Why not check the website, instead of wasting forum space? This thread will be reduced to nothing, by a mod named Youko.
I'm pretty sure he said he looked but couldnt remember where he saw it. Actually im positive, GO ACTUALLY READ WHAT PEOPLE POST BEFORE YOU BLAME THEM FOR NOT BEING AS "INFORMED" AS YOU SEEM TO BE...
Btw it was announced in the break the targets mode, he didn't give much info, except that at the end of match's, there are replays which i guess you can save, it can record 3 minutes at a time, and you can send them to people, on the screenshot it showed an option for SD cards.
Btw why are we getting some updates of information that we already know but when he announces something as great as replays, he doesnt even give it, its own detailed update? (im not complaining about the updates, im greatfull we get anything, im just wondering why he didnt make that a seperate update, and yet he made updates that we have seen? Kinda weird planning if you ask me)