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CF specials and smash analysis. Smashes coming soon.


Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2008
new england u.s.a.
Captain falcon’s specials.

Falcon Punch
Falcon punch is a very powerful attack that has incredible knockback and high priority. The attack deals 24-29 damage. The move can also be reversed by pushing the control stick in the opposite direction when you initiate the attack. Falcon punch is not used very often in a competitive fight. But there are many overlooked opportunities to use this attack in almost every match! I will give 3 basic examples of when to use falcon punch.
1. When an opponent tries to attack you with his/her b-up. If you spot dodge the b-up you can land an easy falcon punch. Other characters b attacks can be punished because of lag such as bowser’s b-down and snakes b-over.
2. Your opponents will often charge smash attacks during a match. Use falcon punch when you are just out of reach of the smash attack. In some smash attacks the character moves forward. After they move forward they often have ending lag. You can start to use falcon punch before the charge time runs out and nail them.
3. Falcon punch can also be used for edgeguarding. When your opponent recovers they do not always grab the edge and can end up above it. The perfect opportunity to nail them with the falcon punch. Try to memorize characters horizontal recovery distance as well. You can wait they use the recovery move and then start the attack. This is especially useful against the space animals.
Raptor Boost
Raptor boost is an attack that sends captain falcon sliding in any direction. When it hits an opponent it will hit they up with low-medium knockback vertically. It deals 5-7 damage. Do not use this attack while on the course and close to the edge. If your opponent dodges then you will suicide. This move can be a valuable recovery and can also spike. Using raptor boost to recover can work very well against aggressive edgeguarders. If they leave to spike or gimp you they will be spiked! You can also use the raptor boost against people who like to roll dodge for an effective hit. It also can negate an opponent’s charge. Raptor boost can be a follow up move to most short hop aerials at low percents. It can also set up for some nice aerial combos. Do not use this move often because it can become predicatable.
Falcon Kick
Falcon kick is a fast attack that sends captain falcon across the stage. It deals 10-17 % damage. The move is stronger on the initial frame and has strong knockback. The later frames do not deal as much damage and have less knockback. Like raptor boost the move can become predictable if spammed. Falcon kick can also be performed in the air. I use falcon kick against opponents who like to use their charge attack. Falcon kick has more priority than most charge attacks. I also use it when I am getting comboed and need to return to the ground. In certain points in the stage you can falcon kick right into an edgehog. This is faster than hugging if you are far from the stage. Falcon kick can stop roll happy opponents as well. You can gimp with falcon kick by using the attack while on the edge of the stage. The attack will fly horizontally and if your opponent is in line with you it will hit them. I have tested this and it works well on characters with weak recoveries like link.
Falcon Dive
Falcon dive does 15-18 damage. The move has high amounts of priority and can easily go through other characters dairs. The move has high knockback at higher percents and can be a kill move. You can substitute this move for up air if your opponent is above you. If your opponent is attempting an edgehog you may be able to grab them with this attack and the stage spike them. This move is also an excellent combo finisher after using an up air or back air. Be aware that you can be punished if you miss with this attack. The move is also a solid recovery option. You should also use this move out of a shield. You can use this move off the stage to aggressively edge guard your opponent. If you miss you will suicide though. Falcon dive is one of falcon’s best moves.


Coming soon

Post any videos and I will put them here.

I plan this to be an active post.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
already a thread about this. lock plz

besides, thos kids who claim to be good usually press b or smashes only

Access Denied

Smash Rookie
Jul 19, 2005
Raptor Boost can also be used to do an edgehog. Run off the board, fast fall, raptor boost to edge. If done right the animation for raptor boost will never come out, you will just run off the level and edgehog immediately. Useful ****, easy to do.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Raptor Boost can also be used to do an edgehog. Run off the board, fast fall, raptor boost to edge. If done right the animation for raptor boost will never come out, you will just run off the level and edgehog immediately. Useful ****, easy to do.
You can do this without the raptor boost.

Thread is just a bunch of info already in other threads; no need to continue this.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Random hintful post:

- Manual consistent L-cancel is not in Brawl
- Landing lag = no shield
- Falcon Punch?

but really, it's alot easier to land it in Brawl. If Ikes have figured out move-based baits for forcing his opponent's reaction then hitting his immobile f-smash, there's bound to be baits for Falcon Punch.

And if not, well, if you know your opponent, you should be able to find moves that tend to have punishable lag.

PS. subliminaladvertisementforthelistofpun(ch)isablemovesthread.


Smash Cadet
Mar 27, 2006
Well..Ike's Fsmash completely violates the air space in front and above him. Where as Falcon Punch gets hopped over and hit in the face


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
Raptor Boost can also be used to do an edgehog. Run off the board, fast fall, raptor boost to edge. If done right the animation for raptor boost will never come out, you will just run off the level and edgehog immediately. Useful ****, easy to do.
The raptor boost animation probably doesn't come out because you're not doing a raptor boost.... If you were using the raptor boost in any way it would actually take longer than just doing it the right way and hugging the edge.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
tigresmasher, post your info about the moves in Wogrim's contribution thread (http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=177289). He has a section in his guide for moves, so any additional info you have would be of use.
Yay for thread advertisement. Anyways, yeah it would be nice if you would just submit anything not in the guide there since its already built up pretty well. Make sure to format anything you submit properly, and please check the guide itself so that you don't submit a bunch of old info. Any matchup information you want to share would also be nice, as all the characters are in the guide but we are missing a lot of information, especially against the uncommon characters. I've spent a lot of time getting the format of the guide down, but since that is almost done I can start playing a lot more games to collect info. Hurray!


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Random hintful post:

- Manual consistent L-cancel is not in Brawl
- Landing lag = no shield
- Falcon Punch?

but really, it's alot easier to land it in Brawl. If Ikes have figured out move-based baits for forcing his opponent's reaction then hitting his immobile f-smash, there's bound to be baits for Falcon Punch.

And if not, well, if you know your opponent, you should be able to find moves that tend to have punishable lag.

PS. subliminaladvertisementforthelistofpun(ch)isablemovesthread.
yeah I always falcon punch spot dodge spammers


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I found that people who have high priority aerials with landing lag tend to be pretty easy to bait into Falcon Punches, if you 'retreat' or 'tip' them. The mentality they have tends to be disruption and outprioritizing attacks, so if you can move out of their range, you can catch them in landing lag.

EG: Olimar's d-air. In a low-lag wifi match, I Falcon Punched an Olimar a few times. Only one of them was actually airdodgeable/shieldable (standing still). The rest were missed aerials+landing lag or ledge attacks/rolls.
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