

Side A: Connor takes a lower fighting stance while wielding his tomahawk above his head. He then strikes vertically with his tomahawk.

Side Tilt: Connor takes a step forward and jabs with the bottom end of his tomahawk.

Forward Air: Connor quickly swings his tomahawk downward at a slight slant.

Back Air: Connor quickly spins around and kicks.

Up A: Connor swings his tomahawk in a wide arc above him.

Up Tilt: Connor slashes with his right hidden blade and stabs with his left detachable hidden blade.

Up Air: Connor back flip kicks striking the space above him and behind him.

Down A: Connor swings his tomahawk low then he swings it backwards and low.

Down Tilt/Crouch Attack: Connor quickly sweeps his leg under the opponent.

Down Air: Connor bends his body back and slashes with his tomahawk below him. This move will spike.

Dash Attack: Connor tackles the enemy. If no one is there, he recovers into a roll.

Ground Attack: Connor performs a kick-up, creating a small shock wave.

Ledge Attack Below 100%: Connor launches himself up and uses his downward momentum to land a solid punch.

Ledge Attack Above 100%: Connor grabs the ground right before the ledge with his hidden blade and pulls himself up. If someone it there he will grab/stab there foot and throw them off the stage.

Stage Entry: Connor materializes (Animus style).

Victory Pose #1: A hoodless Connor dematerialization (Animus style).

Victory Pose #2: Connor moves his tomahawk expertly and says something in his native language.

Up Taunt: Connor pulls out both pistols and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

Side Taunt: Connor pulls out his bow and tests the string by pulling on it.

Down Taunt: Connor takes off his hood and examines the ground for clues
Victory theme: Assassin's Creed III Main theme (0:40-0:47) Stage: Boston (AC3): The fighting area itself is a US naval vessel entering Boston, Harbor, during which a naval battle between the Patriots and the British takes place,
Apple of Eden
Armand Bouchard
Girolama Savanrola
Connor's final smash
Freedom Fighter
Flight through Jerusalem
Connor's Life
Apple Chamber
Assassin's Creed main themes
Welcome to Boston
Desmond's Destiny

Assist Trophies:



Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
I think you'll need more details for that OP.

He is possible,but his chances are limited to :
-He counts as 3rd party,so you need Nintendo to want some of Ubisoft in the game first.
-Ubisoft might want Rayman more.
-Snake has proven that this is fixable,but he could appear as "too violent" to some people to be in Smash.

Maybe Ezio is more famous too,but that's not against an AC/Ubisoft rep obviously.There's also no doubt that he would stand out from the roster.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I think you'll need more details for that OP.

He is possible,but his chances are limited to :
-He counts as 3rd party,so you need Nintendo to want some of Ubisoft in the game first.
-Ubisoft might want Rayman more.
-Snake has proven that this is fixable,but he could appear as "too violent" to some people to be in Smash.

Maybe Ezio is more famous too,but that's not against an AC/Ubisoft rep obviously.There's also no doubt that he would stand out from the roster.
Honestly, I think that Rayman is quite likely in comparison to Connor.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
IanTheGamer, please try to expand your OP to include more details about the character, such as a picture, back-story for the character, or a more fleshed-out description of how he could possibly be implemented in Smash. Otherwise it will fail to meet the standards for a support thread.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Unlikely as it all is... I'd play 'im.

Mostly, I'd be interested in seeing his Rope Darts as a side special to yank enemies around.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Stage: Boston (AC3): The fighting area itself is a US naval vessel entering Boston, Harbor, during which a naval battle between the Patriots and the British takes place,
Apple of Eden
Armand Bouchard
Girolama Savanrola
Connor's final smash
Freedom Fighter
Flight through Jerusalem
Connor's Life
Apple Chamber
Assassin's Creed main themes
Welcome to Boston
Desmond's Destiny

AssIst Trophies:
British redcoat cavalry

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I suggest changing the font to something lighter than the current color. It's way to dark. I also suggest putting up pictures and adding organization to the OP. it's really disorganized.
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