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Check out my vids: Swoll's 1v1


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
You got some really good combos against Marth. I think you shouldve used more Up B Eggs on jiggly puff, because if she approached you with Fair or side B you could easily Usmash or Utilt her and start comboing. I don't understand why people just post vids of them winning (no offense). You can't really critique them if they do nearly everything right.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
I watched the Pikachu one

To start the Pikachu was pretty bad

Also MOAR EGGZ you need to force the approach with eggs when you can

Also use more Bairs when approaching you should not approach with a Nair because its harder to hit(when your opponent is on the ground.)

Edgeguard a little better Yoshi can jump out twice and still make it back using eggs remember that.

Use the CG it helps a lot to rack up damage and it leads to easy KO off the edge. If you don't know who is CGable go to the CG list.

Use less Dsmashes it is a bad habit to get into Dsmash is a very very situational move only use it if they are getting roll happy.

Don't be so aggressive sometimes you can force your opponent to approach with eggs

Try to go to some offline tourney and you will play better people and you will learn a lot and some of the people there can give you tips


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
I watched the Pikachu one

To start the Pikachu was pretty bad

Also MOAR EGGZ you need to force the approach with eggs when you can

Also use more Bairs when approaching you should not approach with a Nair because its harder to hit(when your opponent is on the ground.)

Edgeguard a little better Yoshi can jump out twice and still make it back using eggs remember that.

Use the CG it helps a lot to rack up damage and it leads to easy KO off the edge. If you don't know who is CGable go to the CG list.

Use less Dsmashes it is a bad habit to get into Dsmash is a very very situational move only use it if they are getting roll happy.

Don't be so aggressive sometimes you can force your opponent to approach with eggs

Try to go to some offline tourney and you will play better people and you will learn a lot and some of the people there can give you tips
First, thank you for the feedback

-Yep, your right. It wasn't a Pikachu main.
-I agree about using more eggz, I realized later yesterday that you can frustrate the other player just by spamming them and then it makes them get too aggressive and stupid.
-I'll work on my edgeguarding, I suppose I was traumatized by a bad footstool in tourney...oops, haha
-The last guy I talked to told me to be more aggresive :/
I'd post a vid of me losing, but any matches against in-person, good opponents have always been too long to get recorded. As soon as I get some tourney matches recorded I'll put them up for critique.

The only tip I get from people at tourney is to quit maining Yoshi cuz he's not any good :laugh: (But then when they lose they say they've never fought a Yoshi before)


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Beyond that, ease up on the downBs from the air. The temptation is always there to use this move, but it's always safer/better to just airdodge down to the ground.
That's about all I noticed in the Marth one. Solid Yoshi.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
Beyond that, ease up on the downBs from the air. The temptation is always there to use this move, but it's always safer/better to just airdodge down to the ground.
That's about all I noticed in the Marth one. Solid Yoshi.
Thx! I will master the :yoshi:


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Beyond that, ease up on the downBs from the air. The temptation is always there to use this move, but it's always safer/better to just airdodge down to the ground.
That's about all I noticed in the Marth one. Solid Yoshi.
Sometimes its a good idea to Down b from the air.
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