I was under the impression you needed a Social Security Number to get food stamps. They don't just give free money to anybody. I am sure there needs to be some kind of proof of poverty as well. So how are illegal aliens getting food stamps and other stuff when these American social benefits require a Social Security Number? I am not saying it's impossible, but I don't see how this is the government's fault. They run the risk of fraud if they get caught. Maybe the government should investigate a little harder, but I feel like you are blaming the wrong group.Link to original post: [drupal=2221]Illegal Aliens[/drupal]
The government is completely going insane.
Now PLEASE don’t give me this “YOU’RE RACIST” thing because you forget the fact that they are ILLEGAL ALIENS! WHAT PART OF ILLEGAL DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!
So anyway my dad was talking to our Venezuelan neighbor and she said that the illegal aliens at where she works are BRAGGING about how if they work for 3 months and quit, they get welfare and food stamps for the next 9 MONTHS.
Not only that, she said that Venezuela let illegal aliens in and gave them benefits like us Americans and THEY ARE IN LOTS OF DEBT!
And she said that she had to go through TONS of hoops to become an American, but Illegal Aliens are getting in FREE and getting TONS of benefits.
Now how is this fair?
>.> my first blog with that uncompleted sentance error....
I appologise if this kind of content is unaccepted, if it is please close this, but I honestly don't see why it would.
I think investigating and deporting these immigrants would cost the country more than actually letting them stay.
Also, a story that your dad got from your neighbor probably isn't the most reliable story either. Illegal aliens are a problem, but I don't think you have a huge grasp of why.