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Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2008
Why do people think they can keep coming up with names... I hope this is a really bad troll

There would be no reason for this to have a name, its just doing a move in the air and it seems to be very situational, to be able to do this i'd rather just spike them with a downair

its like saying hey guys, i like to jump off the stage and down air them when there recovering, I call it guilt spiking


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
difference is people do that al the time
plus u kill urself doing that
and just because i like to come on here and share some of my technniques u have to call me a troll?
and simply because i like to name something u have to be a dik about it??
and plus i kno ur going to test it out now and find out how amazing it is
so enjoy using a technique better than anything u can do


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
You have really bad spelling, and everyone knows trolls are like, near barbaric and **** so they dont know english very well at all.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
Now I am not allowed to shorten my words to quicken my typing?
I know how to spell and I am capable of effectively communicating.
i don't understand why everyone has to try to flame on people that only want to help, and share some techniques.
BTW troll is a 4chan term and shouldn't be used outside of that site.

and BTW, u spelled DON'T wrong,
****ing troll with your bad spelling.


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2007
there is this thing i do where i hop and do down air to send players down when they are off the stage. i call it "real madrid ***** barcelona 4-1"

sorry if this has already been known.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2005
Puerto Rico
BTW troll is a 4chan term
Are you nuts? That's not a 4chan term.

Anyways, you're not getting flamed for sharing your technique, more for "shortening" (I call it butchering the English language, but that's just me) your words and for calling this an amazing use of the shine that's so amazing, it deserves to have its own name, coined specifically by you.

In other words, it's cool that you shared this with us but it's insanely lame that you're trying to name it, and we'd all appreciate it if you cleaned up your grammar and stopped adding a newline after each sentence.

Have a nice day and I hope your next thread is a more pleasurable experience.

Da N

Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2007
The vacinity of the planet Earth. (California)
Are you nuts? That's not a 4chan term.

Anyways, you're not getting flamed for sharing your technique, more for "shortening" (I call it butchering the English language, but that's just me) your words and for calling this an amazing use of the shine that's so amazing, it deserves to have its own name, coined specifically by you.

In other words, it's cool that you shared this with us but it's insanely lame that you're trying to name it, and we'd all appreciate it if you cleaned up your grammar and stopped adding a newline after each sentence.

Have a nice day and I hope your next thread is a more pleasurable experience.
Wow... harsh


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
knee, iv doubt uv ever done it
and how is it butchering the english language?
maybe i wanna get the job done faster, and considering this is not a school report, i think it is just fine to shorten my words

and this is just an option for people off the stage, when a Dair or sometimes even a Bair can be risky
considering its just an option, i think people need to stop looking so closely at it


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
If you where going to use the shine as a gimping move, the only real use for it I can see would be the ciruimstancial stage-bounce spike. Mentioned in Fluke's Falco Guide.

1. You can angle the shine on the ground by means of terrain :D
2. And because of that, you can spike spike BELOW the edge whilst still being on top.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
Now I am not allowed to shorten my words to quicken my typing?
I know how to spell and I am capable of effectively communicating.
i don't understand why everyone has to try to flame on people that only want to help, and share some techniques.
BTW troll is a 4chan term and shouldn't be used outside of that site.

and BTW, u spelled DON'T wrong,
****ing troll with your bad spelling.
trolling is far older than 4chan...

and this is like... pretty basic shine physics. it doesn't deserve a technique name since it's NOT A TECHNIQUE.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2007
Syd, Australia
It could work, but the majority of the characters have better recovery than falco, and could even gimp his recovery on their way back.

How is this "spike" compared to fox's shine spike in terms of knockback/effectiveness?

The idea is good, but the shine's lag means you don't have much recovery options other than phantasm just about stage level, or firebird from under the level. If you miss, then it's a race back to the stage.

However the main flaw that everyone is cussing about is the fact you mentioned you could have been the person who discovered it, AND even put a possible name for it.

With the history of the forums, many people are trying to claim stuff to be famous, considered being pro (just look at all the "advanced tech threads"). But generally, anything we figure out from here now, 90% chance it was already discovered by some Japanese gamer.

There aren't saying you move is utterly crap, they just don't like the way you presented the info.
You know.. "MY AMAZING USE.....I CALL IT (rizeNshine)"

The thread topic already makes the average joe look at you and think "wannabe".

Go along the lines of "possible technique?", and convince people to understand the effectiveness of your idea, then when they think of the idea, they think of you, and thus WALA, you did something useful for the SSBB community.

So in summary, don't use that format for a thread name, and don't name things too early(makes people thing you have a high ego in thinking you found a uber l337 technique forever to be remembered).

rizeNshine? At least riseNshine? One positive note is that at least you didn't name it after yourself like "dizzy shine" *applause*

Hope that made sense.

And if someone can post video of it being very effective etc, then I can add this to the shine thread....yes yes..giving you CREDIT for sharing it with us (it's what you wanted right??? :D)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
there is this thing i do where i hop and do down air to send players down when they are off the stage. i call it "real madrid ***** barcelona 4-1"

sorry if this has already been known.
Why did you guys not let this thread peacefully die with this?


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
Fluke's post needs to be stickied. As for the OP, I think you've been flamed enough already.

zzzzzzzzzz 's post made me chuckle.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Now I am not allowed to shorten my words to quicken my typing?
I know how to spell and I am capable of effectively communicating.
i don't understand why everyone has to try to flame on people that only want to help, and share some techniques.
BTW troll is a 4chan term and shouldn't be used outside of that site.

and BTW, u spelled DON'T wrong,
****ing troll with your bad spelling.

gtfo /b/ and never come back


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Dunksville, a suburb of Spike City
difference is people do that al the time
plus u kill urself doing that
and just because i like to come on here and share some of my technniques u have to call me a troll?
and simply because i like to name something u have to be a dik about it??
and plus i kno ur going to test it out now and find out how amazing it is
so enjoy using a technique better than anything u can do
do us all a freaking favor and graduate from 8th grade before you go posting chicken **** like this on these boards

and Guilty's right, you don't get to name your ridiculous idea. all you do is jump and use the reflector.

also, even if you were allowed to name the disgrace of a "technique" you've "discovered", the name you chose was ********. there is no rising before the shining, nor is rising at all involved in the technique, unless by "rising" you mean JUMPING BACK ONTO THE STAGE (in which case, i think you just found another "technique"! QUICK! NAME IT SOMETHING COMPLETELY PREPOSTEROUS!!)

and how do you propose you get back on the stage if you've used your jumps getting out to throw your reflector in your opponent's face? because you can't be that far off the edge, given that 1) falco falls at the same rate during the time the reflector is out as when he is normally falling and 2) the fire falco blows

it seems like a dair is far less dangerous and far more effective than the idea you've **** out onto this thread

and stop typing like a preteen. hit puberty before you post more garbage like the atrocity against the educational system you've so blessed us with here
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