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Captain Falcon tricks.


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2008
I will be adding new tricks to this thread when I find them, here are two cool ones....

1) Ok, this one involves hitting a Falcon Punch easily. You need to wait for a Spicy Curry to drop, then pick it up. Walk towards an opponent, and catch them in the fireballs. They should be juggling in the air in range of a Punch. Punch them before the curry wears off, almost instant KO

2) This one involves Falcon Punching again. When a Smash Ball appears, wait for people to be near it, and get it. As soon as you break it, hit B. Instead of using your Final Smash, you should Falcon Punch whomever is in front of you (i.e. everyone). If they all die, use the Final Smash when they aren't invincible for two easy KOs

Any others, or are these too old?


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
i never heard of these, im sure most of falcon boards hasnt because we barely play with items. it seems useful if you play with items. i will try it though.sometimes i play items for fun


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2008
I'm working on some Falcon combos too. I'm playing around with a couple Knee combos, mostly involving Raptor Dashing. Will add combos and such later....


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2008
Ok, First Falcon Combo I made....

Raptor Dash into air + Jump into air, Falcon Knee + Quickly do a Raptor Smash (Raptor Dash in air)

The first Raptor Dash launches him into the air, the knee CAN do considerable damage, the last Raptor Dash knocks him into gorund for a couple 'stunned' seconds or off the level for a KO.

You can also sub his B-Up move for the middle move, then follow it with a Falcon kick.

Grab + Throw-Down + Falcon Punch

Ok, you grab your opponent, then do a Down throw. Usually, the go away from you, but some will move towards you once they stop going up, if they do, you are almost guarenteed to hit them with the Falcon Punch. If not, they won't hit you for too much damage.....


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
We never really play with items, but we should since it makes up for Falcon's showy little gun that he never uses.
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