's Smashes and Specials are ridiculously strong. Inexperienced players can't dodge nor combo efficiently, and Ganondorf can't easily be KO'd with regular moves alone, so he is basically uncounterable. The exact same things happen with


, however, since not every single one of their Specials is a kill move, they're lower.


are extremely fast and have extremely large potential to output damage. Mac is higher because he's easier to play, and KO Punch is almost always a 1HKO.

Cloud's sword is MASSIVE so he's awesome. He also has really rad hair, comes from one of the most popular FF games, and is easy to play. Insta top tier.

has a sword that can spontaneously combust, and he wears cool red and blue armour and has wild red hair. Some random Johnny also probably will hear from the Internets that Roy's Neutral Special can 1HKO and tell his friends, which means he's automatically god-like and thus people will spam that move trying to get the maximum charged hit thinking it's easy. HOWEVER,

looks all buff in this game, which automatically means he's stronger.

spamming is so easy with this dude!

is a gorilla and Neutral Special is a charge-up move, so of course he's strong.

is a legendary and "THE MOST POWERFUL POKEMON IN THE WORLD!" (not really) and a Gen 1 Pokemon, gotta be strong.

is massively cool, has very strong Smashes and can spam easily.

probably wouldn't be played much because he's such a bizarre character, but once someone picks him up and notices you can camp with him, and, of course, camping is uncouterable, he'd be held as one of the best characters in the game.

is strong and is Megaman.

is the same as Mario but his Down Special isn't useless, right, right?!

is really fast and you can just spam fireballs and Smashes and win. Too bad his Down Special is useless, right?

is even faster and you can just spam Specials and Smashes and win. Too bad his games are worse than Mario's, right?

has a cool sword, voice and mask, too bad he actually takes skill to play, eh?

has aura which is awesome and he is so strong and such a cool Pokemon!

until you get a 9.

spam, but she's slow and a

spam, but he's slow and a
fat penguin!

he has a totally rad massive sword with a lightsabre inside! Too bad he's so slow!

is a robot that fires big lasers and looks really creepy and cool.

is rad, his Down Special makes people trip, you can spam lasers to stun people, but he runs so slow!

he's the exact same thing as Falco, except he runs faster but his laser doesn't stun! Awww!

he's the best Gen 6 starter, but how the hell do you use him, you can't spam anything properly!

what the hell is this anime character? At least he looks cool, unlike

! What anime did they escape from, seriously?! And they both play exactly the same, I assure you there's no difference at all!

is strong, but he almost can't recover when compared to Mario, and his pills are harder to aim so I can't spam! Awwwwww!

there are too many damn anime characters in this game! This dude has some weird bent sword, and you can spam his magic but not nearly as easily as the others! UUUUUGH!

who the hell is this anime woman?! I know she's really fast and strong and easy to use, but she's an anime woman, and I can't even spam with her!

what?! This is the
exact same thing as the other anime
woman but
she hits even weaker! I can't deal more damage with her at all! This
woman sucks in comparison to the other anime woman! Why does
she exist if I can't deal more damage with
her? Why does the tip of
her sword shines when you swing it, it doesn't make any sense!

it's a Pikachu, no way he's stronger than the strongest Pokemon ever,

, or the second strongest,


it's a baby! And how on Earth are you supposed to spam with his projectiles?!

how in bloody hell do you use him?

I hate all of these complicated characters that have these projectiles you can't spam!

people say Shoryuken kills early, but I don't see it! They say it's an "input" Shoryuken, but I input

like you're supposed to and it's so weak!

another woman I can't spam with!

his moves are so weak and you can't recover!

it's Link, but a child! How on
earth is he in the roster when Link is clearly a much better character!

they're princesses, they must be so weak!

atleast I can use the other stupid princesses!

man in the game! I can't spam and
his Smashes all suck!

a damn anime woman that I can't use and it's really hard to spam with her!

they're children! And how the hell do you recover with them?!

it'd a female balloon, of course it sucks! Down Special does nothing, it literally puts you to sleep!