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Connected to the net but browsers won't work! help please =/


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
ugh this came up last night, i thought itd fix itself overnight but i just got home from school and its still messed up

I'm at my brother's pc right now typing this, my problem is.....

So my laptop is connected to our network's wirelss . Just last night i got this thing that said "windows explorer isnt responding" so i restarted my laptop, when it started back up i cant go to any websites! I have firefox and IE, ive tried both of them but neither allows me access to the internet. Again, im still connected to the internet (i can go on AIM and MSN just fine), and i know my wireless works because i can still get on Nintendo wifi, but my browsers wont work

For firefox its either just a blank white page or it says

"Connection Interrupt. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again."

For IE it says "Internet explorer cannot display the webpage."

So what's wrong?? I have a toshiba satellite (runs vista) that i got a year and a half ago. I have the free version of AVG that i dl'd for fee online, ive ran a sweep and nothing came up.

Can anyone explain t o me whats wrong and/or how to fix it please?? I need the internet for alot of schoolwork like everynight, ugh

edit: so far ive tried unplugging my router, its still messed up


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
You can try a couple of diagnostic things first:

Assuming you're in Windows...

XP: Go to Start -> Run -> Type in "cmd" without quotes, hit enter.
Vista: Start -> type "cmd" without quotes into the search bar at the bottom.

Now type the following: (hitting enter after each line)

ping google.com

tracert cnn.com

nslookup fbi.gov

Post any error messages you get from these.

One quick thing to check, though: Laptops usually have a manual Wifi shutoff button on them. It may look like this:

It will be a physical button or switch on the laptop itself. Make sure it's on.
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