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Chronicles of the Fourth Wall (Update 10/17/07-Chapter 15)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
This was a fan fic that was started by my buddy, fellow smashboards member Xevelous, but I came in as a co-writer for the 7th chapter and have continued writing for other chapters since. But i'll give you a heads up about what to expect

-Expect a Teen Rating, with some swaring and a little gore
-Because there are two writers (actually, a third person made one chapter) you'll see differences between the chapters. Where mine are more serious, bloody, and darker, Xevelous' is cheerful and humorous
-This is written in script form, so you'll always see the character's name before they speak. Any dialouge without a name before it, that's when the narrator is speaking and explaining what is happening
-We both hope you like this, and we would love feedback on this!

Chronicles of the Fourth Wall​

Chapter 1

(Narrator) We begin our story on the ship called the Great Fox. Fox Mcloud and the rest of the Star Fox crew are preparing to leave to find mechanic supplies for Slippy, the team’s airwings are in need of major repairs and they are almost out of tools. Slippy is crying in the order manual at the unrealistic price of repair utensils, Fox is in his chair reading his magazine of, “How to Blast Idiots Monthly”, R.O.B. is hopelessly looking for oil in the repair garage, Falco is falling asleep on the couch, Peppy is trying to find out why Corneria’s army fleet doesn’t use the appropriate map schematics to find their enemys, and Krystal is locked up in her room attempting to make herself presentable in public.

(Fox) {Quietly) These new lasers are amazing!

(Peppy) Ridiculous.

(Slippy) *Sob*

(Falco) ZZZZZZZZZ…..

(R.O.B) Neeedddd oil, Must locate…

(Krystal) {Distantly} Where is that hair pin?

Five minutes later…

(Krystal) I’m ready to go now!

(Fox) Good, Let’s go.

(Falco) Bout time…sheesh.

(Slippy) *sob*

(Fox) Lets fire up the Carrier’s engines, I haven’t been on a solid patch of earth since our visit to Sauria, and that was five months ago.

(R.O.B.) Please retrieve a good supply of Type-B Regular patch up oil, we are out.

(Peppy) Don’t worry R.O.B. we will.

(Krystal) Watch the ship while we are gone, and um, Don’t try to clean out my room again like last time.

(R.O.B.) Lesson learned Miss Krystal.

(Narrator) Soon after leaving, R.O.B. returned to the control hangar to await the teams return.

Meanwhile…In the cargo hold…

(Short figure) Are they gone?

(Tall figure) Not-a-sure, but I did hear engines blasting a few minutes ago

(Short figure) Good, the ship will soon be ours.

(Tall figure) Mwuahahahahaaaaaaa!
On the bridge…

(R.O.B.) …Boredom Mode…

(Short Figure) Stand aside!

(Tall figure) Stick em up-a

(R.O.B.) Who are you…?

(Short figure) It does not matter who we are.

(R.O.B.) Leave now or I will have no choice but to use force…

(Short figure) Mr. Waluigi, if you please.

(Waluigi) {While lifting hammer}With pleasure.

(R.O.B) ACK!!!

(Waluigi) What-a-does the red light on his arm mean?

(Short figure) He has activated a distress call; just toss him out a window or something.

(Waluigi) Aye Mettaknight sir.

(Metaknight) Who makes ship locks so easy to pick anyway?

Chapter 2

(Narrator) We left the villains Waluigi and Metaknight Flying the great fox to some unknown location around the Lylat system, but they don’t know where that is. At this time, Fox and his crew find the Great Fox missing. A sad moment for the team.


(Slippy) {On his knees and to the sky}NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

(Peppy) Hey team, R.O.B. is sending a distress signal. Perhaps if we find him, we can find the great fox.

So the star fox team go on a search for the great fox, they find R.O.B.’s body smashed to pieces and his head lying in a patch of mushrooms.

(Krystal) Who did this R.O.B?

(R.O.B) {Playing a very staticky recording} “Mr. Waluigi, if you please…with pleasure….ZRZRZRBBBBBB. Wha”” Tha, re.. Mea,,.,.,Jus;:Out W**nD@W.,., Aye Metaknight Sir…Le*ts G* N*ow, we have to get to B#w$e%”

(Falco) This might be a problem…


Meanwhile, on the Great Fox.

(Waluigi) {in the kitchen} This radio is great, ooooohhhh soda…

(Metaknight) I didn’t expect such a fool watchman to be this heavily armed.
(starts going through the weaponry drawer.)
What are you doing in there Waluigi, oh, bring me some why don’t you.

(Waluigi) Grape or peach pop, it is the only drink they had.

Both hear engines turning off.

(Meta) Not possible…


(Krystal) Slippy! Activate the auto pilot.

(Slippy) You two are in trouble now!

(Falco) Ready to fight, or did you think you were going to get away with that scot-free.

(Meta) Actually, no. {Draws sword}

(Peppy) Holy moley he is fast.

(Metta) Behind you...

(Falco) Ugh! I’m hit…

(Meta) Hehe, now the real fight begins.

(Krystal) {Throws Sleep Powder Grenade} Eat this!

(Meta) Oh FfffuhhhhhhhhhZZZZzzzzzzzzz

(Waluigi) Wuahahahahahaaaaaa. {While running with hammer}

(Krystal) YIPE!

(Fox) Son of a! (Pulls trigger)


(Fox) Slippy, help Falco to the medical room, Peppy, you and I will dispose of this menace once and for all.

(Meta) ZZZZzzzz

(Waluigi) Ouch! That-a-hurts-a

[Peppy and Fox toss the evil duo out of the Airwing bay onto some deserted island]

The star fox team flies away. Slippy fixes R.O.B and the Airwings back to normal and Falco comes out of this with a bruise or two. But who said it was all over…

[At an unknown location]

(Large figure) They have been defeated, hmmm. We may have to use more force than we thought to capture him.

(Small shadowy figure) Lord, we have confirmed the location of the targets, do you wish to send out a search party.

(Large figure) mmm, no, let me train another team, longer this time.

Chapter 3

(Narrator) We meet our friend Mcloud and his pals on the Great Fox. They have had a lot of down time ever since General Pepper has been at some conference for galactic defense systems. Of course this can’t be all, want to find out what happens next…KEEP READING, LOL!!!

(Fox) That was crazy. Man, who were those guys?

(Falco) Or rather, “What”, were they?

(Slippy) Those idiots disorganized my weapons, *grumble*.

(Krystal) I think the tall one went in my room. Ugh…what a horrible thought!

(Peppy) Other than a few personal complaints, the ship is still in perfect condition.

(Falco) I’ll get some food from the cargo hold.

[Down in the cargo hold.]

(Falco) Now let’s see, where did I put that box.

[A crate begins moving.]

(Falco) ???

(Muffled voices) help.

(Falco) We don’t get enough of this stow away crap do we. {Kicks open crate.}

(Short, fat person) WHOAH!!!

(Tall, slender person) MAMMA MIAAAAA!!!

(Falco) You are wearing the same outfits as that other guy. Eat Hot Plasma Punks!!!

{Pulls Trigger}

(Short, fat person) Luigi!!!

(Luigi) OUWOWOWOWOW!!! {Runs around with hands on bottom.}Mario help-a-me!

(Mario) Wahoo! {Leaps high into the air.}

(Falco) What the heck!?! [STOMP] Whoa, that was close.

(Mario) Who are you?

(Falco) …{Leaves room} [I know, sort of a weird exit]

(Luigi) {still rubbing hands on bottom}

(Mario) WE NEED TO GET-A-OUT!!! {Looks toward Airwing}

[Back in the lounge]

(Falco) Dude you guys need to come to the cargo hold!

(Fox) What’s the matter?

(Falco) There are two guys in the same weird pajamas as that one purple dude.

(Slippy) I thought I smelled something funny in that crate.


(Krystal) What the?

[Back in the cargo hold yet again…]

(Mario) How do ya fly one of these things?

(Luigi) Keep tryin!

(Fox, Krystal, and Falco) Hold it!

(Mario and Luigi) {Leap from Airwing}

(Krystal) Did they just jump?

(Fox) Whoa…

(Falco) Told ya.

(Mario) Mushrooms Luigi!

(Luigi) Glad we packed em.

[Both eat the large strange fungus and grow into enormous plumbers]

(Krystal) Get behind something!!!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2006
The Middle of NOWHERE!
Dude, you are awsome for posting this. Lol, I was afraid I'd get sued by some big VG companies :laugh:. But seriously...you rock :cool:, I almost forgot about chronicles, isn't that sad?.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 4

(Narrator) OK, recap. In Chapter 3, Falco went to the cargo hold to get some food when he hears a crate with odd noises coming from the inside. Somewhat angrily, he kicked the crate open and the Super Mario Bros. came out. After some confrontation, and after noticing that the Mario Bros.’ And Waluigi’s jumpsuits looked alike, Falco called the Great Fox’s crew in. Soon after the rest of the team sees the Bros., they ate super mushrooms and became huge. This is where we begin.

(Slippy) AAAUUGH!

(Falco) HOLY S***!

(Peppy) ....!?!

(Fox) Son of a @#$%^!

(R.O.B.) I wish my weapons were online.

(Mario) Do you wanna kill us now?

(Luigi) Even if you wanted to, you can’t, thanks to our-a giant mushrooms. Lets-a go, Mario

(Narrator) I know most of you are wondering what happened to Metaknight. Well, lets see…

[Meanwhile on a desert island on an uninhabited planet in the Lylat system, Mettaknight is starting to shake off the effects of the sleeping powder grenade]

(Metaknight) zzzzzZZZZZ*Snorts a little* …zzZZ*animals…zZ*--so sleepy….Z*--I hate grenades….*GRENADE! Oh, it’s too late for that. Oww, my head….where am I? [He looks around, which is difficult because he‘s sitting and he has no neck] Where’s Waluigi? WALUIGI! WHERE ARE YOU!? WAAAAALUUUUUIIIIIGIIIIIII! Great, just like him to run off. The fool…

[Sees a green pipe off into the distance]

(Metaknight) Oh-ho. So that’s where he went.

[Starts crawling towards the pipe]

[Meanwhile on little known Shadow Moses Island, inside of the fortress of FOXHound, inside of a super scientist’s laboratory an assassin named Solid Snake had just bested the robotic version of former agent Grey Fox, Cyber Ninja in hand to hand combat, saving Dr. Emmirech from certain doom.}

(Snake) {Bends down on one knee and begins breathing heavily.}

(Narrator) What snake doesn’t realize is that a tear in the time-space continuum had opened up
behind him, and is growing at a very accelerated pace.

(Snake) *Sigh*{Wipes sweat from face) {Turns to find Dr. Emmirech and sees the portal.}

[Computers and light bulbs begin giving off lots of static and are pulsing madly]

(Narrator) The portal is fairly large now and is beginning to pull snake into it, what luck.

(Snake) {Eyes widen} What the heck!?! {Begins to run away.}

(Colonel) {Over radio} Snake, what’s wrong? Are you ok?

[But to no avail, as he was running from the portal, the suction from it began sliding him in and snake falls into its blue swirling interior.]

(Snake) AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGgggggghhhhhh……..

(Colonel){Before radio is short circuited} Snake what happened? Snake!?! SNAAAAKKKEEEE!!!!!!!!

[While he‘s swirling in the current of the warp, Snake runs into something, but that’s all he remembered before he blacked out]

[After Snake was dragged in the portal, three dark figures are looking at a computer screen in a separate room, watching the portal vanish]

(Large Figure)Great job, Mewtwo. These two will be able to do the work we want. Direct them here

(Mewtwo) Just remember, I have my own free will, I have sworn no oath of fealty. You shall speak to me as an equal…

[His eyes are glowing blue because he is using his intense psychic abilities to direct the captured fighters to the base. Suddenly, the small figure hits Mewtwo over the head with a hammer, knocking him out cold.]


(Small Figure) Sorry, Master. He knew too much.

(Large Figure) Well, not only are those two going to end up elsewhere, you will not get to have dessert tonight.

(Small Figure) Awwww, dang nab it.

[In case you are STILL wondering about Mettaknight, he’s asleep due to the strenuous walk to the green pipe, which is about 10 feet from him. Anyways, we left the Great Fox crew and the Mario Bros. Fighting. The good news is that the super mushrooms wore off. The bad news is that the Bros. had fire flowers, so now they are throwing fireballs at the crew, who are shooting back]

(Fox) Thank goodness that the Great Fox is fireproof.

(R.O.B.) Affirmative Fox, I’m glad my weapons are online now.

[This comment from R.O.B. was quickly followed by a few energy blasts from the gun mounted on his arm]

(Slippy) They’re like cockroaches. No matter how many times you flush them down the toilet, they keep crawling back up. Unless I eat them, of course.

(Krystal) That’s disgusting!!!

(Falco) Why do I have the odd feeling that they aren’t bad guys?

(Peppy) Are you kidding, Falco? They are trying to kill us!

(Fox) Who are you and why are you trying to destroy the ship.

(Mario) Destroy? You shot at us first!

(Fox) {Angrily} Falco…

(Falco) Heh…crap…

(Luigi) If you stop shooting us, we wont shoot-a you.

(Star Fox Team) {Coming up from the piled wreckage of metal crates} THANK YOU!!!

[The portal has just opened in the cargo hold. Everyone notices and runs over. Snake and the other person fall out, unconscious. After they are out, the portal closes. Everyone circles them]

(Mario) Who or what are they?

(R.O.B.) If you ask me, they look like they can really hurt someone.

[Everyone nods in agreement. Right after that, Snake starts to come to]

(Snake) Oww, What a nightmare.

[From Snake’s point of view, things were blurry at first, but it cleared up quickly. And Snake didn’t like what he saw then.]

(Snake) Who are you? What are you?!

[He looked at his surroundings and thought he was inside of a new metal gear. After seeing anthropomorphic animals, two short men wearing plumber’s outfits, an abnormally intelegent robot, and a new Metal Gear, anyone might do what Snake did. Just not as calmly.]

(Snake) What the H*** is going on here?! {Sees their weapons and begins stressing…allot.}

[Being in a room with Panicking assassin isn‘t exactly the safest place in the world. Snake then grabs Krystal and pulls his knife to her throat disarming her with ease.]

(Snake) Don’t come near me or I’ll cut her throat!

Chapter 5

(Narrator) Lets see what happens next (Looks at Script.), hahaha cool…Oh, almost forgot you guys were still here. Well, we find out that many different characters have been pulled into this whole shindig of fun; we also know that Mewtwo, the genetically enhanced pokemon, has been recruited by the “Large Figure” to capture them. We left our heroes in quite a predicament, Krystal is being held hostage by Solid Snake, an assassin in distress you might say, and is refusing to let her go. Seems like the tides keep turning for the worst doesn’t it? I sure do hope things get better for everyone.

(Krystal) Ah, help!


(Slippy) What are we supposed to do now!?

(Snake) I said NOBODY move! {Thinking} What am I going to do now…CRAP!

(Falco) We have to do SOMETHING!

(Peppy) We are worried about the safety of the team, not vengeance! Just do as he says.

(Snake) Where am I!?! Someone tell me or else!

(Krystal) Let me go!

(Snake) Quiet! Now, is someone going to spill the beans or do I have to…

[The mysterious robot then sneaks up behind the flustered mercenary, wailing him over the head with its arm cannon, or so they figured it to be.]

(Snake) ACK*Clunk*

(Mysterious Robot) Bout time someone shut him up

(Krystal) (On her knees and looking to the ground) *cough* thank you. (Looks around) EEEK! (Backs away)

(Mysterious Robot) {Points blaster in everyone’s direction.} Alright, I scratched your back, now you scratch mine. Where the heck am I?

(Fox) That does it! What the heck is going on?!

(Mysterious Robot) If it will end the screaming, I will address my being first. {Takes off helmet.) My name is Samus Aran, a bounty hunter where I come from. But I have no idea where I am now, could you please let me know, I’m starting to think I am loosing my mind.

(Slippy) Woah, you’re a girl!?!

(Peppy) You are on the ship The Great Fox within the Lylat system. And, umm, do you know anything about him. {Points at Snake}

(Snake) *Groan*

(Samus) I’m pretty sure he isn’t a bad person. He probably woke up and was a little disturbed with what he saw. The poor man has probably never seen anything but human kind where he is from. Even though I’ve seen some strange things in my profession, this is by far the craziest.

(Falco) So then, he isn’t gonna try to kill us?

(Samus) Probably not, he will need some talking to though. Best let me do it.

(Krystal) Well then, thanks for that.

(Samus) No problem. Now if you will excuse me I am going to help him {Looks toward Snake} so that he won’t have to wake up to that madness again.

[Samus goes to relieve Snake of his confusion and Peppy then begins leading everyone to the den. Until…]

(Fox) Krystal…

(Krystal) yes Fox?

(Fox) I…I’m sorry… {Lowers head in despair} I couldn’t help you…

(Krystal) Don’t worry Fox, I understand. You thought of me first, and I admire that.

(Fox) {Lifts head and smiles lightly.} Thanks Krystal.

[Both exit the cargo hold.]

[Soon after a little reassuring, and a lot of explanations, Snake finally came to accept the fact that he wasn’t on earth any more and that The Great Fox wasn’t a Metal Gear. Everyone met in the den afterwards to tell of their worlds and how they got to the Lylat system. This is where we begin our story again.]

(Snake) So…how did you get here again Mario? I am slightly confused.

(Mario) I told you, we were chasing Wario and Waluigi down a pipe and when we got out, they nailed us over the head and stuffed us in those crates.

(Luigi) Do we need to explain this again?

(Falco) Well actually, yes. But please don’t.

(Peppy) And you, Snake, what is your real name.

(Snake) I have known no other name; I have always been referred to as Solid Snake. It’s very strange…

(Samus) What’s strange?

(Snake) It’s like my whole existence is to assassinate, sabotage, and destroy. Odd how it seems. Hmm.

(R.O.B.) Have you acquired a hobby, other then those things?

(Snake) Well, not that I know of….

(Everyone else)???

[Suddenly the Great Fox’s intercom turned on with an alarm. Fox ran to the button on the wall to turn on the ships computer.]

(Fox) What is it, Computer?

(Computer) Alien spacecraft detected. Orders, Sir?

(Fox) Leave them be. They might not mean any harm.

[With that remark, Fox looked at Snake, Samus, and the Mario Bros.]

[A moment later, the group was in the cockpit and the communication screen was out]

(Fox) Computer, on screen.

(Computer) *Beep*

(Ship‘s Captain) Glad to see some friendly faces in this universe of hostile space pirates.

(Fox) Who are you?

(Captain) My name is Captain Falcon. We have been wandering this strange world for days until we met you…

(Snake) We…?

(Falcon) Oh, almost forgot, how stupid. This is her Royal Majesty, Princess Zelda.

(Zelda) Forgive us for intruding.

(Falco) Oh believe me princess, we aren’t upset in the least.

(Falcon) Do you have a cargo hold? I need to dock my ship, Mr.….

(Fox) McCloud. Fox McCloud.

(Falcon) Well, uh, Fox, can Blue Falcon fit in the hold?

(Fox) I don’t see why not. It managed to hold two enormous plumbers not too long ago.

(Falcon) Um, all right, then. Expect me in a few. Falcon, out. *beep*

[A few moments later, the Blue Falcon was docked in the cargo hold of the Great Fox. The ramp opened and those aboard the Blue Falcon instead of a battle, walked down to a welcoming party. Captain Falcon came down first, from the glory of his marvelous ship. Then Zelda walked down the ramp, in a diplomatic fashion that royalty would use.]

(R.O.B) Greetings fellow space travelers.

(Zelda) Thank you iron one, and to everyone else, your generosity is highly appreciated.

(Falcon) Yeah, the Blue Falcon was nearly out of fuel, had we not met you along the way, we probably would have gone drifting into the dark vacuum of space.

(Peppy) Well, it is a good thing that recent occurrences had crossed our paths.

(Mario) Where are you from, anyways?

(Zelda) Well, we hail from different worlds. I was originally traveling with my royal body guard Link. We were separated in the void we were sent through. I then meet this rather robust man while looking for my missing companion.

(Luigi) There seems to be a pattern on how we got here doesn’t there?

(Falco) What you mean?

(Luigi) Every person who has shown up was taken here by a portal of some sort.

(Fox) good point.

(Zelda) Falcon, do not forget the other reason we are here!

(Falcon) Oh, yes. You don’t happen to have a D.N.A tracking device do you?

(Slippy) I built something like that a while back, but I’m gonna have to dig around for it.

(Zelda) Then our search is nearly over. Once again, thank you for you humanity toward us.

(Slippy) Looks like I’m going on a trek into the storage room.

[Everyone then left, once again, to the den to discuss important matters.]

(Mario) So where do we go now?

(Samus) What do you mean by that?

(Mario) We would be over staying our welcome if we asked to live here wouldn’t we?

(Snake) Hmmm…*Sigh*

(Samus) That is true

(Falco) Are you kiddn? How could we possibly turn you down? I bet all of you could help us during land missions. The stuff you guys can do just blows my mind!

(Fox) You may be right Falco; it would make ship assault much easier on the rest of the team.

(Krystal) Besides, it’s about time I had another person of the same gender to talk to.

(Samus) Ahahaha! I guess your right.

(Fox) You all forget that The Great Fox was built to house a fairly large crew, unfortunately, it hasn’t had that many occupants in it lifetime before you all came.

(Peppy) Well then, (claps hands together and stands up) I think it is time we told pepper about this.

(Fox) Crap, your right…

Chapter 6

(Narrator) Hello my friends, you all remember what happened in our last chapter don’t you? Well, if you don’t, I will refresh your memory. A lot happened in chapter 5, Samus Aran had calmed down the overly stressed Solid Snake (An arm cannon to the head.), Captain Falcon was introduced along with the mystical Princess Zelda of Hyrule, they all become introduced to each other, and become honorary members of team star fox I guess… Ok, let’s see what happens next, shall we?...

(Computer) *BEEP BEEP BEEP*

(Fox) That must be him…

(Peppy) I don’t know how he will react to this one.

(Fox) *Sigh* Computer, on screen.

(General Pepper) General Pepper Here!

(Star Fox Crew) Good Evening.

(Pepper) Do you have a status report for me? I haven’t been able to check on you for months since that blasted convention, they do not know anything about intergalactic precautions.

(Peppy) Ship still in condition sir, but we have had a few, “Troubles”, today.

(Pepper) Troubles? Of what kind?

(Falco) Look behind us and see for yourself.

(Pepper) {Looks past fox and peppy.} … What the!?! What are they!?!

(Krystal) We really don’t know sir.

(Pepper) And where did they come from!?{Looks toward Samus and Snake.} Those two in the back look particularly dangerous.

(Krystal) And they are… Personal experience.

(Pepper) I am not exceptionally happy with this turn of events, but I do not blame you for not contacting me immediately. I was gone, plus, this is a little strange. They will have to earn their rations on the ship though.

(Falcon) We are willing to earn every penny you spend on us.

(Pepper) Penny?

(Falcon) It’s uh, oh, never mind.

(Zelda) Thank you for your benevolence toward us.

(Pepper) You are very welcome, I guess. But I still have no idea who you all are, please fill me in.

[So then Krystal, Fox, and Falco introduced everyone to General Pepper whom was constantly on the edge of his seat to know more. After this, the team assigned rooms to each person and left them to themselves. We begin the story again by going about peoples business.]

[In Krystal’s room]

(Krystal) What a wild day this has been, and it is over now. But I feel this is only the beginning of a long and nerve-racking journey. What else could happen? {Hears knock on the door.} Yes?

(Zelda) Hello, “Krystal”, I believe it is. may I enter.

(Krystal) Of course, come on in.

[Krystal and Zelda begin talking about things such as life, jewelry, clothing, and of course, men.]

[In Mario and Luigi’s room]

(Mario) How is our supply of mushrooms Luigi?

(Luigi) Quite a few, maybe enough to last us a couple of months.

(Mario) And fire flowers?

(Luigi) Not so many…

(Mario) Let’s make those last then.

[Meanwhile, in the ship’s Barracks.]

(Fox) Show me what that thing on your arm can do Ms. Aran.

(Samus) Well, why not?

[Samus then activates her power suit and shoots a couple of targets on the wall burning holes right through them!]

(Falco) Holy Crap!!!

(Fox) What a gun!!!

(Samus) There is more where that came from my friends.

[Meanwhile, in the storage room]

(Slippy) There it is! I knew I would find it eventually!

(From Ventilation Shaft) Hey Slippy, got a minute?

(Slippy) Huh? Where are ya?

(From Ventilation Shaft) Up here!


[Snake then knocks down the cover of the shaft and slowly lowers himself down with his arms]

(Snake) Sorry I startled ya. It was the only way I could get in here, the door was locked.

(Slippy) It’s alright… Um, you wanted to talk to me?

(Snake) Yeah, you seem to know a lot about technology, weapons, and other stuff like that. And I wanted to ask if I could “borrow” some of it for later purposes, or possibly make some of my own. I liked what I saw in the weapon room and wanted to know more.

(Slippy) You got into the armory too!?!

(Snake) This place isn’t exactly what I would call, “secure”.

[We leave Slippy and Snake alone in the store room to chat. In exchange for Snake’s “wisdom” in perfect security, he supplies snake with a variety of grenades and a cloaking device.]

[Everyone sleeps well for the most part, except Snake, who was walking about the halls for some reason a few hours in the dead of night, everyone was happy. The next morning…]

(Fox Over the Intercom) Up an at’ tem everyone. We have a distress call from residential block 63245 Corneria, now’s your time to shine, show them what you got.

[Everyone awakens, dresses themselves, and enter the control room of The Great Fox where the team is waiting for them to arrive.]

(Krystal) {Turns away from radar screen} Good morning everyone. {Continues watching radar screen}

(Peppy) It may be a while before we actually get there, so help yourselves to some breakfast.

(Mario) Food? Yahoo!

(Samus) Thanks.

(Falcon) Oh Yeah.

(Zelda) Snake? Were you already up?

(Snake) Yeah, I was a little restless last night.

(Falco) Restless?! You were walking around the den all night long!

(Snake) I could hear a couple of people talking in their sleep, funny stuff.

(Zelda) And you Slippy, did you ever find that device?

(Slippy) Yup, it’s right here. {Hands Zelda the D.N.A tracking device.)

(Zelda) Now we can find link, superb. {Pulls a short blonde thread of hair from her coin purse and places it onto the scanner.} How exactly do you activate this device?

(Slippy) Here, this button. {Presses key on the side.}It will track the person with this D.N.A code until it is turned off, but keep it turned off prior to the search.

(Zelda) Good, this is a magnificent tool.

(Fox) We are almost there team, be prepared to launch the Airwings.

(Mario) McCloud Sir, I think I have proved that we cannot fly one of those.

(Fox) I remember that, and that is exactly why I am having R.O.B fly you down on a carrier ship.

(Luigi) That’s a relief.

(Samus) What is happening down there? {Looks out window.}

(Peppy) They say something about little turtle things throwing hammers and their leader being a Fat green witch riding a talking broom. I thought they were pulling our legs at first, but recent happenings told me other wise.

(Mario and Luigi){Quietly} Hammer bros.?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 7​

(Large, dark figure) Yes, all seems to be going according to plan. Soon, we shall vanquish our mortal enemies and take over the pathetic worlds inhabiting our universes.

(Mewtwo) I predict strong forces in our enemies, don’t underestimate them too much.

(Short, fat figure) Why do you worry? We are winning the fight easily! Our enemies are in complete confusion!

(Mewtwo) I am telling you, Wario, do NOT underestimate them. I can sense these things.

(Wario) Bozo. You don’t know anything.

(Mewtwo) You dirty little bas-

(Large, dark figure) QUIET!!! I don’t want to hear another word from you. Now, send out a few more enemies to our little friends.

(Mewtwo and Wario) YES SIR!!!

(Large, dark figure) Oh, and send Bowser to vanquish them.


(Narrator) We cut to Fox in his Arwing, with an urgent call from General Pepper.

(Fox) General, what is it?

(Pepper) We have confirmed the name of the witch. She calls herself Gruntilda, and is threatening to send more troops if we fight back. A huge flying squadron is with her, but I can’t identify the group. Could be one you have faced before. You have the troop with you?

(Fox) Yes, my team is in their Arwings, while everyone else is being shot out of pods to do some ground work.

(Pepper) Excellent Fox, I will try to keep in contact with you while the bat…zz.z.z..er…losing…transmission..ss.s.s.s.s….Fox…sssssssssssssssssss

(Fox) General? General! Slippy, what happened.

(Slippy) Someone is jamming the communications dish. It looks like a huge dragon is on top of it.

(Fox) Can anyone of you guys identify the creature?

(Samus) Oh no…Ridley.

(Fox) What?!?

(Samus) Ridley, the leader of the Space Pirates. He was responsible for my parent’s death when I was a child.

(Fox) Alright, so he's probably going to be a problem. Team, keep your eye out for him. As for enemies on the ground, I see turtles, flying mutants, and what appear to be octopuses.

(Mario) Those turtles are Hammer Bros. Be careful, some have boomerangs, and others have fireballs.

(Samus) Those mutants are the space pirates. They are not to be underestimated.

(Zelda) The octopuses are called Octoroks, lethal at long and close range combat.

(Fox) Ok, this may be a little tough. The witch and the dragon are perched by the communications dish, while everyone else is cornering it. Here is the plan:
Mario and Luigi use whatever you can to get the frontlines out of everyone’s way. Samus and Falcon, you get those Octoroks and Hammer Bros. Snake, you try to infiltrate the communications dish and get in contact with General Pepper for more support. Zelda, since you are with R.O.B., tell us if anymore enemies are coming and from where. My team, we take out the enemies in the air. Everyone ready?

(Everyone) Yes!

(Fox) Ok, let’s lock and load!

(Narrator) As the pods hit the ground, everyone scrambled out to join the fight. With Falcon’s speed, he zoomed past the frontlines to take out the Hammer Bros. Distracted, the frontlines did not realize that the Mario Bros. Quickly used their fire flowers to take them out. Samus, with great precision started shooting the back of the army, taking out the long range enemies. Meanwhile Fox and his gang took to the skies and attacked the unknown airborne army. Snake, on the other hand, started circling the hilltop towards the communications dish.

(Zelda) Everyone, the dragon just went airborne and is coming your way. Fox, watch out.

(Snake) Just like in ZanzibarLand. It feels great to be back on the battlefield. (Suddenly a Space Pirate shows up. Snake suddenly points behind the pirate. Stupidly he looks back and Snake breaks his neck.) It does feel great to be on the battleground.

(Zelda) I am reading someone on the D.N.A. tracker. According to the map, it is in the same location as where the enemies are coming from! Link, I hope you are ok.

(Krystal) I see the portal. What does Link look like?

(Zelda) He is tall, tan, with a green tunic, sexy blonde hair…

(Krystal) I got it, but I don’t see anyone like that. I see someone with tattoos on his face with white hair and a curved sword leading the army with a huge turtle and a bear with a bird in his backpack wearing a strange mask.

(Zelda) Show it on screen.

(ROB) Here it is.

(Zelda) Oh no, it looks like Link, but something is wrong with him. He is not himself.

(Link) (in a dark booming voice) Bowser, send the Moblins to the right, take out Samus. Banjo…er…Majora, take out the Mario Bros. Take the Metroids with you. I will handle the little pests in the air.

(Narrator) Using the newly formed Fierce Deity Mask Mewtwo made, Fierce Deity Link used his sword to shine it into the Arwing of Krystal.

(Krystal) I can’t see…losing altitude…help me!!!

(Fox) Krystal, NOOOOO!!!

(Narrator) Suddenly, Krytal’s ship starts careening towards the ground. Luckily, she ejects at the last minute only to be caught by Ridley amidst the air.

(Link) Attack!!!!!!

(Narrator) With that Fierce Deity Link, along with Banjo-Kazooie, now controlled by Majora’s Mask, and Bowser led the armies into the brawl. Shortly after, Link killed off Grunty, after disobeying orders to leave the field. What will happen to the team?! With Snake still sneaking, Samus still shooting down the enemies, the Mario Bros. kicking Butt, and Krystal in enemy hands, all we can hope is that they can survive.

Chapter 8

(Narrator) We cut to the dark gloomy chamber which houses Mewtwo, Wario, and the dark figure, but all seems strange right now, as a young vixen is transported to a pod in the corner.

(Krystal) Wa…Where am I?

(Gruntilda) Ah, the young fox I met on the battlefield. How did you end up here?

(Krystal) Whoa, were you beaten with an ugly stick or someth…

(Gruntilda) How DARE you call me ugly!! I am the beautiful Gruntilda!!!

(Krystal) Beautiful when compared to what, the boils on Slippy’s back?

(Gruntilda) Why you foul little bit-

(Large figure) SILENCE!! I will not have bickering in my quarters, and for the record, you are ugly Grunty. Now my plan is coming into action. I just need a few more souls to finish this. Wario, take a battalion and go fight off the little pests.

(Wario) But sir, I thought I was needed here?

(Large figure) What did you say to me?!

(Wario) I..I..I said I was on my way, SIR!

(Large Figure) That is what I thought you said. Now move your fat a-- out of here before I send you into one of those pods!!!

(Narrator) Wario is seen tripping over himself, then quickly dashes out of there. Suddenly, another dark figure is seen coming by.

(Large figure) Ah, Ganondorf, how were your travels here?

(Ganondorf) A little rough, but I understand I am appointed Wario’s place now, am I right?

(Large figure) Yes, that incompetent fatty is just getting in my way. Now with you and Mewtwo by my side, no one can stop us.

(Narrator) As the camera zooms out, all 3 laugh a sinister laugh. Everything fades out, and then we see a similar battlefield, where our heroes were last seen.

(Fox) How is everyone holding up? Who have we got missing so far?

(Mario) Everything is pretty rough down here. No one on foot is gone. We are getting closer to the base, but they just keep sending more. And Link is fighting with ferocity that I have never seen before.

(Fox) Snake, where is your current position?

(Snake) I am about 200 ft. away. There are too many guys over here to speed up the process.

(Zelda) Good, everyone seems to be ok. Fox, I am so sorry about Krystal. But please, try to save Link and that bear. I know they mean no harm.

(Falco) Enough chit chat, stay focused on the battle at hand.

(Falcon) There are too many of them. I need backup, I nee…AHHHHH!!!!!

(Falco) What the h--- happened? Oh crap…

(Narrator) Capt. Falcon is seen with a huge sword protruding out of his chest. Fierce Deity Link pulls his sword out and tosses the body away. Falcon then turns into a million blue dots that disappear in a matter of seconds.

(Fox) No, we lost another. Somebody take him down!!

(Luigi) I’m on it. Wait, something snagged my leg. I…oh…NOOOO!!

(Narrator) With fierce quickness, Banjo, controlled by Majora’s Mask, pulls in Luigi. With an angry stab of the tentacles and a bite of the jaw, Luigi turns into a million green dots and disappears moments later.

(Mario) You killed my brother you furry di**-weed!!!!!

(Samus) Two men down, two men down! There are too many of them. We need back-up!

(Slippy) I see them, I’ll take a shot. Just a little more, and…

(Narrator) With his last breath, Slippy shoots a huge bomb, which obliterates half of the opposing army. With that, Slippy is shot down and killed upon impact.

(Link) Bowser, take care of them.

(Bowser) With pleasure. Mario, I want you!

(Snake) I am at the communication center. Just give me a minute to reboot and start this up again. I can then call for reinforcements.

(Mario) Quickly man, there is not much time left…WHOA…You’ve gotten better Bowser.

(Bowser) I will rip you into tiny shreds of grated plumber.

(Samus) Link and Banjo are coming my way. Falco, Fox, help with Ridley.

(Snake) Got it. General, anyone, we need help immediately. 4 of our team is down, I repeat, 4 are down. We need back-up immediately. Don’t worry guys, I’m coming to help.

(Fox) They better arrive soon, we are about to be overpowered. Wait, I have an incoming transmission, but it isn’t the General. Hello, who is this.

(Unknown) Hello, I have a great deal of back-up coming, a party of 5, plus myself.

(Fox) Great, wonderful, who are you anyway?

(Metaknight) Call me…Metaknight.

(Narrator) With that, a green pipe emerged in the middle of the battlefield. Out popped a pink puffball, Kirby, a blue hedgehog, Sonic, a ball with a mask and sword, Metaknight, a red bird, Kazooie, and two monkeys, DK and Diddy.

(Sonic) What, a party without me? That ain’t no party at all. I’m on my way.

(Metaknight) DK, Diddy, go help find Snake and fight off the pirates, koopas, and Bowser. Kazooie, go help your friend Banjo. Distract him and Ridley while we get Link. Kirby, come with me.

(Narrator) Sonic zooms past the enemies, disorienting them before attacking. Bowser suddenly spots DK. He fights both Mario and DK before Diddy starts pelting him with peanuts. Annoyed, Bowser does not notice Snake behind him. In the blink of an eye, Bowser turns into dots and disappears. Kazooie sees Ridley and flies around the beast. Distracted, he lets out a huge plasma beam which accidently hits some of the space pirates. With that, Falco and Fox land a charge beam onto Ridley. He does not die, but lands in between Samus and Link unconscious. Kazooie then flies to Banjo to distract him.

(Link) What is going on, why are we losing?

(Metaknight) Are you ready to be vanquished?

(Link) Bring it little one.

(Narrator) Both scream at each other and start sword fighting. Metaknight flies and jumps all around Link while he slashes hard at Metaknight. Samus meanwhile ran to help everyone else with the remaining fleet. After a few minutes, all that is left is our heroes, Banjo, and Link.

(Link) You just don’t know when to give up, little one.

(Zelda) NO, don’t kill him.

(Metaknight) I had no intention. Kirby, NOW!

(Link) What?

(Narrator) Suddenly, a huge inhale swallowed Link within the confines of Kirby.

(Metaknight) Hold him in, we have to time this right! Ready…NOW, let him out!

(Narrator) Kirby then uses his copy ability. Regular Link is then spit out. With the training given to Kirby by Metaknight, the Fierce Deity Mask has no control over Kirby, and he takes it off. Link lies unconscious on the ground. With Banjo now knocked out, Kirby does the same thing to remove Majora’s Mask. Kazooie then rests in his backpack knowing her friend is now safe.

(Fox) Ok, we will send pods down to you. Bring Link and Banjo up, and see if you can bring Ridley in as well. Who have we lost and who is still left?

(Samus) Those that have perished are Krystal, Slippy, Capt. Falcon, and Luigi on our side, with Gruntilda and Bowser on the enemy side. Those remaining are myself, Snake, Mario, Falco, and yourself, with Zelda still on the ship. We have as new recruits Metaknight, Kirby, Sonic, DK, Diddy, and Kazooie. We have rescued Link and Banjo and captured Ridley. Plus, we have 2 masks we could use to our advantage.

(Fox) I have never seen a battle so fierce. But we survived, and that is what matters. ROB, send the pods down. Zelda, we have Link, alive and well.

(ROB) Affirmative.

(Zelda) Thank you Fox.

(Fox) Metaknight, I want to be briefed on everything. And when those 3 wake up, I want info out of them. Ok team, let’s call it a day.

Chapter 9

(Narrator) We cut to the same gloomy lair where some of our heroes are now located in strange pods. All seems very weird to them now.

(Luigi) Where am I? Am I in heaven?

(Krytsal) Hey, I know you. Luigi, right?

(Luigi) Krystal? But I thought Ridley killed you?

(Falcon) Hey, you’re here too.

(Slippy) What is this place?

(Ganondorf) You are in a castle, the lair of my master. When you died, you came here, along with the enemies you encountered.

(Bowser) HEY!!! I am the king of the freakin KOOPAS!!! Let me out of here NOW!!

(Ganondorf) Not anymore you aren’t. You will be caged here until our master’s plans are fulfilled.

(Gruntilda) This isn’t how I wanted to spend my vacation. You promised me domination and beauty beyond measure, and yet I am caged here.

(Mewtwo) Because of your disobedience. If you had followed orders, you wouldn’t be in this predicament.

(Falcon) Tell us who your master is!

(Mewtwo) We can’t discuss that now. You will be briefed on this at a later point in time. But for now, you can witness the destruction of your friends.

(Narrator) A TV is turned on. All they saw was the Great Fox. Then it cut to a huge fleet of warships heading in their direction.

(Luigi) Oh, no.

(Slippy) Look Krystal, look who is leading them.

(Krystal) It looks like Star Wolf, but what is Pigma doing with them?

(Luigi) That isn’t Pigma, it's Wario.

(Narrator) We cut to a huge room in the Great Fox, where Banjo and Link are being woken up.

(Link) Where am I? What is this place?

(Zelda) You are safe now…Link.

(Link) Zelda, it’s you! Is this where you’ve been all this time?

(Zelda) Yes, I was escorted here when I was transported here.

(Link) By who?

(Zelda) A man by the name of Falcon. He died in the battle you were just in.

(Link) Did I…?

(Zelda) Yes, I’m afraid you did.

(Link) Oh Lord. I couldn’t help myself! I was…

(Zelda) I know Link, I don’t care. I am just glad your ok.

(Link) I don’t deserve to be in your company. Was there anyone else?

(Zelda) Yes, there were 3 others. Luigi, the brother of Mario who is on this ship, was killed by that bear over there. (As she points to the unconscious body of Banjo) Slippy, who was shot down in his Arwing, and Krystal, who you didn’t kill, but was mainly responsible for.

(Link) I’m so sorry…if this has hurt anyone on board.

(Narrator) Suddenly, Falco emerges into the room. This wakes Banjo from his sleep, who Kazooie tells what Zelda told Link.

(Falco) Sup my homies. How is everyone right now? Feeling better, alright. Now, I need to discuss with you what went on out there. Do you have any recollection of how you were transported here, and about these masks.

(Link) Yeah, that mask right there, I used to defeat the other, but I had complete control.

(Falco) Well, Metaknight has told us that a Pokemon named Mewtwo corrupted both of these masks and used them to corrupt you two. That is all I know for now. Fox is still asking him questions, while Samus is trying to find our translator so she can interrogate Ridley.

(Banjo) Who and what now?

(Falco) Right, I guess you haven’t met everyone yet. We’ll introduce everyone that has been aboard so far. Some died in our battle.

(Banjo) Yes, Kazooie told me some of them.

(Link) As did Zelda.

(Falco) Alright, less of a strain on me, anyway, tell me what happened to each of…

(Peppy) Hey, Fox sent me down here to detail you on what I have been doing.

(Falco) Where have you been you old geezer?

(Peppy) Didn’t Fox tell you? He sent me on reconnaissance to find if any other strange occurrences have happened and if any armies will join our cause.

(Falco) No, he didn’t tell us anything.

(Peppy) Huh, must of slipped his mind. Although I am sad that Slippy and Krystal are gone.

(Falco) Yeah, I do miss them now. Anyway we have business to take care of. Let them answer the questions, then you tell us what you found out.

(Banjo) Ok, well I was strolling with Kazooie in my backpack. I found this shiny puzzle piece and decided to get it. I touched it and was suddenly sucked into a weird spiral thing, and this mask attached itself to my face, and that is pretty much it.

(Kazooie) I saw it too, and luckily I flew away from Banjo as soon as he entered your world. I was sucked back into a different world, until a green pipe holding Metaknight picked me up to send me here to rescue Banjo.

(Link) The same thing happened to me, but I was looking for Zelda at the time. She disappeared out of nowhere when we were walking together.

(Falco) Strange, I will notify Fox. But first Peppy, what have you found out?

(Peppy) Well, I traveled to Sauria after I got a distress call. I flew there, and things called Pokemon and Yoshis were running around. I used Slippy’s translator and found all there were about 100 Yoshi’s and at least 400 different kinds of Pokemon that were transported there. Everything is fine now, but a Yoshi and 2 Pokemon came with me. One called Pikachu, and another called Lucario. We will need translators for all these because all they can really say is their name.

(Falco) Wait, you had the translator? Samus is looking for it! We will give it to her. One more thing. What armies decided to help us?

(Peppy) Many are thinking about it, but only one has joined, Bill’s army at Fachina, along with Katt Monroe.

(Falco) Good, that will help a lot. Alright, we will leave you here while we talk with Fox.

(Narrator) Falco and Peppy ran out. Peppy went straight to the interrogation room while Falco ran to Fox’s room, where Fox, Mario, Kirby, and Metaknight are.

(Fox) So Metaknight, who is your boss that you worked for, and what are his plans?

(Metaknight) Why are you crying?

(Fox) Oh, nothing, just…I am a little sad about Krystal and Slippy’s passing.

(Metaknight) Don’t, because they are not dead.

(Fox) What?

(Falco) Fox, I have information for you.

(Fox) Hold a second, they aren’t dead? Why do you tell me this. I saw Ridley kill Krystal and Slippy being shot down myself.

(Mario) Are you telling me that Falcon and my brother could be alive as well?

(Metaknight) Yes. My boss, he didn’t reveal his identity to me, but I know his plans. He sent me to spy on you and start the portals into your dimension with Waluigi. His plan was to send all the famous heroes and villains from all dimensions here, and kill them.

(Mario) Why this world?

(Metaknight) Because this is the most dangerous of them all. He couldn’t do your world Mario, because without you, all there is left is Toads. Not Link’s because it was easily corrupted my Ganondorf during his 7 year sleep. But this world, even with Star Fox gone, there is still a powerful army all across the Lylat system. He couldn’t take it over.

(Mario) This man is a psycho!

(Metaknight) No, a sheer genius. He has found a way to have all those he transported killed, and not die. You remember that they all turned into a million dots right? Well, then they are transported to his lair, where they are encased in pods and kept there until a future time. He didn’t tell me what he would do with them.

(Fox) So everyone is still alive?

(Metaknight) Yes, and I know how to get there, but we need a grand army to pull this off. I can open up dimensions to grab more people, but this will take a lot of work and man power.

(Falco) Fox, this is what Link and Banjo told me.

(Narrator) As they discussed what has happened, they figured out a plan. They then ran to Samus and the bound Ridley to see what has progressed. They asked her if Ridley has told her anything else.

(Samus) So far, no. Ridley was never informed of anything else, but he as well knows how to create dimensions.

(Fox) Who on this ship has a good knowledge of folk lore and mechanics. We need those masks to work again for good.

(Metaknight) I do, and probably Snake as well.

(Peppy) That Lucario I brought should know a thing or two, since a Pokemon did change the mechanics of the masks.

(Fox) Great. Gather everyone here. I have a plan.

(ROB) Calling all crew members. Please report to the interrogation room.

(Fox) Alright, is everyone here. Let me see:
Mario, Snake, Falco, Samus, Peppy, Banjo, Kazooie, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Yoshi, Lucario, Metaknight, Kirby, DK, Diddy, Sonic…
Yeah that seems to be everyone. Alright, we have an urgent mission. Those that have died in battle are not dead, so we need to rescue them. Metaknight, Snake, and Lucario, you guys need to study these masks and see if you can change them to do good instead of evil. If we can manipulate Majora’s Mask, we can use it on Ridley so he can help us. The Fierce Deity Mask can be used when we are in dire need. Everyone else, we have a lot of training to do. Not just physical, but mentally as well. What we are about to go through will be rough. We will need to open portals to grab more manpower. We’ll need to convince the armies in the Lylat system to join our cause. We need to take down this evil organization before we are all encased in his sinister pods. Now Metaknight, where will be our first destination.

(Metaknight) First, we will need to stop at Corneria. That is where I feel the most disturbance right now.

(Fox) Ok, I want everyone geared up for battle, except Link and Banjo. You 2 still need rest. You will stay here with Zelda until you both are well. Everyone else, gear up. We are going to Corneria! ROB, set the coordinates.

(ROB) Affirmative.

(Pikachu) Pika, Pika!

(Fox) What did he just say?

(Peppy) He said look out the window.

(Narrator) As all look out the window, all gaze on a star fleet coming straight towards them. The screen turns on and shows the enemy.

(Wolf) Hello, Fox. Glad to see us?

(Panther) How do you like our fleet. Pretty impressive, huh?

(Leon) You are all going to die by our hands.

(Wario) And look who we got.

(Peach) Mario, help me!

(Mario) NO, Peach!!

(Wolf) Prepare to die Star Fox!!

(Fox) Everybody, gear up for battle. ROB, prepare the Arwings, and also...prepare the battle mechs for our friends. We need all the power we need out there.

(Narrator) Fox and Falco both hop into their Arwings. Link, Banjo, and Zelda stay behind to give info to everyone. Everybody else receives a battle suit for the fight out in space.

(Fox) Everybody ready? Let's lock and load!


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 10

(Narrator) So, do you all think they are doomed yet, or is there still faith in your hearts for our heroes? Let’s read and find out what happens. Shall we?

[Our heroes all disperse themselves amongst the mechsuits within the great fox. Lucky for the team, there is at least one size for all.]

(Fox) Ok group, I know this will be a problem for us so, stay sharp.

(Sonic) What’s this button do? {Presses button and launches a missile from the arm of the mechsuit}

(Falco) You know what it does now?

(Sonic) AWESOME!

(Snake) I assume this is the stealth suit...

(Peppy) Yeah, but, nobody on the team ever uses it. They think it is pretty much useless.

(Mario) WAHOO! {Begins jumping from rock to rock}

(Donkey Kong) RAAAHHH! {Follows Mario around the meteors, finding out that using his jet pack is a much more efficient way to travel.}

(Fox) Samus, aren’t you going to use one too?

(Samus) I will stick with what I am used to thanks.

(Zelda) Hmmm, well. I am getting readings of a small battalion of soldiers now. It is strange though; wouldn’t they bring more reinforcements for a battle like this?

(Fox) I don’t think this will be too hard…look how small their fleet is.

(Metaknight) I fear that this is more than it seems…

(Peppy) Sad to say that Pikachu and Yoshi can’t join you, we couldn’t find a mech suit for them.

(Kirby) {Looks toward the enemy and gives an angry face}

(Fox) Everyone ready? Ok, battle plan. We have everyone in mechsuits take them head on while Falco and I flank them to take out then enemy one by one.

(Metaknight) Sounds simple enough…

(Peppy) We have a full count of the enemy. The official number is…75 normal soldiers and at least 10 what look like the leaders.

(Lucario) So…85. That shouldn’t be a problem with all of these fine warriors by our side.

[The two sides then charge each other. The mechsuit people rush full-blown, with Falco and Fox going around their opponents to do some flank work.]

(Mario) WHOA, {Dodges a plasma shot} WAHOO {Jumps on the enemy ship pounding his foot on its missile launcher causing it to explode, killing the soldier.}

(Soldier) {Watching this event}What the? Is that even humanly possible!?!

(Snake) {Looks down on the soldier from the top of his cockpit window} Howdy… {Places a mine on the side of the ship}

(Soldier) HELP ME!!! {Ship explodes}

(Metaknight) Follow the sharp edge of my sword…NOW! {Lunges at an enemy ship, slashing its top and left wings from it, the soldier manages to stay airborne for a brief period of time before Fox blows him up with an accurate shot to the fuel tank.}

(Soldier) AAAAHHH!

[The battle progresses and turns from a wave of enemys into a series of large dog fights.]

(Falco) MAN! These guys just won’t quit. Who ever trained them must have been a Cornerian war veteran or something. I cannot shake this one! HELP SOMEONE!

(Soldier) HAHAHA, Now I am going to blow you to smithereens.

[Diddy then flies in front of the soldier and begins using his peanut pistols, sending him off course into another recruit]

(Diddy) {While flying away} HEHEHEHAHAHA!!!

[We cut to the enemy side]

(Panther) Wolf, Wario, Leon, I am going to engage the enemy cover me!

(Wario) IDIOT! Don’t be rash! We need to keep hold of the hostage

(Panther) Come here little guy, this will only hurt for a second. {Begins charging plasma blaster, and locking it on to Diddy.}

(Diddy) WAAA! HELP!

(Donkey Kong) RAUGH!!! {Leaps onto the opponents ship and tears away his cockpit.}

(Panther) AHHH, I CAN’T BREATH……………………………………………………...

(Wolf) Panther! Respond ****it!

[But it is too late, from his ship Wolf sees an array of black dots bursting from Panther’s Wolfen.]

(Leon) What do we do now?

(Wario) We intercept. Our battalion needs help. {Tunes radio to his enemy’s sequence} HEY EVERYONE! WATCH THIS! {Hits a variety of buttons and switches}

[Strangely, Wario’s Wolfen morph into a highly advanced mechsuit and, from its arm, sprouts a large beam sword with peach in a glass container on his back.]

(Peach) Help me MARIO!

(Mario) PEACH!

(Sonic) WOAH!!! Take this! {Launches a missile from each arm at the fat plumber in the yellow jumpsuit}

(Peach) NO YOU IDIOT!!! Don’t blow ME up!

(Wario)Your gonna have to do better than that. {Slices the projectiles in two and charges toward Sonic} MUAAHAHAHAHA

(Mario) Try to keep the princess in one piece please!

(Metaknight) Hey Wario! Over here!

(Wario) Huh? {Stops charging toward the blue hedgehog.)

(Metaknight) We have a score to settle!

(Wario) Mettaknight!?! Your part of this!?! YOU TRAITOR!!!

(Metaknight) Going against a universal placement set by nature that has worked on behalf of everyone for billions of years, and you call me a traitor?

(Wario) If that’s how it is gonna be, FINE, I will just have to destroy you then. ARG! {Activates jet pack and dashes toward Mettaknight.}

(Lucario) Now you see him, now you don’t {Veils Metta behind a psychic wall of invisibility}

(Wario) Huh? Ok then! You die! {Throws a ball of plasma}

(Lucario) {Dodges the shot my the skin of his teeth} That was too close…

(Metaknight) {While invisible} Hey Wario! Take this! {Charges at Wario and almost striking him in the thigh}

(Wario) You will pay for that. {Slices at Mettaknight, whom blocks the attack.}

(Samus) {Launches a beam of black energy toward Wario}

(Wario) {Blocks the attack with the flat edge of his laser blade} *tisk tisk tisk* that was easy to avoid...

(Peach) HELP ME!!!

(Mario) YAHOO! {Jumps off of a piece of space debris toward Wario}

(Wario) You missed you little punk!

(Mario) I wasn’t aiming for you stupid!

(Peach) {Shown in the glass cage being carried by Mario …}

(Wario) NO! ****it ****it! ****IT!!!

[All hear a loud pop and notice something strange with Wario]

(Wario) {His eyes widen and he goes limp. His body then bursts into yellow dots.}

(Snake) {Still pointing his gun}…

[On the Great Fox, Link and Banjo are walking about the halls, thinking about the commencing battle.]

(Link) I wish I could go out there and help them…It is the least I could do for all the trouble I have caused.

(Banjo) Don’t worry, it wasn’t all your fault.

(Link) You think so?

(Banjo) I know so!

[A small group of enemy soldiers runs in and sees them both.]

(Soldier1) What the, isn’t that Link and Banjo!?!

(Soldier2) Yeah but, they aren’t wearing the…OH CRAP!!!

(Soldiers3&4) Run for it!

(Link) I will make you repent for your unworthy deeds! {Draws his sword and throws his boomerang witch strikes soldier1 on the leg.}

(Banjo) AURG! {Rolls into Soldier2 knocking him down, Banjo then begins wailing on the poor man’s face.}

(Soldiers3&4) AAAHHH!

(Link) COME BACK HERE COWARDS!!! {Draws bow releasing an arrow into the back of soldier3}

(Banjo) {Throws a frying pan from his backpack hitting the last soldier over the head}

(Link) I presume we can help this way…

(Banjo) Let’s look for more!

[In another part of the Great Fox]

(Pikachu) Pik? {Translation} What’s that?}

(Yoshi) {Looks over to the doorway and there is another division of soldiers coming their way}

(Soldier1) What the h*** are these things. AUGH!

(Yoshi) {Licks up the soldier and eats him}

(Soldiers2&3) Run away!!!

(Pikachu) PIKACHUUUUU! {Sends a bolt of lightning from its wrist and ears turning the men into large pieces of sizzling charcoal}

(Yoshi) {Lays an egg with the soldier still inside}

(Pikachu) *Giggles* {Begins playing with the egg like a toy ball}

(Egg) *Muffled Groans*

[Outside, our friends have easily won the battle and all that is left to do is take out Leon and Wolf.]

(Fox) So Wolf, you ready for this?

(Wolf) Actually, you should ask yourself that question. {Flies toward Fox firing missiles and plasma shots}

(Falco) Hey Leon, PAY ATTENTION!

(Leon) Wa? AAAAHHHH!

[Leon is unable to avoid a bomb launched toward his Wolfen blowing his ship into scrap]

(Fox) Woah! You HAVE gotten better Wolf!

(Wolf) It is amazing what a few upgrades and some special “training” can do to a man.

(Fox) Ah, I can’t stay behind him. CRAP!

[Wolf then manages to position himself behind Fox and starts randomly blasting away.]

(Wolf) Where you going to go now Fox?

(Fox) Hmmm, actually, nowhere, he he.

[Fox hits the brakes and moves to the left, Wolf zooms pats Fox slightly and finds him self with a half blown out engine and a destroyed plasma laser.]

(Wolf) I was taught to never fear the battleground, but my master DID teach me when to retreat.

(Fox) See to it that you tell your master that he is going to pay dearly for what he has done.

[We cut to the interior of the Wolfen where Wolf O’Donnell is receiving a transmission from a mysterious person]

(Dark Gloomy Voice)Wolf, what the h*** is going on?

(Wolf) I am sorry Master…They blew away the first unit. But I am going to reveal…”The Battalion”.

(Dark figure) Good…Proceed as planned…

(Wolf) It shall be done Master.

[Fox then receives a message from Kat Monroe, Bill, and General Pepper.]

(Bill) Hey fox, it’s been awhile!

(Kat Monroe) Nice to see ya again.

(Pepper) We brought our fleets, where is the army?

(Fox) I think we took care of it, but…

(Bill) Hold on, let me scan just a minute...
What the? I don’t think this is right, Kat, you scan!

(Kat) What kind of result did you come to…cuz I don’t think this is right either…

[After some time of scanning and re-scanning, they come to the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong here.]

(Peppy) ACK! How could anyone even ACHIEVE those numbers!?!

(Falco) This is NOT good!

(Fox) We can’t fight off that many!!!

(Wolf) NOW! Release the Veil!

[A MASSIVE army of nearly fathomless proportions appears from behind a giant cloaking device.]

(Wolf) What’s wrong Fox? You look pale. Ahahaha.

(Pepper) Bill, Kat, Fox. Get your fleets to Corneria, my army is waiting there. Kick it into over drive!

(Metaknight) Everyone in the ship!!!

[They all do this and the pursuit begins.]

(Peppy) Message to all ally fleets! Divert 75% power to reverse engines and put the rest into blasting the enemy, fly backwards and fire at them to slow their progress.

(R.O.B) Diverting 75% power to thrust engines!

(Zelda) This is absolute madness!


(Wolf) {Tuning in radio.} Attention battle fleet! Set to full speed and engage the enemy! We attack at Corneria in three minutes!

[Back on the Great Fox]

(Peppy) All ally fleets revert back to forward thrust and dash toward Corneria!

(Falco) They’re gainin on us, can’t we go any faster!?

(R.O.B) Reverting 95% power to forward thrusters, that’s all I could ever dare to try.

(Peppy) We are almost there. Pepper, are your men ready yet?

(Pepper) They are in position, ready when you are!

(Link) This is going to be a fierce battle!

(Pikachu) {To Lucario} Pika pik pikachu? {Translation}This is going to be hard isn’t it?}

(Lucario) It seems that way my little friend…

(R.O.B) We are entering the Cornerian atmosphere now.

Chapter 11

(Peppy) Land there and release everyone to perform the ground assault!

(R.O.B) Yes Peppy sir.

(Falco) Faster man!

(R.O.B.) The Great Fox is overheating as it is!

(Sonic) DUDE! There is no stop to these guys, where does their fleet even end?!?

(Donkey Kong) *Low rumbled growl*

(Fox) Now! LET’S GO!!!

[The Great Fox does a nose dive toward Corneria and about a quarter mile from the ground, releases the land dispatch pods and quickly diverts itself back into forward drive.]

(Fox) Oh man, this is where I grew up as a child! But there isn’t anyone here…what happened?

(Snake) They probably saw what we were running from and evacuated the area.

[They notice the enemy “Battalion” becoming much larger now and is getting closer than they would like.]

(Mario) Let’s-a-go!

(Diddy) Yeah, give em heck!

(Falco) Just in case we, uh…get over run. Is there a plan “B”

(Kat) Run like a fugitive from the law.

(Link) Triforce, give us strength…

[The enemy fleet arrives and spreads out to cover a humongous area of the battle ground, but, there are almost no air units, rather, all the ships land and each let loose a group of nine or ten recruits. The ratio of good to bad is roughly 1:20, these are almost impossible odds that our heroes have to go through.]

(Fox) Lucario! Watch your back!

(Lucario) What? WOAH! {Dodges a shot from an enemy soldier}TASTE IT!

[Lucario unleashes a fury of punches and kicks causing the men to fall writhing in pain]

(Soldiers) *Groan* *Sob* *Weep* *Grunt*

(Lucario) Now, where was I? {Runs toward another group of enemys}

[We see sonic avoiding random blasts and explosions from 3 soldiers and an airship]

(Sonic) C’mon, you have to aim better than that hahaha. {Moves to avoid another blast}

(Airship Pilot) Hold still you little fetcher! Where’d he go!?!

[Sonic then begins jumping from various large lumps of rubble and bounds toward the ship]

(Sonic) {On top of the airship} Howdy do!

(Airship Pilot) WHAT THE F---

[And before he can say his final curse, what seeming to be a blue aura begins to tear apart his airship piece by piece.]

(Sonic) See ya later!

(Airship Pilot) {With his airship in ruins and still buckled into his seat} AAAAAHHH!

[Then, before the doomed pilot hits the ground, sonic leaps down extremely quickly and lands seconds before him]

(Sonic) {Looks toward the soldiers} Now, you wanted to, “kill me”, was it?

(Soldier1) AAAHHH!

(Soldier2) Not flipping possible!

(Soldier3) I am OUT of here!!!

[And with that we move on to Snake whom is encircled by a variety of Goombas, Soldiers, and mutant aliens.]

(Snake) Surrounded...hmmmm…

[Snake then draws his knife and hurls it toward one of the soldiers nailing him in the Adams apple.]

(Soldier) *Gasp* {Grasps the hilt of the knife and falls backward dead}

(Goomba1) Run away!

(Goomba2) You said it!

(Goomba3&4) *Scream*

(Space pirate) Fight like men you cowards! {Points gun toward snake}

(Snake) {Runs over to the dead soldier, retrieving his knife, and throwing it yet again, this time hitting the pirate inside the ear}

(Space pirate) AUGH! {Falls over dead}

(Snake) {Cleans and sheaths his knife, sees a small fleet of airships, and aims his gun toward them}

(Airship Pilot1) He has got to be kidding; there is no way he can win…

(Airship Pilot2) Remember what “he” told us about these guys?

(Airship Pilot3) Pfff, yeah, well watch this. {Begins charging toward snake}

(Snake) Idiot, you fell right into a trap! {Grabs a rocket launcher from the dead soldier and fires a shot}

(Airship Pilot3) AAAAHHHH! {Ship explodes}

(Airship Pilots1&2) Man, this is gonna suck.

(Snake) Focus on the enemy rookies! {Launches another rocket}

(Airship pilots1&2) What t- {Ships explode}

(Snake) {Places the empty weapon on the ground and runs off to aid everyone else.}

[Banjo and Kazzoie are in pursuit by a large group of Goombas due to a recent, “mauling”, of one of their team mates]

(Banjo) What do we do Kazzoie?

(Kazzoie) Fly man! FLY!

[Banjo leaps as high toward the sky as he can and Kazzoie lifts them up from her backpack]

(Goomba) How is that possible!?!

(Another Goomba) I feel so sorry for that bird!

(Banjo) Kazzoie! Give me something to use!

(Kazzoie) {Hands Banjo a green colored egg with black squares on it.} Throw it Banjo!

[The brown bear being made airborne by Kazzoie throws the strange egg and it explodes inside the mass of Goombas]

(Airship Captain) Fleet watch yourselves, I am going in for the kill…

(Banjo) Land on it Kazzoie!

[Banjo and Kazzoie land on the Airship with a little pursuit and Banjo begins pounding on the wings of the airship.]

(Airship Captain) He won’t let go! Get him off of me SOMEONE!!!

(Banjo) {Climbs to the front of the airship and rips open the cockpit}

(Kazzoie) {Begins randomly firing eggs from her mouth into the cockpit}

(Airship Captain) AAAHHH! WHAT THE H***!?! EGGS!?!

[The Captain flies his airship into a four way intersection crushing other soldiers, Goombas, and Hammer Bros. with it]

(Banjo) Let’s go Kazzoie! {Flies away}

[Pikachu and Yoshi are fighting for their lives as they are surrounded by a cluster of space pirates]

(Space Pirate1) Nowhere to go little ones!

(All the others) AHAHAHAHA!

(Yoshi) {Launches his tongue out and pulls an unsuspecting pirate to a sticky fate.}

(Space pirate2) {While being pulled in} Kill it, KILL IT!!! {Gets eaten}

(Pikachu) PIKA, PIKACHUUUU!!! {Causes a small cloud of static energy to form around the area, striking random Space Pirates with lightning bolts}

(Pikachu) Pik pi Pikachu {Translation} We did it!}

[Wolf then flies to the scene and jumps out of his Wolfen to support the ground units.]

(Wolf) Hey you! Come and get some!

(Yoshi) {Launches his tongue out toward Wolf}

(Wolf) {Grabs the sticky projectile and blasts a plasma shot toward Yoshi, hitting him square between the eyes}

(Yoshi) {Falls down and Bursts into light green dots.}

[Pikachu, watching this event, runs behind a large block of concrete, hiding from Wolf}

(Wolf) Wretched pest… {Begins blasting random enemy soldiers one by one almost in execution style}

(Space Pirate) {Still burnt from Pikachu’s rampage} General O’Donnell, Please…Help me... {Grabs Wolf’s ankle}

(Wolf) Let go of me you pathetic weakling! {Kicks the Pirate in the neck, killing him instantly} Now…back to business. {Begins going on another killing spree.}

[Peppy is being followed by a large group of airships, and he cannot shake them]

(Peppy) Could someone help an old man in need please?

(Bill) Sure…ACK! There’s some behind me too!

[Mario Flies onto the scene wearing the wing cap and destroying the bad guys behind peppy with his mighty fist of justice]

(Peppy) Thanks Mario.

(Mario) No Problem!

[The group of enemys behind bill then begin firing at Mario]

(Mario) MAMA MIA!!! {Dodges a missile}Look out Peppy!!!

(Peppy) Huh? AAAAHHHH! {Ship is blown to pieces and Peppy explodes into grey dots}

(Bill) Not cool! {Goes in pursuit of the airships, blowing them up with a square hit from a bomb}

(Falco) Fox, your not gonna like this!

(Fox) What Falco? {Blows up an enemy soldier}

(Falco) Peppy has been shot down!

(Fox) ...Man, I knew he shouldn’t have gone out here. At least he could still be alive…

[We cut to the Great Fox where Peach and Zelda are attending some business on the ship.]

(Zelda) Come now princess, don’t hinder our progress now!

(Peach) Speak for yourself, running isn’t exactly my strength!

[Both look down the corridor inside of the interrogation room where, still tied tethered to the table, Ridley is roaring uncontrollably trying to escape.]



(Zelda) {Thinking} What a pathetic excuse for a ruler}

(R.O.B.) {Over the intercom} All hands on deck! All hands on deck!!!

[This was followed by a barrage of missiles and laser beams fired from the Great Fox into the side of an enemy battle cruiser.]

[Samus is having troubles of her own. Relying on the many various beams from her arm cannon, she is fighting off a massive war tank and it will now give up]

(Samus) Watch the birdie! {Fires a beam of light at a group of foes decimating them all}

(Soldier) Die you orange colored scum!!!! {Throws a grenade}

(Samus) Ah!

(Donkey Kong) ROAR!!! {Grabs the grenade and throws it back at the soldier, striking him in the shoulder, causing it to explode, he then hurls a large stone into another enemy squashing the poor sap]

(Diddy) HAHAHA!!! Throws an orange with a grenade pin on it toward a group of enemy Goombas.

(Goomba1) He has to be joking…

(Goomba2) I don’t think he is.

(Goomba1) What do you mean man, IT IS AN ORA---

(Kirby) {Runs in and eats a soldier, turning into a heavily armored Kirby with a machine gun.}

[Kirby goes “Scar Face” on the enemy recruits and spits the soldier back out hitting an airship, causing it to crash through the enemy line of defense]

[The citrus explosive then ignites and sends the Goombas into a torrent of molten fruit]

[The Lylat Battalion enters the war zone to support our heroes]

(Leader1) This is the leader of Nighttime Assassins, What is your status?

(Fox) In trouble!!!

(All the rest of the leaders) Let’s go!

(Leader2) It is time to stop Armageddon.

[A rush of ally airwings and other airship models fly through, yet it still isn’t enough. The enemy is rushing unrestrained throughout the battlefield and cannot be stopped.]

(Wolf) Even for their meager numbers, they are giving us a good fight. {Receives a message from his radio} Speak now!

(Leon) Leon here sir, I am land bound and fighting with my blaster.

(Wolf) What!? Leon? How did you survive?

(Leon) Well, I had ejected from my Wolfen and was floating around in space and this guy saved me.

(Wolf) Who exactly?

[But his question is answered. A green pipe emerges from the cement of the sidewalk and Waluigi surfaces from it wielding a laser wrist blade and a large one handed machine gun]

(Waluigi) I’M BACK BABY!!! {Runs right through a ground based battalion of soldiers from Kat’s fleet, killing them all with a pull of the trigger and a flick of his wrist}

(Kat) NO! That does it!!! {Attempts a shot at Waluigi}

(Waluigi) {Fires a bullet, hitting her plasma shot, stopping the attack all together} MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

(Link) You there!

(Waluigi) Huh?

(Link) Fight me like a warrior, no projectiles.

(Waluigi) Fine! {Drops machine gun and lunges toward Link}

[Link and Waluigi begin dueling with their swords. Luckily for Link, he has the Master Sword and mirror shield, making him able to defend against the laser weapon]

(Waluigi) Die you nuisance!!! {Throws plasma blade}

(Link) {Holds up his shield and blocks the thrown weapon, deflecting it in the general direction of Leon, who is taking pot shots at people from the roof tops}

(Leon) Whoa, now that’s too close for comfort. Die! {Fires a charged pistol shot at link}

[Link then does what he did before, reflecting the shot right back at him, and shooting him in the chest. Killing the green lizard once and for all, he then bursts into green dots]

[Link becomes surrounded in an alleyway with Mettaknight somehow and can’t run]

(Link) What happens now!?

(Metaknight) Throw me…

(Link) Say what?

(Metaknight) You heard right, THROW ME!!!

[Link picks up Metaknight tossing him into the enemy mass. Metaknight spreads his wings and sends a wave of black energy making all of the enemy vanish]

(Link) How did you…

(Metaknight) Ask questions later, KILL NOW!!!

[The enemy has nearly taken over the area and the team is loosing miserably.]

(Leader3) What is happening, I didn’t even know this many people even existed in the Lylat system.

(Kat) We can’t win. There are too many of them!

[Suddenly a humongous battle cruiser launches a giant nuclear missile heading strait toward the ground]

(Metaknight) {Thinking {I thought that thing was still in testing!}

[Metaknight spreads his wings and flies into the air. He sticks his sword into thin air and careens toward the earth ripping a giant portal to an unknown dimension]


[Every one of our heroes, except the deceased enter the portal, along with the Great Fox and Part of Kat, Bill, and Pepper’s fleets.]

[A message comes to Waluigi and Wolf by radio]

(Dark Figure) Follow them! Follow them now!!!

(Wolf) Yes sir! Waluigi, get in the ship!

(Waluigi) Let’s go man!

[Waluigi and Wolf barely make it into the portal before it closes. Leaving the doomed planet Corneria behind]


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 12

(On a far off dimension, on the planet Auir, a large fleet of Protoss, now led by Artanis, the youngest Executor ever, Zeratul, a banished Dark Templar now a hero of the Protoss, Fenix, a great warrior now bound within a Dragoon, and a small fleet of Terran, led by Jim Raynor, a renegade fighting for what is right. They are running towards a portal, leaving Auir. Now that the Overmind, destroyed by the noble Tassadar, is no more, the Zerg of Auir run rampant, killing all in their path.)

(Zeratul) Come my fellow warriors. On to the portal. These Zerg are no match for us.

(Artanis) Zeratul, you are close to the portal, and we have little time. We must make it to Shakuras before the portal can close.

(Zeratul) I am within reach of it. I see the Protoss base. Give me another minute.

(As he approaches, a large fleet of Zerg rampage into it. Fenix and Raynor, along with a small fleet, protect the portal at all costs.)

(Jim) Come on you slimy *******s!!! (Fires three quick shots into a Zergling)

(Fenix) Nice shot, but watch this. (Fires one huge shot straight into an Ultralisks head)

(Jim) Nice, very nice.

(Fenix) Thanks, I have been a solider for more than 500 years.

(Jim) Ok gramps, we have more coming our way. Wait, there’s Zeratul!

(Zeratul) Fenix, Raynor, we have to get into the portal now!

(Jim) I think we may hold them off while you guys escape.

(Zeratul) There is no time, you must come now! Artanis, we are on our way.

(Artanis) Hurry, the portal is almost closed. All of you, enter now!

(Fenix) On our way!

(And with that, our three heros enter the portal, where they all land on the homeworld of the Dark Templar, the forsaken Shakuras)

(Jim) So this is where you live. Pretty empty. Where are your boys?

(Zeratul) We have to search for them. They could be anywhere.

(Fenix) I have a bad feeling about this.

(Artanis) As do I Fenix.

(Our heroes, along with a small band of Protoss and Terran forces, embark on a journey to find the Dark Templar race.)

(Jim) We’ve been out here for hours, why are your people hiding?

(Zeratul) They sense something evil here. I feel it as well.

(Fenix) Wait, I see something in the distance. I recognize…Zerg!!!

(Artanis) What!?

(Zeratul) How was that possible?

(Fenix) But wait, they are fighting something I’ve never seen before. Raynor, there is a group of humans like yourself, but without guns. They seem to be using…swords. They are fighting alongside green figures with axes and purple skinned humans with long ears and bows.

(Jim) Well, if they hate the Zerg, they probably are good people. Let’s help them out!!

(Artanis) To battle my brethren!

(Meanwhile, the new races fight a creature they have never seen before)

(Female Voice) Thrall, what are these things?!

(Thrall) I don’t know Jaina, I’ve never before encountered such a beast. They fight with more fury then the undead, or even the demons. Furion, Tyrande, how are you holding up?

(Furion) Just fine…accursed beast, DIE!?

(Tyrande) Furion, my love, I sense something in the distance. They are coming towards us.

(Fenix) Die Zerg! For Adun! For Auir!

(And with that, the small Protoss and Terran force, combined with the Humans, Orcs, and Night Elves, quickly vanquished the small Zerg fleet.)

(Thrall) Thank you for your help. I thought we were going to die by those creature’s hands.

(Artanis) Yes, the Zerg can be quite troublesome.

(Jaina) What did you call them, Zerg you say!

(Zeratul) Yes, we were escaping through a portal to get away from those same creatures on our home planet, and yet, we find them here too.

(Furion) I have to ask you something, who are you guys?

(Fenix) I am Praetor Fenix. This is Artanis, Executor of this fleet of Protoss, and Zeratul, one of the Dark Templar leaders of this planet.

(Jim) Jim Raynor, Captain of the Terran forces.

(Jaina) Humans, just like us. I’m Jaina Proudmoore, Leader of the Human expedition. This is Thrall, Warchief of the Horde, the Orcs you see before you. And this is Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind, leader of the Night Elves.

(Fenix) How did you guys get here?

(Thrall) We were just finishing a large undead and demon army trying to get to the heart of our world, The World Tree.

(Furion) We were celebrating when suddenly our forces were sucked into a portal of some sort.

(Tyrande) And we ended up here. We traveled for hours trying to find someone when we were attacked by the Zerg.

(Zeratul) Well, our best bet is to find the Dark Templar and find out what is going on.

(Dark Templar) Sir, we have been observing these creatures until you showed up. It is good to see you.

(Zeratul) Ah, my brethren. Good to see you. Aiur has been overrun by the Zerg. We need to find shelter and house all these poor people.

(Dark Templar) Considering you are allied with them, I guess we can trust them.

(Tyrande) Furion…

(Furion) I hear it too. Battle stations everybody! Enemies are coming! Scout, what do you see.

(Scout) A large army of the Zerg, and not just them, but a bunch of Undead too!

(Thrall) They followed us. Ready yourselves Orcs!

(Zeratul) Go for reinforcements. Tell Razagal of our predicament.

(Dark Templar) Yes sir.

(Jim) Oh, this is going to be hectic. You ready Fenix?

(Fenix) As ready as I’ll ever be, Raynor.

(Scout) Their numbers exceed us, my lord.

(Furion) Then pray to the Gods we survive this.

(Jaina) Hold your positions. Let them come to us first.

(As the archers prepare themselves, the Marines loading their weapons, the Dragoons charging their guns, all becomes tense as the Undead and Zerg close in on them.)

(Furion) Hold, hold, HOLD!! Fire arrows, NOW!!

(Thrall) CHARGE!!

(Fenix) For Adun!

(Artanis) For Auir!

(Zeratul) For Tassadar!

(Jim) For the loved ones that have fallen to these creatures!

(Tons of arrows and shots are heard as they land upon the Zerg and Undead. The Necromancers raise their fallen comrades, as well as the Zerg as the 2 armies join forces)

(Jaina) Take that! (Summons a blizzard to wipe out a section)

(Thrall) Think that was impressive! (Summons chain lightning, which strikes multiple targets)

(Zeratul) You can’t fight what you can’t see, huh? (Slashes a skeleton in half)

(Fenix) Don’t get too cocky, there is too many of them! We need backup!

(Suddenly, a huge portal opens up. The two armies look to the side as thousands of ships and ground units pour out of the portal)

(Metaknight) How is everyone? What, a battle is taking place?

(Fox) Which side should we take?

(Metaknight) This is strange. Apparently, two worlds have been joined. You see the side with more technological advancements, and humans like Samus and Snake? There seems to be Protoss and Terrans against Zerg, which has Orcs, Humans, and Night Elves fighting Undead. These worlds have been joined. It is as I feared.

(Link) Who do we fight? I’m ready!

(Metaknight) The Zerg and Undead, the fleshier of the two.

(Fox) Ok, all ships, Corneria and the Lylat system is taken over. We must unite as one to take over a help those on this dimension. You were all summoned to help the Cornerian cause. Well now, you have a new cause. Are we ready to fight!

(All) Yes, Sir!

(Fox) Then let’s help those in need. Charge!

(Tyrande) They are on our side.

(Fenix) Good, we need all the help we can get.

(Jim) They have ships, those are a big help enough.

(Fox) Go, go, go!

(Sonic quickly speeds straight over to the battle, followed quickly by the Lylat fleet. They begin firing upon the Zerg forces in the air, while the ground troops take care of the Undead and Zerg on foot)

(Sonic) Take this! (Spins around a Zergling, punching the hell out of it)

(Fenix) Watch out for the Queens! Fire them before we are made Broodlings of them.

(Fox)(Through transmission) Hey, who is in command of this area?

(Artanis) I am, and we thank you for the help. Do you see those flying creatues landing parasites on people?

(Fox) Yea…

(Artanis) They are turning our units into monsters. Take care of them, and get the monsters in the air. We really need air support.

(Fox) On our way.

(Falco) Yee-hah, it feels good to be back in battle! Take…that! (Fires upon a Multalisk, as blood falls onto the Undead)

(Bill) Sure does. Take this! (Fires two missiles, which kill a bunch of ground units)

(Kat) Nice, but how about this! (Fires a plasma shot into a Guardian)

(Pepper) I haven’t been in a ship in so long. Boy it feels good.

(Necromancer) This is no time for feeding. Turn their armies against them. Use our powers to turn dead into Undead.

(Tons of fallen comrades turn into skeletons, who charge at our heros)

(Link) C’mon, I’ve faced tons of these guys before. (Link starts spinning in a wide circle, slicing the foes in half.)

(Banjo) Let’s give them a piece of our medicine (Banjo claws at the Necromancers and Kazooie throws eggs at the Devourers.)

(Metaknight) You haven’t seen anything yet. (Metaknight spreads his wings and strikes at the airborne units.

(Snake) Hey, what is your name.

(Jim) Jim Raynor, and yours?

(Snake) Solid Snake. Hand me a gun.

(Jim) Here, you know how to use one of those?

(Snake, with dead-eye accuracy, shoots down 5 Hydralisks and 3 Devourers, using only 6 bullets)

(Snake) Does it look like I can use one?

(Jim) Impressive, I look forward with working with you.

(Samus) Hey Snake, watch this. (Samus fires a few ice shots into the air. The frozen air units crash into the Undead army, killing all who come into the radius.)

(Jim) I will look forward with working with you too.

(Mario) Pikachu, climb on my back.

(Pikachu) Pika!

(Mario, with his acrobatic abilities, jumps high in the air, shooting fireballs into the ground, while Pikachu shocks all air units that come into contact.)

(At the same time, DK uses his huge muscles and pounds huge holes into the ground, causing huge earthquakes. Meanwhile, Diddy uses his jetpack and flies up into the air, using his peanut guns to blast away the Zerg)

(Necromancer) How are they beating us, attack even further, ATTA…

(Lucario) Shut your trap. Take…THIS!!! (Fires a Hyper Beam which obliterates all in it’s wake.)

(Metaknight) Kirby, use you’re sucking abilities!

(Kirby sucks in the Necromancer. He has the power of Necromancy, and uses it to control the skeletons. They march towards the opposing army and makes short work of them)

(Necromancer) RETREAT, they are too powerful!!

(Fox) We did it!

(Artanis) Thank you so much. We wouldn’t of survived if you hadn’t showed up. Now, we need to discuss thoroughly what has gone on.

(Wolf) We made it past the portal. What of our armies?

(Waluigi) I didn’t see them come with us.

(Suddenly, Link and Metaknight have Wolf and Waluigi cornered)

(Link) Your coming with us. You have no place to turn to.

(Waluigi) Boy, this sucks.

(Dark Templar) Zeratul, we have reinforcements, we…

(Zeratul) Don’t worry, we have bested them, thanks to an unknown help. Now, they have ships, so we need to take them to our base, and we need information. So come with us and lead us on.

(Dark Templar) Yes, Zeratul.

(Fox) Come onto my ship. We can discuss what has happened here and who everyone is.

(Artanis) Sounds good.

(Our heros, the Orc, Night Elf, Human, Terran, and Protoss army, along with the captured Wolf and Waluigi, take off in the Great Fox, with the Lylat fleet following close behind them)

(Zelda) Link, you made it out alright!

(Peach) As did you, Mario!

(ROB) Where is our next destination?

(Dark Templar) Here, follow this path to our base.

(Thrall) I know this is new to me, but I don't feel weird at all.

(Fox) Take off ROB.

(Artanis) Now, can any of you tell me what is going on?

(Metaknight) I believe I can explain everything.

Chapter 13

(Narrator) With our heroes now on the distant planet of Shakuras, the Dark Figure frantically searches for the whereabouts of our heroes.

(Mewtwo) Sir, are we interrupting?

(Ganondorf) We have new information for you.

(Dark Figure) Make it quick. I must search for them.

(Mewtwo) Sir, Wolf and Waluigi have been taken, and they seem to have inside help from Metaknight.

(Dark Figure) I know what has come to past. Leave me, I must find which dimension they have been transported to.

(Ganondorf) Yes, my lord.

(Narrator) Looking through multiple computers, the villains leave, to check upon the prisoners.

(Wario) Why am I in here? I don’t belong in here! I am a high appointed general! I…

(Bowser) HEY, SHUT UP!!!

(Wario) No, you shut up!

(Panther) Why don’t you both quiet down. I have an extremely large headache.

(Yoshi) Yo, Yosh, Waaa! Yoshi! (What is this place anyway?)

(Krystal) This is where the dead are taken. Unfortunately, that is all we know, as of now.

(Luigi) I miss Mario.

(Slippy) I miss our crew.

(Krystal) I hope they are not too worried about us.

(Gruntilda) They probably don’t even care anymore. I bet your lover found someone else.

(Leon) You know, that is a lot of talk coming from someone as ugly as you are.

(Gruntilda) Hey, I was commanding armies before you were even born, you little whelp.

(Leon) Yeah, and look where you ended up!

(Peppy) Well, this would be more enjoyable if these clowns weren’t around.

(Falcon) Hey, I bet they are thinking of a way to get us out.

(Dark Figure) I wish them well then. No one knows how to get here. And you can’t escape. These pods are nearly indestructible. Now quiet down in there. I have work to do. {Quickly scans over his computer screens and smiles} Ahh, here we go. Mewtwo, Ganondorf, get the men ready. I have found them. And apparently, they have help from another dimension. Perfect. We strike now.

(Krystal) Nearly?

(Narrator) We cut to the Great Fox. Metaknight has explained everything to Artanis and Thrall, while they in turn did the same thing. They are on a direct course to the Dark Templar base.

(Fox) Now, we got everything clear now?

(Artanis) I still can’t believe this is all happening.

(Thrall) How did our worlds collide anyway?

(Metaknight) One of the plans of my former master was to invade all dimensions, and to do that, he must of combined some dimensions to conquer them a lot faster. Luckily we came before your world was overrun.

(Zeratul) Unbelievable. Templar, how close are we to the base.

(Dark Templar) We are only a few hundred miles away.

(ROB) But we are running low on fuel.

(Zeratul) There is a vespene geyser only a few miles from here, along with some minerals we can mine. We can stop there to refuel.

(Fox) Great. Snake, how are you and Lucario doing on those masks?

(Snake) We have almost all of the bad taint off of it. It should be ready in no time.

(Falco) Fox, you need to come to the interrogation room now.

(Narrator) Both rush quickly to the interrogation room, where Ridley is being held, along with the captured Wolf and Waluigi.

(Wolf) Hey Fox, I am willing to make you a deal. If the price is willing.

(Pepper) What is it, you cur.

(Wolf) Shut up, old man. I am willing to join your cause, if I get a huge sum and am no longer branded a villain of the Lyalt system, along with my crew.

(Fox) Wait, how did you know they were still alive?

(Wolf) I was a commanding officer. I know a little about what is going on.

(Falco) I don’t think we should trust him.

(Metaknight) He is a bounty hunter like me. He was hired to do his job. I think we should trust him. He could give us valuable information.

(Fox) Looking at our circumstances, I guess we have no choice.

(Waluigi) Traitor to the cause!

(Wolf) Hey, I was only in it for the fame. I can help you with one thing. Those masks. I know how they work. Take me to them, and I can help you.

(Falco) I still think this is bad.

(Fox) Well, we need to go to the mechanical hanger. Let’s see how far they have gotten.

(Narrator) Meanwhile, on another part of the hangar.

(Samus) Thought I would hang with you girls for a while.

(Tyrande) Yes, you are more then welcome to join us.

(Zelda) Yeah, we never get to talk.

(Kat) Yeah, tell us your story.

(Jaina) It would be nice to learn everyone’s story.

(Peach) Mario told me you were a bounty hunter, is that correct?

(Samus) Yes, I am also infused with Chozo blood, a race that kept me alive as a child.

(Zelda) Why did you become a bounty hunter?

(Samus) The Space Pirates killed off my parents, and I guess I just wanted to make sure nothing like that would happen again.

(Zelda) And Tyrande, what is your story?

(Tyrande) Well, when I was young, an evil queen tried to use magic to her advantage. We obtained it when our race was born. We overthrew her minions and the demons she summoned using Furion’s druid powers. He has been asleep since that time, for 10,000 years. Only recently have we awakened them to overthrow the demons that came back.

(Kat) How about you Jaina?

(Jaina) My father was a general commander in the second army against the horde. I became a sorceress, and one of the best. But Arthas, Prince of Lorderon, became corrupt with saving his land that he lost his soul. I fled and met up with Thrall, where we were told to help stop the demons.

(Peach) Can you teach us…to fight like you? We really want to help out everyone.

(Samus) I can do that. We need all the help we can get.

(Zelda) Tyrande and Jaina, I would like to learn your ways. I know a little about sorcery, but not a whole lot.

(Jaina) It would be nice to have another sorceress.

(Tyrande) I will be happy to do that, young one. How about you, Kat?

(Kat) I can cover you girls in the air.

(Narrator) Meanwhile, in the mechanic hangar…

(Fox) What progress have you guys made?

(Lucario) Well, I know you can’t understand some of your comrades, so I decided to put translation devices on them, so you can understand what Pikachu, Kirby, and DK are talking about. As for the masks, not much since you last asked. We have drained all the evil out, so we can use the Fierce Deity Mask.

(Fox) Great. That can help us out big time.

(Snake) Unfortunately, Majora is a bigger obstacle to overcome.

(Wolf) The secret to unlocking Majora, is my shaman and druid powers. They are the only forms pure enough to make it turn good.

(Falco) Who the hell has those types of powers!?

(Thrall) I believe I can help. As can Furion. We both have those powers.

(Fox) Are you serious!? This is perfect!

(ROB) We have now entered the site. We will land and refuel.

(Fox) Ok, all hands on deck, we need to take some gas and refuel our ship and mine some crystals. We need resources to live here. Thrall and Furion, I want you stay aboard and work on those masks. Metaknight, help them out as much as you can. Princesses, stay aboard. Tyrande, Kat, Jaina, and Samus, stay behind too. Everyone else…we need to get going as fast as we can.

(Zeratul) Wait, there seem to be a few figures on the ground.

(Narrator) As the Great Fox landed, Zeratul noticed most of the figures were Dark Templar, but three figures he did not recognize.

(Fenix) Who are you three?

(Human) My name does not matter. Where am I?

(Metaknight)(From ship) He is the Prince of Persia. He does not like to mention his name. The Terran should know of Persia on their home planet, Earth.

(Marine) Hey, yeah we learned this in school, an ancient civilization in the B.C. era.

(Firebat) NERD!

(Metaknight) He is an excellent swordsman, and very acrobatic.

(Link) I bet I can beat you. We should train and see who is best.

(Prince of Persia) I look forward to it.

(Zeratul) Well, who are the other two?

(Leon) Hi, my name is Leon S. Kennedy. I am a special agent to the President of the U.S. I was on a daring mission when I was suddenly transported here.

(Rayman) I’m Rayman. I was also on a mission, I guess a more bizarre one, when I was also transported here.

(Metaknight) You three come aboard. I will tell you everything.

(Narrator) And with that, the three entered the Great Fox. Metaknight explained everything to them, and told them that they should help with the mining. Pikachu used his electric abilities to blast chunks of the crystals off, while Raynor, Sonic, and DK carried it onto the ship. Probes helped as well, along with the SCVs. Probes brought in an Assimilator to mine the gas, which everyone else was doing. When half of it was gone, a huge shadow overtook the area.

(Fenix) I sense the Zerg are nearby.

(Jim) Not now. We still haven’t recuperated from the last battle.

(Artanis) We must stand our ground. We can win this.

(Fox) Lylat fleet, man your ships, we have some enemies to take care of.

(Falco) C’mon Fox, Bill, let’s man our ships.

(Bill) This keeps getting better and better.

(Narrator) Three dark figures over shadow the battlefield. Both have an evil look in their eye.

(Female voice) Are you ready to take down some little pests, Arthas?

(Arthas) C’mon Kerrigan, I was born ready.

(Metal Pirate) I’m ready to take them down.

(Arthas) Be calm Razorbeard. Our attack will commence soon.

(Kerrigan) Then let’s do this and get it over with.

(Fox) Battle stations everybody. ROB, scan the area.

(ROB) There is an estimate of about 5,000 units as opposed to our 2,000.

(Link) You guys ready?

(Pikachu) As ready as I’ll ever be.

(Sonic) I’m ready to kick some serious butt.

(DK) Who wants a piece of me!?

(Kirby) Alright!

(Kerrigan) Zerg, press forward and take them down!

(Arthas) Undead, kill them and add to your numbers. Be as fierce as you can! Charge!

(Razorbeard) Pirates, Hoodlums, and…bunnies…

(Rabbids) YEAH!

(Razorbeard) Ok…CHARGE!

(Fox) Blast off, attack!

(Narrator) As the armies charged toward each other, Jaina saw in the distance Arthas. They talked to each other by mind.

(Jaina) Arthas, I can’t believe you are here.

(Arthas) Jaina, so naïve. You will fall before the might of our army.

(Jaina) How could you let that happen to you? You look horrible.

(Arthas) I am a changed man. For no longer am I the once noble Arthas you know of. I am now King of the Undead, of the Frozen Throne.

(Jaina) What, that’s impossible. We killed off the Burning Legion!

(Arthas) You see Jaina, you were taken at a different point in time. I became King after you accomplished it. I know Furion is with you, so you can tell him that his brother, Illidan, is no more.

(Jaina) You *******.

(Narrator) Both armies suddenly clashed!

(Snake) You think you can boss me around. (Slashes at a Ghouls neck)

(Leon) Hurry, jump off of me. (Snake jumps off of Leon, shooting down Multalisks, while Leon uses a Rocket Launcher to blast away some Hoodlums.)

(Snake) Nice shot.

(Leon) Nice shot yourself.

(Jim) Mario, watch out! (Fires a bomb straight into a Pirate)

(Mario) Thanks. (Fires a fireball straight into a pack of bunnies, who scream in terror)

(Rayman) Nice shot, but watch this. (Fires a huge blast from his palm into a Necromancer)

(Mario) Hey, how do you…

(Rayman) I’ll tell you about my limbs later.

(Razorbeard) Should we send in the next wave and go in?

(Arthas) Yes, we have given them plenty of exercise.

(Razorbeard) I’m going in.

(Kerrigan) Let’s kick some ***.

(Kirby) Pikachu, I need cover.

(Pikachu) Right away! Thunder! (Unleashes a huge lightning strike into a bunch of Zerglings, while Kirby sucks in a Hyrdralisk)

(Kirby) Cool, acid spit!

(Pikachu) Wow, I wouldn’t look in a mirror if I was you.

(Kirby) Sound advice. (Spits acid into an Undead’s face, who screams in agony)

(Pepper) Bill, get these guys off of me!

(Bill) On my way. (Fires shots into a band of Devourers)

(Pepper) Thanks.

(Kerrigan) Let’s see how he likes a psionic storm! (Summons a fury of lightning strikes)

(Pepper) I can’t see…losing…I…krzzt…zz.zzz. (Pepper’s ship blows up, and all that is left is a bunch of dots that disappear quickly.

(Bill) No, Fox, Pepper is gone!

(Fox) Don’t worry Bill, we’ll see him again.

(Falco) I’m going on the ground. I need some foot work. (Lands his Arwing and pulls out a blaster.)

(Wolf) Show me what you got you little creep. (Fires a shot into a Zergling’s head) Too easy.

(Narrator) Meanwhile, on the ship.

(Lucario) We did it! Now what?

(Metaknight) We put it on Ridley. You guys go and help everyone.

(Thrall, Furion, and Lucario go outside and fight with everyone else. Metaknight goes into the interrogation room.)

(Metaknight) Don’t fight this Ridley. We need your help.

(Narrator) And with quick speed, he puts Majora’s Mask onto Ridley. It sinks into his body, and now is controlled by Metaknight. He tells him to go help and fight. He notices Waluigi is asleep. He quickly goes to the Princesses’ room, where none of the girls are. He then notices that some of the mech-suits and Kat’s ship are gone. He then goes outside to help his comrades)

(Link) Ok, show me what you got, Prince.

(Prince of Persia) With pleasure. (The Prince quickly jumps over a Hoodlum, slicing him in half. Link starts doing flips, then does his trademark spin attack. The Prince leaps off of Link and slices multiple Zerglings in half. He then swings Link the air, who then takes out the Megaton Hammer, who pounds it into the ground near skeletons, who crumble into the dust)

(Link) I like your style.

(Prince of Persia) As do I.

(Zelda) Watch out Link! (Link jumps out of the way, while Zelda fires a shot of ice into a pack of Ghouls)

(Link) Zelda! What are you doing here!

(Zelda) Jaina taught me some sorcery, and Peach can use a mech-suit. We were taught to fight, and I am not leaving you here to die.

(Link) We’ll talk about this later. I’ll protect you as much as I can.

(Zelda) I will do the same.

(Peach) Mario, duck! (Fires a missle into a Guardian)

(Mario) Peach, how did you manage to use such equipment like that?

(Peach) Samus, now I can help you!

(Mario) I don’t know if you should…

(Samus) She is plenty capable. I taught her you know.

(Mario) Just watch yourself. I’ll keep you safe. (Jumps up and kicks a rabbid away)

(Leon) Man, these guys won't quit! (Fires a shot straight between a Ghoul's eye)

(Snake) Trust me, you'll get used to it. (Fires a shot into a Zergling's head)

(Arthas) This is getting annoying. Ahh, the perfect target. (Shoots a green skull from his sword, straight towards Sonic)

(Sonic) NOOOOO!!! (Disappears into a million dots)

(Jaina) Arthas, it is time you laid down and died like the cur you are.

(Arthas) Don’t make me hurt you Jaina. (Fires the same skull, but Jaina is blasted back near the Great Fox)

(Razorbeard) Nice shot. Wait, where is Kerrigan?

(Arthas) Coward ran away. No matter. We can do well without you.

[Yet another transmission is given to the enemy general’s side]

(Dark figure) Arthas.

(Arthas) Yes my master!

(Dark figure) I am sending more reinforcements. We shall overtake them.

(Arthas) Yes my lord.

(Diddy) What are we going to do DK?

(DK) Don’t worry little buddy, just keep pounding them into the dust!

(Diddy) Yeah, we can do this! (Suddenly, a huge Ultralisk knocks Diddy back near Jaina, and takes DK away) No…D…K…

(Ridley) I can see clearly now that what you guys are doing is wrong. You will die for what you have done. (Fires a huge plasma blast, which engulfs a crowd of Hoodlums)

(Narrator) Suddenly, a portal opens up. Goombas, Koopas, Kremlings, Octoroks, Metroids, Space Pirates, and the same warships in Corneria start entering the battlefield.

(Fox) No, they found us!

(Bill) What should we do!

(Fox) Just hold them off! We can do this!

(Narrator) Thousands of ships bombard the area. As hard as they tried, many did not survive long.

(Falco) We are being overrun! (Arthas pops up behind him and thrusts his sword straight into Falco’s chest) Ah..ah..oh..ahhh…….(Disappears into a million dots)

(Link) You *******!

(Prince of Persia) Let’s get him!

(Metaknight) Right with you!

(Kat) No, Falco!

(Narrator) Link, Metaknight, and the Prince rushed towards Arthas. All three ganged up on him, but Arthas easily blocked each attack. Many Undead rushed to Arthas’ aid, while Protoss rushed to help our heroes. Each quickly were slew down by the one they were fighting. Metaknight used his wings to swing around and strike in the back, the Prince used his speed to strike at the sides, while Link used a frontal assault.)

(Arthas) Give up, you know you can’t win!

(Jaina) Think again Arthas! (Strikes her staff right into his heart, while the other three quickly thrust their swords into him)

(Arthas) Muhahaha, HAHAHA!! You can’t kill me, I’m the King of the UNDEAD! (Thrusts a huge beam of energy out from himself, which causes all four to be thrown back into another spot)

(Razorbeard) Excellent, now we can assault the Great Fox and…zzt..krtz..zzz.zz. (Disappears into a million dots)

(Rayman) Not this time.

(Mario) Or any time.

(Fox) I don’t think we can hold them off for longer. We have to find some way to retreat!

(Kirby) Their too strong! No, let go of me, help MEEE!! (Is carried away by a Zergling)

(Bill) Can’t hold them off much longer, thrusters out, crap…WATCH OUT KAT!! (Bill’s plane is shot down, and crashes into Kat’s. Both disappear into a million dots)

(Banjo) Let go of me, get your dirty hands off of me, Kazzoie, RUN!! (As Kazooie flies off, Banjo is taken by Hydralisks)

(Kazooie) Take this you dirty pieces of slime! (Shoots eggs at the Hydralisks, which pisses them off. They spit acid into her face, and she disappears into a million dots)

(Fox) We are losing too many units! Somebody think of a plan!

(Furion) Wait, I have one. My love, we have to do this.

(Tyrande) I know. Fox, we need a few people to block us while we do this. Everyone else should evacuate and find a different settlement. This is going to be hectic, and no one in this vicinity will make it out alive.

(Fox) But…

(Furion) Don’t worry, you can save us later.

(Fox) Alright, all men who are willing to die for the cause, stay behind and protect them while we escape.

(Thrall) My horde, may the Gods be with you, go and protect these people. I know you will be rewarded.

(Grunt) Yes, Warchief.

(Fox) Quickly, get Jaina, Link, the Prince, Diddy, and Metaknight. Everyone back to the ship! ROB, are we refueled?

(ROB) Yes.

(Fox) Then get ready for takeoff. We leave now! Wolf…aren’t you coming?

(Wolf) Go on pup. I have to do this for myself. I think this will make me a hero. Go on...and save our dimension.

(Fox) Wolf, thank you.

(Wolf) Don’t get mushy on me pup.

(Furion) Go and protect us, give us a little time!

(Tyrande) Hold them off…we must charge this attack. May Elune be with us my love.

(Wolf) You heard them, take out whoever you can!

(Arthas) Come my Undead, we won’t linger here any longer.

(Fox) Is everyone here?

(Snake) As far as I know, yes.

(Fox) Then let’s take off.

(Furion) Almost there…

(Wolf) Die you miserable creatures.

(Fox) How much fuel do we have?

(Zeratul) Enough to make it to the Templar base.

(Samus) I’m ready to leave this hell-hole.

(Furion) Almost there…

(Wolf) Ha HA! Thought you could take on Wolf O’Donnell, eh?

(Pikachu) I’m scared Diddy.

(Diddy) I just hope those taken are still alive.

(Furion) Almost there…

(Wolf) DIE YOU MISERABLE *******S!

(Grunt) FOR THE HORDE!!!

(Furion) AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

(Tyrande) AHHHHHHH!!!

(Wolf) AHHHHHH!!!

(Narrator) Fox looked down at the site where they were channeling a huge power. Suddenly, all was engulfed by a huge cloud of smoke, as it got bigger and bigger. A bright light shined into the Great Fox and the ships following it. A loud BANG was heard. When all was done and over with, nothing was left, but a huge smoldering crater. A tear rolled down Fox’s cheek, as all his friends have died. The sacrifices made would be avenged, he vowed to himself.

(Fenix) What are we to do now Zeratul?

(ROB) Incoming transmission.

(Razagal) Hello Zeratul.

(Zeratul) Razagal, I am honored to hear from you.

(Razagal) How far are you from our location.

(Zeratul) Not very. We were overrun by the Zerg.

(Razagal) Zerg, here?

(Zeratul) Yes, they followed us from Auir. What can we do?

(Razagal) There is a way. We must activate the Xel’Naga Temple and use it to obliterate the Zerg forces. But to do that, we must find two crystals, the Uraj and Khallos. I know the location of one of the crystals, but unfortunately I don’t know the location of the other.

(Female voice) Perhaps I can be of assistance?

(Jim) Who is that?

(Female Voice) (Coming out of the shadows) Why, don’t you recognize me Jim?

(Jim) Kerrigan!

(Zeratul) What are you doing here wench!

(Kerrigan) I can help, but only if you let me.

(Artanis) Why should we?

(Kerrigan) Because I know the location of the other.

(Artanis) Why should we trust you Zerg!

(Kerrigan) Because when you destroyed the Overmind, I could see clearly again, I wasn’t an agent of the Zerg. I am myself again.

(Zeratul) You still have Zerg blood in you.

(Razagal) But we will still need her help. She knows the location of the other crystal.

(Zeratul) Although I don’t like this, I trust your judgment Matriarch Razagal.

(Kerrigan) Good. Now, I don’t believe I have the pleasure of meeting your friends. What odd creatures they are.

(Fox) Your one of them. I don’t trust you, even if we have to.

(Mario) This doesn’t feel right.

(Peach) She isn’t bunking with me.

(Kerrigan) Clever…what an odd bunch you have here.

(Pikachu) Odd?! Speak for yourself.

(Lucario) I don’t feel right about this.

(Zeratul) We have no choice. We’ll need her to get through this.

(ROB) Entering the Dark Templar base.

(Narrator) All look out, and see the Templar base, home of the Matriarch Razagal, and the Xel’Naga Temple. All are in awe of it’s beauty, and know they can rest for a while. They have a long search ahead of them and realize the danger they are all now in.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 14​

(Narrator) We return to our story again in the Dark Templar city of New Antioch on Shakuras. Our heroes had just destroyed a large number of enemys and lost a great quantity of friends. Although cheerfulness seems to be in short supply, they are safe, for the moment.

(Metaknight) Thank you Razagal, your generosity is highly appreciated in this time of dire need.

(Razagal) None at all, we know that any that oppose the Zerg and are friends to the Dark Templar allegiance, need no excuse to stay in our city.

(Samus) It’s good to know we are at least amongst friends.

(Snake) So what happens next?

(Leon) What do you mean by that?

(Snake) Well, the last time we just rushed into a battle we had know idea about we lost a ton of reinforcements.

(Mario) Yeah, I still have acid burns in my overalls from those Hydraks or whatever their called.

(Metaknight) It seems like all of you need proper savvy of the enemys you are about to experience. It won’t take long though, because you would be wise to remember it all very quickly.

(Samus) When will this start?

(Metaknight) As soon as possible would be the best choice. {Yells out to everyone} Anyone who has worked for my former master or knows a ton about the trails ahead, stay here, everybody else come with me.

[So Metaknight takes a large group of people into the planning chambers to educate them in the ways of the Zerg, showing them how to avoid attacks, weaknesses, breeding tactics, the MANY different species of Zerg, and how they came to be. But while this was happening.]

(Jim Raynor) Jeez, it feels good to get out of that vulture every once in a while.

(Fenix) What a strange turn of events this has been Raynor.

(Jim Raynor) It seems like the fates continue their attempts to end ours eh?

(Artanis) It would seem that way, but, what happens when they leave?

(Jim Raynor) We just keep on-a trekking.

(Fenix) Doesn’t this whole thing about universal domination seem, suspicious? I think, this one great ruler who has managed to take over all their universes, may have come to ours to invade next. And us being barely able to fight against the Zerg alone, from what I have heard about this problem they are having, we won’t be able to handle it…

(Artanis) You may be right; in fact, defeating this man could be the key to destroying the Zerg!

(Jim Raynor) And if he isn’t?

(Fenix) Then we die knowing we saved millions of others from the same fate as us…

(Jim Raynor) I ain’t so sure about this gramps, all we have fought for, all we know, would be lost forever, just to help a group of strangers we have only known for half a day.

(Artanis) Just remember Raynor; you humans were strangers exactly like them. And we too went out of our way to help your kind when you were in need.

(Jim Raynor) *Sigh* I guess your right…

[Metaknight and his group of “Students” return from the planning chambers.]

(Metaknight) I think they now know enough about the problems ahead. So, shall we make our search parties?

(Razagal) Parties

(Metaknight) Yes, I have thought about this subject for quite some time, and it seems that defending the temple a very high priority. So, I have decided that we should send half of our men to defend this temple and the other half to get the two crystals for which to power it. We should have no trouble at all getting them here, besides the Zerg and everyone else on our tails that is.

(Zelda) Ok then, who shall embark on the quest to retrieve these crystals?

(Ray Man) And exactly what will the people be doing that stay here, sit on their butts and hope for the best?

(Metaknight) Well, since we do not know who has “Battle Superiority” we will just have to choose amongst ourselves. And now to your question, normally the Zerg are horrible at strategic planning, only good at sneaking and killing if you will. But since they are under the command of a new leader, they will probably come here to stop our plot.

[For many hours the group splits themselves up into two parties, one to stay, and one to go…]

(Metaknight) Alright…Fenix, Raynor, Razagal, Samus, Rayman, Mario, Zelda, Diddy Kong, Jaina, Peach, Lucario, and myself have decided to stay and defend the temple. Everyone else will be going on to search for the Uraj and the Khalis.

(Mario) Ok then, LETS-A-GO!

(Kerrigan) Wait a tic. I have news for you.

(Artanis) What do you want now?

(Kerrigan) Just to let you know, I have no idea where the other crystal is.

(Artanis) You lied to us, WHY!?!

(Kerrigan) Just to gain your trust, oh and here is some worse news, the Overmind has returned.

(Fenix) YOU LIE! We killed the Overmind long ago!

(Kerrigan) That is true, but there is ANOTHER being formed as we speak.

(Metaknight) This changes our plans, we must stop this Overmind from being made so as to keep our futures in tact. Razagal, arm your men and get the pilots ready. We must stop this infestation before it begins!

(Metaknight) The team that is going on the hunt, be on your way, we can handle this job.

[So our heroes return to action and go to the center of New Antioch to gather the dark templar, and to defeat the Overmind, this is where we meet them again, on the hunt for the Zerg.]

(Razagal) Scout, go scope that mountain range and tell me what you see.

(Scout) Yes sir.

(Razagal) I hope Kerrigan isn’t lying about this as well, she seems the type that would save her own skin, at he price of anyone’s life.

(Jim Raynor) The Zerg are all the same, there ain’t no changing that.

(Fenix) Winged one, have your warriors been armed yet?

(Metaknight) They have been ready to do this for hours.

(Scout) Sir! The Zerg are in fair amounts. I have also detected the presence of several Zerg cerebrates within the vicinity.

(Fenix) Then it is true… They must be planning to combine to create the new Overmind.

(Jim Raynor) D*** they’re just like ghosts; ya can’t kill them off!

(Lucario) Death comes to us all, why should they be any different?

[The team of “exterminators” is lead to the range of mountains overlooking the Zerg Colony.]

(Zelda) Good lord…that is awful...

(Jaina) Not as bad as undead, but pretty close.

(Diddy) What are we going to do exactly?

(Peach) {Sees a couple of Zerglings tear into a dead protoss warrior} ACK! {Looks away}

(Metaknight) Typical Zerg behavior, but where are the cerebrates?

[He is silenced as four giant worms crawl into view from a Nydus Canal.]

(Ray Man) Now THAT is disgusting!

(Cerebrate1) Has the time come?

(Cerebrate2) Nearly, soon the time will come to receive what is rightfully ours, that fool they call master won’t even know what’s coming.

(Cerebrate3) Shall we complete the fusion?

(Cerebrate2) As soon as we have enough brood to keep us safe.

(Cerebrate4) Excellent…

(Metaknight) Ah, so my master WAS right.

(Jim Raynor) About what?

(Metaknight) He suspected that the Zerg armies were going to rebel. I guess they were waiting until a new Overmind was made to do it.

(Mario) So you’re saying they are good?

(Metaknight) Far from it! I suspect they plan to infest my master’s main base and take over the universes for themselves, but they are in for a rude awakening. Not only because of us, but because they have no chance in the devils home of defeating him.

(Samus) Then we should strike while they are not expecting it.

(Metaknight) Do not be so quick to judge, scan those mounds of soil.

(Samus) {Scans the chosen area} What are those?

(Metaknight) Lurkers…I didn’t tell you about them because I thought these Zerg weren’t evolved enough to do so.

(Lucario) Ok then, spill it. What do these creatures do?

(Razagal) I can explain this… {Rolls a boulder within the wake of the lurkers}

[Once this is done, the large rock is torn to pieces by a variety of spikes coming from the ground.]

(Zeratul) That is what a lurker does…

(Samus) I got it! {Launches a beam of ice toward the ground and all hear a series of shrieks and gurgles}

(Metaknight) Good thing they were posted far away from the main base.

(Samus) {Scans area again} That’s all of them.

(Marine1) THAT WAS AWSOME!!!

(Marine2) I need to get me one of them suits!

(Marine3) That dude is sweet.

(Knight Elf) What form of sorcery is this?

(Grunt) Who cares as long as the job gets done?

(Jim Raynor) Enough chit chat lets get this over with!

(Rayman) Ok then… {Throws a fist toward a Hydralisk and hitting him from a distance of about 100 yards}

[At this point in time the Zerg are wondering what the heck is going on. But still continue with their business.]

(Kerrigan){Over Radio} If you keep doing THAT you will be seen and killed very quickly.

(Peach) Haven’t you caused enough trouble already?

(Kerrigan){Over Radio} Ah, but I may be able to help you yet…You see, that canal they just came out of has two entrances on the other side, the one I speak of hasn’t been used in quite some time, you may find some dispatches down there, but nothing worse than Zerglings.

(Fox) What makes you think we can trust you after what you did in New Antioch?

(Kerrigan){Over Radio} Because you have no other choice…

(Diddy) Fine, but you had better not be lying again. {Readies his weapon.}Time to sneak in boys.

(Peach, Zelda, Razagal, and Jaina) {Angry look}

(Diddy) I mean, people.

[So Kerrigan leads the group over radio chat to an old Nydus Canal that is covered in the webs of some kind.]

(Zelda) This place has quite a spider problem…

(Kerrigan){Over Radio} Spiders? That’s fungus. It’s a sign that the membrane of the creep is growing past its use.

(Peach) Membrane?

(Kerrigan){Still over radio…} Look down…

[Peach and the rest of the women do this and see something they don’t like.]

(Peach) ITS SKIN!!! *AUGH*

(Zelda) Let’s just get this over with…*gag*

(Metaknight) Watch for Broodlings, they tend to populate these kinds of areas quite often.

(Lucario) I can’t sense any other forms of life down here.

(Diddy) Then that makes our strategy much easier to follow.

[The team continues through the Nydus Canal and tears through some transparent wall leading up to the surface. They are looking up above the ground slightly and are spying on the Zerg cerebrates.]

(Metaknight) Ok, Dark Templar. You all need to sneak up to the combining Cerebrates, take the few remaining Ghosts with you for backup. Marines and Firebats, you need to keep the rest of them off of their tails. The rest of us will do the same.

[The Zerg are startled as a large enemy army rushes out of their Nydus Canal. The Marines and Firebats spread out into small groups and begin causing havoc, as does our team of heroes. This allows the Dark templar and a few choice Ghost backups to destroy the Zerg cerebrates.]

(Marine) YEEEEHAW!!! Die you filthy freaks of nature!!!

(Firebat) Need a light? {Sends a blazing inferno through a small group of Hydralisks}

(Zelda) Now to test that trick you taught me Jaina. {Blasts a large ball of blue light toward a dead Zergling, changing it into a bomb of red energy, destroying all the other enemys within the surrounding area}My, that could be useful later…

(Jaina) Let the master show you how its done. {Raises her staff and summons a golem of water charging into a Zerg evolution chamber, smearing it into paste}

(Mario) Rayman!!! Jump on! {Puts on wing cap}

[Rayman leaps onto his back and Mario bounds into the air.]

(Rayman) Go down some; I want a direct shot at that Ultralisk.

(Mario) Dive, Dive, DIVE! {takes a nose dive downward and pulls up leaving about 30 feet from them and their target.} NOW!

[Rayman Throws his fist toward the large elephant type creature hitting it in just the right spot on the forehead, stunning it and causing it to roll over on top of a group of grounded Mutalisks.]

(Diddy) Eat it! {Throws an orange, blowing up a hatchery}

(Peach) Yuck, just die already!!! {Pulls a Turnip from some random patch of ground and throws it at a Hydralisk.}

(Hydralisk) {Shrieks and falls to the ground}

(Razagal) You should have brought more equipment princess. Stand aside! {Launches a ball of energy, killing a large group of enemys in the blink of an eye}

[Raynor is being chased by a large group of Broodlings]

(Jim Raynor) Hehehe, Think it’s over ladies? {Drops a spider mine and annihilating the whole group}

(Fenix) Alright, feel the pain. POWER OVERWHELMING!!! {Emits a series of purple waves causing the earth to crack and killing an Ultralisk while the earth reassembles}

(Samus) I’ve had it! {Throws a blue grapple beam, using her selected enemy as a flail, squashing multiple Zerglings}

(Marine) Yeah! That’s how it’s done, YOU ROCK MAN!!!

(Metaknight) Keep fighting men! They are on the run!

(Cerebrate1) What is happening! We are being defeated!!!

(Cerebrate3) Hurry we must combine to create the new Overmind!

[The group of cerebrates huddle together and form a large cocoon]

(Metaknight) NOW TEMPLAR!!!

(Cocoon) WHAT!?!

(Dark Templar) Die!

[The group of Dark Templar make themselves known and surround the large cocoon, as they all put their swords in a “hold back” fashion]

(Dark Templar) Ready? NOW!!!

[The surrounding units all thrust their swords into the cocoon making it bleed an odd blue liquid, thus killing the future Overmind, and keeping the future of New Antioch safe. Our heroes return to the temple and rest after this day of stressful events]


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Chapter 15

(In low orbit in the Great Fox over the planet Braxis, a small band of units anxiously await to land and find the Uraj and Khalis and kill off the Zerg menace on Shakuras. Fox is ready to give the signal to land, when an urgent call is heard)

(ROB) Incoming transmission.

(Fenix) We just destroyed the Cerebrates on Shakuras, and have taken the Xel’Naga Temple back from the Zerg. Now that the Cerebrates are dead, the new Overmind cannot be formed! Victory for Au….

(Kerrigan) What do you mean the Overmind cannot be formed? It already is alive, breathing on Char.

(Jim) Wait, you told us that the Cerebrates were forming to make a new Overmind.

(Kerrigan) I did Jimmy. Daggoth, the leading Cerebrate, and a few renegades formed a new Overmind on Char. The ones you destroyed were a few of the renegades trying to take over Shakuras for them.

(Fenix) So we haven’t stopped the Overmind from being made?

(Kerrigan) Far from it. You basically pissed them off, so I suggest you hold that temple, cause a whole lot of Zerg will be coming your way.

(Jim) I think you spoke too soon. They are ambushing the Temple! Ready yourselves!

(Fenix) Wait, those aren’t Zerg…they’re Protoss! Aldaris, what are you doing…(transmission cuts off)

(Zeratul) Wait, did he say Aldaris?

(Fox) Who is he?

(Zeratul) He is the Conclave for the Protoss. He did not approve of coming to Shakuras. We’ve kept in contact with him, and when he figured out Kerrigan is helping, he snapped. My guess is he is leading a revolt on Shakuras.

(Fox) We should go back and help them then!

(Kerrigan) They can handle themselves. I say we should find the crystals and then deal with them.

(Zeratul) I think Kerrigan is right. We should focus on the mission at hand.

(Artanis) Fenix and Raynor is with them. They can handle themselves.

(Fox) Right, so here is the plan. Artanis and I will stay around orbit with the flight crew and make sure we have a safe escape route. We don’t know what is around here. Everyone else will land and find the Khalis crystal. Then we hightail it out of here before we die.

(Snake) Doesn’t seem too hard.

(Link) We can take them.

(Fox) Ok, everyone to their pods. We’ll land you down. When you find the crystal, we’ll transport you back to the Great Fox.

(Zeratul) I sense someone else is here.

(Kerrigan) There are Terran all around the planet. Why would you leave the crystal in the hands of Terran?

(Zeratul) We didn’t. Long ago, this was a Protoss base. These Terran seem to have only arrived recently.

(ROB) Incoming transmission.

(Human) Protoss forces, you are in UED airspace. We advise you to leave this area at once before we fire upon you.

(Leon) UED?

(Zeratul) United Earth Directorate. Raynor spoke of the homeworld of the Terran, Earth.

(Snake) Some of us actually come from Earth as well.

(Artanis) No matter. We destroyed the Overmind, and they want to push us away from our goal! Let’s show them what the Protoss are made of.

(Fox) Everyone to their pods. We’ll land you in a remote base you can easily set up.

(With that the ground forces quickly went into separate pods. All landed within a small Terran base. As they quickly exited out, they bombarded the base and no Terran was left alive)

(Prince of Persia) That was a little too easy.

(Thrall) No matter. We should establish a base so we can train more units for later.

(Suddenly a few orc peons and a couple of probes started building a base. In no time, a base was set.)

(Leon) Beautiful.

(Snake) So where is the crystal located?

(Zeratul) Around that point right there, surrounded by the Terrans. If we can muster a big enough army, we should pass through this with ease.

(Ridley) I’ll go and scout for a bit.

(Pikachu) I’ll come with you…for protection in the skies.

(Ridley) Sure. Climb on my back.

(Ridley sets off with Pikachu for a short scouting trip. They survey the area, seeing where the weak point are and who they should use. When they come back, a formidable army was made)

(Pikachu) Impressive.

(Ridley) Here is what I found. There is a large number of Marines in the area, but if we can cloak ourselves, we should pass through easily. Unfortunately, there are Missile Turrets that could spot them.

(Kerrigan) Easy, I just need someone to distract so I can kill them.

(Fox) I believe I can help with that.

(Suddenly a pod is shot out of the Great Fox into the base. Out pops Waluigi, very weak and very exhausted.)

(Waluigi) Uhhh….

(Kerrigan) You, skinny one, I need you to distract those Terran.

(Waluigi) Why should I?

(Kerrigan) Because if you don’t, I’ll gut you instead!

(Waluigi) Well, if you said that in the first place…

(Waluigi sneaks out into a small area. We then pops out in front of the Marines.)

(Waluigi) Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah…Come and get me you ugly things!

(Marine) Son of a…

(All the Marines chase after Waluigi. When they out of range of the Turret, Kerrigan quickly disposes of them.)

(Kerrigan) Thanks skinny one.

(Waluigi) It’s what I do.

(Kerrigan) Now, we need to destroy that turret.

(Snake) Wait here. Leon, come with me.

(Both Snake and Leon enter the Missile Turret. Snake plants a few charges of C4 while Leon makes sure no one enters.)

(Snake) C’mon, let’s get out of here.

(As they leave, the Turret explodes. Chunks of the metal land straight on a few more Turrets, which all explode as well. Some of the Terrans hear this and quickly check out the situation.)

(Thrall) Now my Horde, ATTACK!!

(Zeratul) Protoss, block with your shields. Make sure the orcs attack!

(A swarm of Protoss block the Terran attack. Orcs speed past them and ram themselves into the ranks of the Terran.)

(Zeratul) Ok my comrades, attack them.

(Link) With pleasure.

(Ridley) Get on my back again Pikachu.

(Prince of Persia) Oh, this will be fun.

(Our heros run into battle. Kerrigan and Waluigi, however, sneak off to the crystal unseen)

(Link) Come closer…ready…NOW! (Fires and ice arrow into a batch of Firebats, then quickly does a spin attack into their flanks, leaving only ice cubes)

(Leon) Think you’re a cool shot? (Fires a bullet, which nails a Goliath in the cockpit, which in turns blows up.)

(Ridley) Ready?

(Pikachu) Ready!

(Ridley fires a bolt of plasma from his mouth into a Battlecruiser, while Pikachu hurls a bolt of Thunder into a fleet of Marines. The Battlecruiser lands into a Command Center. The explosion is so vast, that the base surrounding it is no more. The Marines who were zapped blew into smithereens.)

(Snake, Leon, Link, and Prince are surrounded by Marines, Firebats, and Ghosts.)

(Link) How are we going to get out of this?

(Leon) Prince, jump off of Link, while Snake, you jump off of me. Just improvise after that.

(Snake leaps off of Leon, while the Prince jumps off of Link. In midair, Snake leaps off the Prince. Snake suddenly throws C4 all across the battlefield. Link shot fire arrows into the C4, which blew up above the Marines. Leon used his gun to fire shots into the Ghosts. The Prince lands straight into the Firebats, and with one swift swipe, eliminates the surrounding area of enemies. Snake then lands last, and no one was left alive)

(Link) Are we badass or what!?

(Snake) That was easy. Our race doesn’t give much of a fight, do they?

(Leon) Nah, I just think we are badass.

(Prince of Persia) Let’s go help everyone else quickly.

(Zeratul) Fox, does Kerrigan have the crystal?

(Fox) Kerrigan, where is your location?

(Kerrigan) I am within the area of the crystal. Waluigi is trying to distract another batch of Terran.

(Waluigi) Hey stupid, is that a mask, or is your mother ugly?

(Marine) ****it, you will pay!

(They chase Waluigi, but are ambushed by Kerrigan and quickly disposed of.)

(Kerrigan) Your alright. You are a bit eccentric and unorthodox, but you are alright.

(Waluigi) Thanks. I just try to be annoying and evil at all…(A gunshot is heard. Waluigi falls down on his face. He disappears into a million dots. Kerrigan then stares at the shooter, a lone Ghost.)

(Kerrigan) So you want to kill me now, is it? Fine…do your worst! (Before he shoots, a blade goes straight through him. As a reflex, his finger pulls on the trigger, and a shot is heard out. Kerrigan quickly dodges the bullet, but lands within a Terran prison. Zeratul pulls the corpse of his blade and searches for Kerrigan.)

(Zeratul) Kerrigan, Kerrigan where are you?

(Kerrigan comes out of the prison holding three bodies.)

(Kerrigan) These guys are still alive. I think they may be able to help us. Call Fox, tell him we have the Khalis crystal.

(Zeratul calls Fox, who beams them into the Great Fox. The three figures are sent into the infirmary. Two figures are both in ninja clothing, but one is in blue and the other in yellow. The third is Asian and very strong in stature.)

(Fox) We’ll have to inform Metaknight of this, or see if they’ll wake up. They seem to be able body fighters.

(ROB) I have taken a look at these three. All possess powers not obtainable by ordinary means. One is able to shoot projectiles of ice, one is not of this world, and another has extreme physical abilities.

(Artanis) There is a problem Fox. A huge army of Terran in orbit over this planet is blocking our way out. We have to destroy 5 main power generators to power down the turrets. It is our only way out.

(Fox) Alright, I will board my Arwing and help you out there Artanis. How is your ship and the fleet’s ships holding up?

(Artanis) My ship is holding out, as well as the fleet’s. But we need back up soon.

(Fox) I’m on my way. Zeratul, send reinforcements when we need them, ok?

(Zeratul) I can do that.

(Fox) I’ll contact you. (Fox quickly runs to his Arwing, and flies out into space. He meets up with Artanis and the Lylat Army.)

(Artanis) Ah, Fox. You made it. As I stated before, there are 5 power generators. I suppose we will need reinforcements after we destroy each one.

(Fox) How will we approach the first one?

(Artanis) Send a shuttle to bring some ground troops in to destroy some of the turrets, then the air strike can begin.

(A shuttle carrying a group of Protoss quickly land and dispatch the turrets surrounding the generator. Artanis and Fox swoop in and destroy it.)

(Zeratul) Reinforcements are en route young Templar. (Small army of Protoss appear where they are)

(Fox) Where is the next one?

(Artanis) Over there. There are a few Wraiths and Bunkers in that area, so it seems a sneaky approach is the best approach.

(Snake) Did someone say sneaky? (Flies in a mech-suit to where they are located)

(Fox) Do you think you can do this?

(Snake) No problem. (Snake flies into the bunker very quietly and shoots the Marines located within. Protoss forces fly into the bunker and shoot down the Wraiths surrounding the generator. All ground force nearby destroy the generator)

(Zeratul) Reinforcements are en route young Templar. (Orc forces appear near our heroes, along with Thrall.)

(Thrall) What can my horde do for you?

(Artanis) The next generator is surrounded by a few tanks, a few ghosts, and millions of spider mines. What do you think you can do?

(Thrall) I have an idea. I need a few of my Shaman brethren.

(Fox) Is there another generator we can tackle?

(Artanis) Yes, but there are many bunkers to take care of.

(Snake) Zeratul, we will need a few more units.

(Zeratul) I can send in Link and Ridley, but that is the only power we have now.

(Fox) That is good enough.

(Zeratul) Fine, they are on their way. (Link and Ridley fly straight towards Fox, with Link in a mech-suit and Ridley as himself.

(Thrall) You guys go tackle the other generator. I’ll get this one quickly. (All the Shaman surrounding Thrall give him tons of power. Thrall shoots chain lighting, which strikes a spider mine. When that blows up, the mines surrounding it blow up along with it. This continues until it hits the platforms holding the generator. The chain lightning follows the mines and strikes the Ghost. The Ghosts die, leaving the chain lightning to strike the tanks. The controls go out of control, the tanks blow up, and the generator blows up along with it.)

(Thrall) Come my brethren. Let’s go help everyone else.

(Zeratul) Reinforcements are en route young Templar. (The Prince, Leon, and Pikachu appear with a group of Protoss)

(Leon) Where is the battle taking place?

(Link) We need help over here!

(Pikachu) C’mon, they are in need!

(Thrall runs into the fray, using his huge hammer to strike down the Marines. Leon runs in with a machine gun and fires on the Ghosts. Pikachu uses his speed to tackle some of the Marines, then shocking them when they are struck. Link uses Din’s Fire to burn down the Goliaths. The Prince runs across the Tanks, slicing the Marines down. Artanis and Fox strike down the Wraiths, while the other flying units strike down the tanks. The Orcs and Protoss fire at the turrets. However, Snake snuck into the generator, planted C4 within, and blows it up.)

(Zeratul) Reinforcements are en route young Templar. (Scouts and Arbiters appear where our heros are.)

(Fox) Ok, we got one left. Where is that one located?

(Artanis) Way over there, but that one is heavily guarded. We will have to send our flying units in first to distract the turrets. Then as quickly as we can, send in our ground troops to take care of the turrets. The thing we have to fear is the Battlecruisers.

(Ridley) I can take care of them.

(Artanis) Alright…Scouts and Arbiters, go get them.

(The fleet of Arbiters and Scouts, hidden under the Arbiters, fly in. Fox’s battalion sneaks in afterwards. The turrets now focused on the Scouts, the ground troops are transported in. The turrets are quickly taken care of.)

(Ridley) Cover me, I’ll get the Battlecruisers! (Ridley flies off and shoots a huge plasma blast into the hull of the first Battlecruiser. It then flew into a Bunker of Marines, destroying all of them. The ground troops quickly killed off the Terran surrounding the generator, only having to deal with the Battlecruisers. Suddenly, Fox thought of something.)

(Fox) Ridley, keep distracting those ships. Everyone else find a useable turret and fire at the ships. Our air units will fire upon them as well.

(Ridley) Pikachu, climb on my back again.

(Pikachu jumps onto Ridley’s back. He fires a bolt of lightning into another Battlecruiser, which destroys it. The ground units commandeer the surrounding turrets and fire at the remaining ships. Artanis and Fox fire shots into a Battlecruiser which destroys it as well. With one remaining, Leon fires his rocket launcher straight into it. The destroyed Battlecruiser falls straight into the generator, destroying it.)

(Fox) We did it! We can escape!

(Artanis) Zeratul, where is the next crystal?

(Zeratul) I’ve sensed a crystal like this somewhere. I believe the Uraj is on Char.

(Prince of Persia) Wait, isn’t that the planet where the thing you call the Overmind is?

(Kerrigan) Yes, but it is still in infant stages. We should be alright. If we need to, I can control some of the Zerg to help us.

(ROB) The three captors are waking up.

(Fox) Good, we can see who they are.

(Our heroes arrive back into the Great Fox and go straight to the infirmary.)

(Zeratul) They have already been notified of what is going on and why they are here. Now then, can you tell us who you are?

(Sub-Zero) My name is Sub-Zero. I am part of the Lin-Kuei and a protector of Earthrealm.

(Scorpion) I am Scorpion. I am on a mission to destroy the person who killed my tribe and my family. Right now, however, I am fighting for the Elder Gods.

(Lui Kang) I am Lui Kang, Protector of Earthrealm, and Champion of Mortal Kombat. All three of us were in the middle of a battle with the forces of evil when we were transported here. Our comrades who were with us, when they died, were turned into dots. We had no idea what was going on.

(Sub-Zero) But now we do, and we will help fight with you, if it will mean Earthrealm will be protected.

(Fox) Good, we need more help. ROB, set course for Char.

(ROB) Affirmative.

(The Great Fox, now holding 3 more fighters sets off for Char. Meanwhile, the Dark Figure spies on our heroes)

(Arthas) My master, they seem to have found the three we were searching for.

(Mewtwo) What should we do?

(Dark Figure) Nothing at the moment. We have some of the most powerful fighters from their realm locked in pods.

(Ganondorf) I don’t see them in the pods. Where are they master?

(Dark Figure) Fool, one room can’t hold all the heroes of every realm. There are multiple rooms containing heroes from the many realms.

(Ganondorf) Yes master. I won’t question again.

(Dark Figure) Besides, we have the most powerful villains to fight them. Come forth my brethren.

(Quan Chi) Yes master. What is your will?

(Shang Tsung) I only serve you.

(Shao Kahn) I’m ready to take them on.

(Onaga) Who shall we kill?

(Dark Figure) You four will ambush them on Char, and help the Zerg overtake them. Take the Tarkatan army you guys have and kill them all. Overmind!

(Overmind) (Through computer screen) Yes, Master?

(Dark Figure) They are on their way. Prepare the Zerg. And how are our prisoners.

(Overmind) They are about ready to emerge from the cocoon.

(Dark Figure) Excellent.

(Mewtwo) How will we know when they arrive?

(Dark Figure) We have someone on the…”inside”.

(He laughs in a menacing tone. Everyone around him starts laughing, louder and louder. The computer screen zooms in on three figures wrapped within a cocoon. A bear, a monkey, and a small ball, each in a mutated state. Suddenly all three open their eyes and let out a huge roar.)
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