You'll need these 3 files to convert sounds between standard WAV files, and the sound file format used by Wii games. They are sndconv.exe, soundfile.dll, and dsptool.dll. The 2 dll files are just dependencies of the exe file. So you only need to worry about using the EXE file. All 3 of them are part of the Nintendo's Revolution SDK, which has all the tools needed to make games for the Wii (if you know how to use them, which is REALLY complicated, and even I don't know how to use them all, and haven't even made one simple homebrew app with them). But for what you are doing, it is pretty simple to use this one EXE file.
The usage information (as seen when running it with no input parameters) for the exe file is:
SNDCONV <inputfile> [-option]
<scriptfile>.......Script file (required)
Options are:
-a.................Default output to ADPCM
-w.................Default output to 16bit PCM
-b.................Default output to 8bit PCM
-h.................This help text.
The input file is required, but the extended information calls it a "scriptfile" (not simply "inputfile" which sounds like the input is supposed to be a WAV file or other similar audio input file), and I have no idea what type of script it is expecting. I was lucky enough to find a leaked copy of the SDK, which is where I got the files from, but I don't know what the format of the script file is. Is it more INI like, or more XML like? I can't find any documentation on it. I assume the script probably references the actual audio source file, and also possibly some specs, like clipping times if you don't want to use the full source audio file.
Since it seems like you are in desperate need for a copy of this program, I've uploaded this program (the exe and 2 dlls) to filesharing site Below are the 3 links, one per file, to download this program.
Note that since this site describes itself as volatile (not permanent) and anonymous (no account required to upload) file sharing, that probably means that they periodically delete their uploads, so you should download these files before they are automatically deleted. I'm not sure how long it is, but maybe the links are only good for a day.
And don't ask me to upload the the RAR files for the entire SDK. That would probably get Nintendo's attention, and they might send their lawyers after me. I doubt they'll worry about the upload of just a single tool that to the average user is only useful for homebrew and mods though. So I feel comfortable uploading what I have, but not the entire SDK.