Yes, i know he has those games, but no one saw him as a potential character in SSBB. I do however believe he could be very powerful.
Are. you. ****.ing.serious?
You cant be serious. You just, you really just cant. If you are, you sir, are one of the most ignorant people Ive ever come across.
Olimar, was one of THE most likely characters, and I mean likely, as in tied with Krystal, Ridley, and even up there with ****ing Ganondorf likely.
Noone left him off a roster they made, even if they despised him, he has a HUGE fanbase, he was created by Miyamoto, Pikmin was one of the defining games of the gamecube, he was the main character.
THIS. IS why 99% of people, the other 1% being ignorant people thought him very, very likely. Plus, he would, and did bring so much originality as a character. There was ABSOLUTELY no reason he wasnt going to be in Brawl.
Also, claiming you havent heard of him, only Pikmin, ements your ignorance. This tells me
1. That you havent played Pikmin. Ever. So who are you to judge it in the first place?
and 2. That before you made this thread, you made no attempt at doing any research on the matter. otherwise you wouldnt have posted this.
I look forward to Purple Pikmin F-smashing people like you on Wifi.
Pikmen member
defender of Olimar (Somebody's got to do it)