Well it seems I've had a small problem. The thing is I put a Micro SD card on my Wii throughtan adapter, I was able to record matches with nice combos and kills on it instead of saving them on my Wii. I put the card on my phone so I could get my computer to read the card through Blutooth (like I usually do when a record things with my phone) but no videos appear on the card whatsoever.
The question is, did I do something wrong? If not, if there a certain folder they are saved at? I don't have issues if the videos are a format that can't be watched, I can convert it.
Anyways, thanks alot!
The question is, did I do something wrong? If not, if there a certain folder they are saved at? I don't have issues if the videos are a format that can't be watched, I can convert it.
Anyways, thanks alot!