You cant compare him to Link, Mario or Dk dude. THeyve been around for much longer, and have much are universally well known, and have been part of Nintendo for two decades now.
Olimar is well known, but not as much as those 3. Its unfair to compare a new character like Olimar to Nintendo's original mascots.
The fact is, noone truly expected him not to be in, like I said, even if they hated him. Well, noone logical, which most of the people on this site or otherwise are. You might need to do a little more exploring. Ive been on many other message board sites than this, and Olimar recieved a very warm welcome by most, and many people added things like "Hope for Pikmin 3 eh?"
Sites like Joystiq, Digg, and quite a few others, I even went as far as to read youtube comments, which were more uplifting than I thought they'd be.
so I wouldnt say he's not well known and wasnt wanted for SSBB outside of this site. He definitely was.