Smash Ace
Look I am tired of Hearing competitive players complain about everything in brawl. But on the other hand I am tired of hearing casual players rag on competitive players because they think advance techs are broken. so this is how it is.
So first off stop whining Smash 64 had very few advanced techniques but it was still hella competitive. What will happen is that the playing field will be leveled a bit... and when i say a bit i mean a bit. Then people will start finding out about new tatics and the same thing will happen that has happened in both previous games. So those that want to learn to get good and have the desire to get good will but it might take a couple of months to start finding things.
Now casual players that complain about professional players- Look I am sorry to say this but the majority of you complain because you don't want to take the time to get good. I see it all the time. And quit possibly if you took the time to learn them you would see that they arnt as important as you think. sure they give you a edge but they don't win the game for you. so stop ragging on us i think this is the first time in my life that i have made a post on here telling you complianing types of casual players to shut the **** up. And i hear it from you guys all the time
If you want to go play the game the way you think it was intended thats fine i have no problem with that I enjoy playing four player with items on random stages as well. but please don't tell me how to play the game. Because it can be played both ways.
So first off stop whining Smash 64 had very few advanced techniques but it was still hella competitive. What will happen is that the playing field will be leveled a bit... and when i say a bit i mean a bit. Then people will start finding out about new tatics and the same thing will happen that has happened in both previous games. So those that want to learn to get good and have the desire to get good will but it might take a couple of months to start finding things.
Now casual players that complain about professional players- Look I am sorry to say this but the majority of you complain because you don't want to take the time to get good. I see it all the time. And quit possibly if you took the time to learn them you would see that they arnt as important as you think. sure they give you a edge but they don't win the game for you. so stop ragging on us i think this is the first time in my life that i have made a post on here telling you complianing types of casual players to shut the **** up. And i hear it from you guys all the time
If you want to go play the game the way you think it was intended thats fine i have no problem with that I enjoy playing four player with items on random stages as well. but please don't tell me how to play the game. Because it can be played both ways.